The above is a bumper sticker, and when Bossy was in her teens this bumper sticker hung on her bedroom wall, only it wasn’t a wall, it was a Wall Unit, and it wasn’t just a bumper sticker—it was a way of life.
But before Bossy elaborates about that time before she was married, before Bossy put away her childish crushes, she would like to pause for a moment in the early eighties—in her teenage bedroom made cozy with burnt orange carpeting—because Bossy has more to say about her Wall Unit.
It was Swedish decades before there was an Ikea, and it was made of blond wood and white laminate. This wall unit surrounded her bed and provided cabinets for birth control pills doll clothes, and drawers for birth control pills socks. And the bridge directly over the bed contained built-in lights for late night you all have filthy minds reading:
Back to the bumper sticker. Bossy has always been drawn to the music scene because her brother is a musician and his friends are musicians. Even when he was seven Bossy’s brother was a musician and his friends were musicians, and even when he was ten Bossy’s brother was a musician and his friends were musicians, and even when he was nineteen Bossy’s brother was a musician and his friends were musicians except now Bossy noticed that all of these friends who were musicians wore tight black pants.
Thus Bossy’s career as a gropey groupie was launched. And Bossy loved her access behind the scenes—she witnessed how songs were written, and she heard the arguments, and she watched as many of the musicians climbed from the smokey stage and out of their comfort zones.
Bossy felt very respected in that musical environment. The musicians would compliment Bossy by telling her that she had a great ear, which come to think of it probably isn’t the best compliment a musician has ever given a groupie. But anyway, one time one of those very musicians took Bossy on a date that lasted nineteen years.
Not much has changed because Bossy is still a groupie who likes to go behind the scenes, although recently there has been a slight shift in venue. (to be continued.)
Part Two Tomorrow Because Bossy Is So Exhausted At The Thought Of Her Young Self Hanging Out With All Of Those Cute Musicians That She Must Now Put Herself To Bed For The Day.
My hubby is/was a musician all his life too. He’s made our son into one as well. I’m so screwed.
My son is a musician at 11 and will probably still be one at 19 which means we have 8 more years before we start keeping our daughter in the dungeon.
From what I recall of the original tale, those birth control pills didn’t make it out of the bottle as often as they should have. Not that that’s a bad thing in the long run.
OMG my master bedroom looks EXACTLY like that…my hubby built the shelves and we have those lights…i’m so embarassed. not really, our is cool…not as cool as yours though since we don’t have the sticker..yet.
My Sherry Tinsman ring looks like the spirals on Bossy’s bedspread. Can’t wait for part 2!
Ugh. Tight black pants. Those are back now, I hear.
Forget the wall unit with all its fancy shelves, drawers and lights. I heart the bedspread and pillow shams. They look exactly like the ones I had in the 60’s except mine were homemade psychedelic tye-dye.
Bossy would like Tuvalu. You can’t throw a rock without hitting musician. I know.
I think Bossy has a cute great ear, too.
Is bossy going to tell us about bossy jr.s play?? I hope so!
I love suspense.
My son is fully planning on becoming a rock star someday. He’s even set up to take some guitar lessons.
I guess tight black pants are next?
Well, I followed the link the the first story about “where have 19 years gone,” and all I can say is that I hope part 2 of THIS story has more photos that include layers and layers of skinny studded belts and bracelets because Bossy was ROCKING those 80s fashions, and I am impressed. Also–and I hope you’re with me on this one–thank god the *current* skinny jeans phase doesn’t include ankle zippers.
Also, what do you think it is about your post that has Google offering me all sorts of foreign brides in your ads today? Is it the mood lighting? The “suburbs” in the post title? The hints of Swedish veneer?
I followed the link too, and must say, you two are the cutest thing EVER. Makes me a bit nostalgic and weepy … *snif*
Better than me…I had a thing for criminals.
another reason bossy & biddy are kindred spirits…
biddy is the ultimate groupie too!
My super-cool cousin who was 4 years older than me was a drummer in a band. In fact, he still is a drummer in a band, except now he has less hair (but smokes just as much as he ever did). And I have always loved him, and I have always loved drummers the very best of all.
God- I loved those photos- you have not changes really- you vixen!
To bed with a musician I hope!
That sounds like me! I only ever dated one guy who *wasn’t* a musician. Then I went and married one…but we didn’t play in a band together until probably 13 years later.
I think I remember being young, once…
Aw, hope you got a good nap in, BOSSY. I must admit I’ve experienced much the same in the way of self-prescribed-nostalgia-induced-comas.
Where the f*** did the years go?
I’ve always hung out with musicians, too, and although I WISHED with all my heart that they were “rock band” type musicians, they were more like “marching band” type musicians, or from my crowd, the theater geeks.
Now I’m finally hanging out with “rock band” musicians, and they’re all approaching 50! (I am not.) Not exactly what I had always fantasized about.
But I’m having fun!
