This is Bossy’s son, and this is his first school picture. He was in pre-school and he was three and his tie is clip-on and his suspenders were a daily feature.
Bossy’s son was in pre-school for a few hours a day, which was approximately 180 minutes too long considering the amount of energy it took to negotiate with those short people known as classmates.
There was one short person in Bossy’s son’s class who didn’t bite or cut hair and this short person lived next door and became his best friend:
At the end of this week, Bossy will throw a high school graduation party for her son. She will need to provide food for friends and relatives and approximately fifty short people, who are no longer short.
And readers reader? Bossy needs your help. Can you please suggest finger food recipes that are both very cheap and easy?
A block of boursin cheese – open a jar of pesto and pour over the top and serve with hard crackers – LOVE THIS ONE!
A layer of soft cream cheese in a shallow platter, cover with a layer of caramel (store bought), cover that with a layer of toffee crumbles (walmart special) – serve with apple slices for dipping.
Good luck!
I always make Giada’s garlic toasts with red pepper aioli,,,,onlys a hit !!,,FOOD_9936_28200,00.html
Madness could live off of pigs in a blanket dipped in mustard if you let her .. fruit, cheese, veggies, little sammies cut in triangles..dips and crackers.. and WINE.. LOTS AND LOTS OF WINE! heehee
Well, there’s always veggies and dip.
One of my favorites is goat cheese and caramelized onion “pizza”. Take a thin-crust boboli, spread with caramelized onion jam, sprinkle with goat cheese, and heat in the over for a few minutes, just long enough to melt the cheese.
The ultimate in cheap and easy – go to your favorite warehouse club and hit the freezer section. Or Trader Joe’s.
Get a big-ass log of goat cheese from warehouse club. Roll pieces into small, bite-sized balls. Make ball jokes. Roll balls in chopped herbs and spices) (dill, chives, parsley, cracked pepper, a little bit of red pepper flakes, poppyseeds, etc.) Arrange on platter and drizzle with olive oil. Serve. Make ball jokes.
A huge crock pot full of meatballs…does anyone know the one with grape jelly in the sauce…because gross as it sounds it is so good. Every function I go to has a huge but empty (people love them some meatballs) pot of these. And you buy the meatballs at Sam’s Club so it’s really easy.
Tortilla pinwheels – spread flour tortillas with a mixture of mayo and cream cheese, add a slice of turkey (or ham or roast beef), top with shredded lettuce, black olives, crumbled bacon. Roll up tightly, wrap, refrigerate for a couple of hours (or overnight). Slice into pinwheels (secure with a toothpick).
Not sure about the “cheap” part, but this one’s definitely easy – and one of my favorites.
Put a block of cream cheese on a cute serving dish, cover the top with a healthy layer of crab meat, generously sprinkle cocktail sauce over crab. Serve with stone-ground wheat crackers and knife for spreading the crab/sauce/cheese. Then make another one for the guests!
Wow those pictures are amazing! Of course we need pictures of these little people at the big party…especially that cute neighbor girl with Bossy’s son.
That’s a whole lot of people to feed. I’m a meat lover, like wings, meatballs, and ribs. Not cheap though for a big crowd.
Pizza is pretty cheap when you order in large quantities with coupons.
Maybe go retro and serve PB&J with chips and dip. Kool Pops for desert.
Get one of those Amy’s pizzas, I suggest the Roasted Vegetable on cornmeal one, cook it, slice it up Bruschetta-style…takes virtually no effort…or do that thing with the velveeta and the pecante and the sausage and heat in the microwave. Everyone loves that sh*t.
Parmesan herbed biscuits. They get snatched up and they’re sooooo easy. Just buy canned biscuits. Even the cheap ones are fine. Cut each biscuit into fourths. (Kitchen shears work great for this.) Dip each biscuit section into melted butter and place on cookie sheet. Sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese and Italian seasonings and bake according to package directions. For a big party, I’d make about three cans of these. They’re even great at room temperature, so don’t worry about serving them hot.
Mayberry Magpie
I’ll be back to read everyone’s suggestions later–’cause I’ve got the same thing going on in a month!
Congratulations Bossy’s son!
chicken wings – sprinkle with garlic salt – bake in the oven. In a sauce pan, cook 1 cup of soy sauce, 1 cup of brown sugar and 1/2 cup of vinegar (I like to use balasmic). When wings are done, throw in crock pot and then cover with this sauce. TOTALLY YUM. Very cheap. VERY GOOD.
cheese sticks – or is that not a recipe?
my short people are still short.
Do a baked brie. It’s just a big loaf of bread with a brie inside, warmed up, and it’s delicious. It will serve 30-40 or more just by itself.
Pinwheels! It’s a Pampered Chef recipe. Take a crescent dough roll. Roll it out flat. Layer it with cream cheese and Rosemary/Herb spices. Roll up and slice. Bake at 350-ish for about 20 minutes. (They fit perfectly on the PC Round Pizza Stone.)
Also, for the meatball crockpot one, use grape jelly and chili sauce. Best to heat up the jelly first so it’s not still jelled when you mix in the chili sauce. You can also use those mini-franks. These are a hit!!
I have a recipe for Artichoke Dip that will make you slap your mama….paired with an industrial sized Costco bag of Stacey’s Pita chips ummmhummmm.
1 can (14 oz) of artichokes
1 cup mayonnaise
I cup parmesan cheese.
Drain and chop artichokes. Stir in cheese and mayo. Sprinkle extra cheese on top and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes.
For a crowd, I would probably triple this and bake it in a 9 X 13. This tastes just like the artichoke dip served at restaurants. Forget about how much fat is in it – just dump it in and go.
Shop at Aldi’s or Gordon’s. Meatballs and/or chicken wings in a crockpot. Carrots, celery, and dip on a platter. Chips and dip. Cake of course. Nuts. Mints. Done. Congrats!
To quote my grandmother, may she rest in peace: If you don’t have any ideas, just roll a pickle up in some lunch meat and stick a toothpick through it!
mix 1 jar grape jelly and 1 bottle barbecue sauce in a crock pot, throw in a bag of frozen meatballs a few hours ahead of your party. these are always a favorite.
another cheap fave at our parties:
1 can black beans
1 can black eyed peas
1 can garbanzo beans
1 can shoe peg corn
1 can pinto beans
chopped celery
chopped onion
1/2 c veg oil
1/2 c sugar
1/c cider vinegar
1 tbsp water
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
drain and rinse all beans and stir in chopped onion and celery. combine dressing ingredients and mix with beans. needs to chill a few hours for best flavor. serve with tostitos scoops. also good as a side dish.
congrats to your son!
I would do one (or two, if you’re feeling particularly ambitious) fancy, precious appetizers that can be your “show-off” item on the table, and then fill the rest up with antipasto platters (thin, rolled slices of Italian meat, thin slices or small chunks of cheeses, grape tomatoes, olives, pepperoncini peppers, etc.), cheese platters (garnish with thinly sliced apple, pear, canteloupe, small clusters of grapes and add an assortment of crackers or baguette crisps) and veggies (celery and carrot sticks, bell pepper strips, cucumber rounds, cherry tomatoes).
These are always a big hit at our gatherings, too:
Blue Cheese – Pecan Wafers
1 cup butter
8 ounces blue cheese
2 1/2 cups flour
1/4 tsp salt
whole pecan halves
Mix the butter, blue cheese, flour and salt in a food processor until smooth. (Optional: add a tiny bit of finely chopped fresh rosemary at this point). Divide the dough into 4 pieces. Form each piece into a log shape (about 1 1/2 inches in diameter) and wrap tightly in waxed paper. Repeat for remaining pieces. Refrigerate the logs for about an hour (or until ready to use – you could probably even freeze them?). When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Slice the logs into rounds about 1/3 inch thick and arrane on a baking sheet (I like to line the baking sheets with parchment paper). Press a pecan half into the top of each round. Bake for about 12 minutes. Allow to cool and then arrange on a large platter with garnish of your choice (grapes, sliced apples, toasted pecans, little crumbles or wedges of blue cheese).
Yummy, easy, makes a lot and can even be easily doubled, if you need more.
Popcorn and toast!
That wasn’t helpful at all, was it.
How about asparagus spears wrapped in thin ham slices? They look super fussy and elegant, but are easy. And isn’t asparagus on sale this time of year?
correction on that bean dip above: 1/2 c cider vinegar. sorry!
When my son was in kindergarten he insisted on wearing a tie for his school pictures! That lasted a few years, now the mention of wearing a tie brings the adolescent noise of disgust.
That artichoke dip that Mary Alice posted is awesome! I made it and threw in some frozen drained spinach and it was quite tasty. What about jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped with bacon? Those are yummy too.
Halve the jalapenos lengthwise and remove the seeds. Make sure you get all of those seeds unless you don’t mind a little heat. Once you have halved your peppers, load in the softened cream cheese. Cut your bacon slices in half and wrap a half around your jalapeno. (The recipe says to cut the bacon into thirds, but that didn’t work for me, so I think half is the better option.)
Once they are stuffed and wrapped, place them on a rack over the baking sheet so the grease can drip ton the pan below. Bake at 375 for 25 minutes.
Have a great party and congratualtions Bossy’s son!
I can’t wait to see the high school graduation photos! My daughter graduated last year and is now in her first year of college. I’m still not over it. She’s growing up … but I’m not! What’s up with that?
Cheese. TA DA! Really, nothing else matters. Unless you have something against constipation. In that case,
I vote for the grape jelly & meatballs. Good eats.
I also like jarred olive tapenade. On crostini.
And seven-layer mexican dip with chips.
And Dean & Deluca mail order.
buy some precooked chicken breasts from TJ’s. Cut them up into pieces. Mix with celery, green grapes (cut up so nobody chokes), and sliced almonds. Add some mayo and some sour cream, about the same amt. of each. Add a boatload of curry powder and some S & P.
Spoon it onto Belgian endive leaves that have been rinsed and separated.
Looks pretty. Really yummy.