My hubby played drums in 3rd grade – I think that makes him a sexy ass music guy dontcha think???
Before Ikea, there was Scan and that looks very Scanish. But Scan was way more expensive (and far better quality) than Ikea!
Ooo, the laminate bed set. Yes, it is all coming back to me now. Though all the drawer space did have its benefits!!
Bossy and the cliffhangers!
I can’t wait to hear more.
Wait a second.
Bossy gave up her crushes?
Do I really have to recount the 400 men from the Excellent Road Trip?
Thank you, because I cannot remember any of them other than Cowboy Josh, Fish Monger, Some Suave Looking Fella in a Coffee Joint, and…SEE? I can’t remember anything.
Other than Bossy STILL HAS CRUSHES.
Thank goodness.
I have been with my husband for 18 years- married for 11. We started dating when I was 4.
I was a rad Raffi groupie, natch.
Happy Anniversary, cute Bossy and cute Bossy’s husband.
Wow ! Wowwwweee!!! Your post for your anniversary (date that lastest nineteen years) was full of amazing pics of beautiful people! You! and Mr. Boss-man!!
Very young indeedy!! (love that chain belt!)
I think the first photo of you two, is one of the most love-filled photos I’ve ever seen!
Yeah, Bossy kind of aged herself just by mentioning tight, black pants.
See, I think this explains your inherent coolness. While you were all hip and being a groupie, I was writing lists or doing crossword puzzles while *naughtily* chewing Hubba Bubba WHILE WEARING MY RETAINER.
You know you’re friends with a total nerd, right?
hrm, I have a tank top that Bossy would like very much. Its says “Fuck Off, I’m with the Band”. It’s really very pretty but you have to be a bit careful where you wear it. I got it here
I was really once “with the band.” I mean it. After years of obsessively reading liner notes, I became one. It’s pretty much the highlight of my life. Which I am only half-kidding about.
Holding my lighter up for this little tale.
I’m with the band too. My husband is no longer with the band. I’m his last groupie tho, too…perhaps you’d like to see photos of his illustrious past? Does the word “Denim Jumpsuit” mean anything???
I can blog but not link, sorry.
I am going to do the whole annoying ‘You have NO idea what a bad freaking day I have had (and it is only 11.30AM!) and I click on Bossy and I laugh and laugh’ and the ‘thankyou Bossy you are my therapy’ thing that so many before me have done. But mine is special, cause I never do that. So, like, thankyou Bossy. You are a crazy mad chick and I love you.
Oh and I hate you. Cause that is THE EXACT BED I wanted as a teen and had to cope with a stupid girly canopy bed.
I’m still with the band! I’ve always had a thing for artists, writers and muscians. The one I still have a crush on plays the sax.
You are totally reminding me of when I stalked my favorite band
except, I wasnt a teen, it was just a couple of years ago.
And, I managed to get a back stage pass, and a press pass, and had access to everywhere and, boy was that fun!
I actually journalled the whole thing (which was several encounters over many weeks)…
one day Ill post it on my blog.
Thanks for jogging this memory for me
Bossy….just how many birth control pills did you have stashed away in that Ikea wanna be? I almost peed my pants when I read that. You were rocking the 80’s, addicted to love and all that jazz.
Can’t wait to read on….
OH, my. I was a groupie, too, I admit. Total, hanging-out-while-they-pack-up-their-stuff, go on road trips with ’em kinda thing. Only I didn’t want a husband or boyfriend at the time; I had Stella the wonder-dog and my pickup truck, and that was enough for me. (My Stella was much, much smaller than yours.)
My son is a drummer. Pray for me.
I had a shirt that said that. But I got it in band camp, where I was in the color guard.
I love the pics in the link..Bossy was way to skinny back then..
I think we need links to Bossy’s husband and brother’s music!
Wow! What a stroll down memory lane! I dated the guitarist. My friend Jen married the singer.
I was never with the band, other than the high school bands (more than one, actually). And I wasn’t the coolest one in any of those bands, which tells you just how nerdy one of your biggest fans really was, where WAS=IS. Just so you don’t get too swell-headed about your fan base.
I’m a lazy blogger who was too tired to put up more than ONE photo recently, and here you are, after doing all THAT…putting up dozens of photos! AND the story! And the captioning!
I sat here reading this with a big grin on my face. I think i’ll just send my 5 readers over here, instead.
And you deserve that weekend wine, oh yeah.
Ahh man. Memories.
Back when I was that age, I was with the band. I was the chick behind the microphone. I miss those days SO MUCH.
OMG – You are better than Lorazepam! Okay, maybe not BETTER, but pretty close to just as good!
Sitting tight for some good groupie gossip…
still waiting…
Hey, baby, hot ear!
I’m still laughing at your who knew anniversary post. Love it! I’m married to a professional musician. Maybe I’ll blog about the night we met one day…then again maybe not!
That anniversary post is truly fantastic.
Many congrats!
I’ve been with my bass-player man for over six years, now.