I’m all about cut veggies and cut fruit and cheeses (cut) and crackers. Also, Artichoke dip (but they beat me to that). ALSO? taco dip (cream cheese layered with salsa, taco seasoning, lettuce, tomato and beans, serve with nachos). Also? Would you believe FINGER SANDWICHES GO FASY? I make tuna with cuke, pbj with fancy jam, cream cheese and cuke or watercress. Also? A nugget tray from Chick-Fil-A is popular (but cooked in peanut oil, so beware that if you get it). Also? I get pretzel trays, pretzel nugget trays and mini pretzel dog trays from teh pretzel place. I am a big cheater, and you’d be surprised how much folks like those mini dogs. YUMMY!
Edamame – Buy a huge bag at Sam’s, dump on some soy sauce and some sea salt.
Homemade hummus with carrot sticks –
Taco rollups,171,154164-248196,00.html
wow…a man preschool teacher! you don’t see that everyday. i agree with the hummus idea. and i prefer mine heated, but for a party you can just serve it cold! with veggies or crackers works great!
Best hit ever at our parties is the chocolate fountain, which you can rent or borrow from someone. I think Bed, Bath and Beyond has it, too. (get a coupon!)
Anyway, just throw in a bag of white chocolate chips (keep another bag handy) and watch everyone go at it. Use strawberries,pretzels and other fruits make good dippins.
Another party, we got croissants from Sam’s Club and filled ’em with ham sandwich fixins and cut ’em in half. That elevates ordinary ham to bonafide elegance.
Personally, I always go after the cheese dips. Especially chili cheese dips.
I’m coming back to cut and paste all the reader’s suggestions. Just so you know.;)
And congrats to you and our son! My daughter graduated last year. Can we hook them up so they’ll move out???????
Oh yeah, forgot to comment on that hawt male pre-school teacher. He looks like a young Eljo.
Bossy’s son has a bit of an Alex P. Keaton look going on there. But then the jaunty balloon pants balance it all out.
And, reassure us, Bossy — despite the photographic evidence, your son hasn’t been officially engaged all these years, right?!?
Menu suggestions: BITTERSWEET chocolate cake, vegetarian sushi rolls with WABI-SABI paste, HAPPY Meals served with a side of tears…
You really must make stupid dip. Serve it with chips and every person at that party will think that Bossy is the best person ever, if they don’t already of course. Takes minutes to make…here you go:
1 can of artichoke hearts in water (drain/chop)
1 small can of diced green chilies
1 brick of cream cheese
1 cup of parmesean
1 cup of mayo
Mash is all together and bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. I really suggest tortilla chips and elastic waisted pants for eating this dip!
Don’t know what they are called but get the little smokeys and bacon. Cut the bacon into 3rds and wrap a piece of bacon around each one. Layer them on a cookie sheet or jellyroll pan (must have sides). Pour brown suger over top and pat down. The more the better. Bake in a 350 oven for about 2 hours or until brown suger is disolved and bacon looks done. Place in crockpot to keep warm. Very Good
All the youngens at our parties love the sour cream and mayonnaise-based spinach dip. Hollow out a large loaf of bread, put the dip inside and voila! They’ll even eat the bowl. Big hit.
Is this the cutest situation EVER?
Cheap finger foods. Hm. Brownies aren’t too expensive, and they’re YUM.
Swistle’s Salt-Chip Brownies:
Use a large saucepan to melt 5 squares (5 ounces) unsweetened baking chocolate with 1.5 sticks (3/4 cup) butter. NOT MARGARINE, for heaven’s sake! but you can go down to 4 squares of chocolate to save money.
When the butter and choc are melted, take saucepan off heat and add 2 cups of sugar, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 cup of flour. Stir it all up, and then stir in half a teaspoon of KOSHER (chunky) salt.
Pour batter into a buttered 9×13 pan, and bake for 28 minutes at 350 degrees.
Mini-pizzas and sliders. (I know you’re familiar with those! ha) Oh, wait – this is for high school kids? Never mind, I guess there won’t be an open bar. I bartend/cater-waiter at country clubs, and those two “hors-d’oeuvres” (which you have to call them if they’re passed on silver plates) are always the most popular. But that’s probably just the beer.
Except maybe the pizzas – those are always popular. I make mine on tortillas – Crisp the tortillas first in the oven, then top ’em with sauce, cheese and whatever else you want (not too much or they get mushy), stick ’em back in the oven (on about 400) for just a couple minutes (’til the cheese melts), take ’em out and slice them into small pieces. Or, if you’re feeling fancy, cut small circles out of the tortillas first, then crisp, top & cook.
Now I’m hungry.
Party Mix–de riguer for all gatherings no matter how fancy schmancy.
One giant bag plain M&Ms. One giant bag Spanish peanuts. One large bag candy corns. Open all bags. Mix in big metal mixing bowl. Scoop mix out into several small decorative dishes.
Go visit Ree’s site. Lots of options.
Like Homer Simpson said, you can’t go wrong with cocktail wieners!
Take a large jar of grape jelly and the same size jar of mustard, mix them together in a crock pot and add a large package or two of little smokies or cocktail sausages.
Also I made an awesome dip that went over well at a recent even I held:
Caramel Pecan Cheese Dip
1 – 8oz package cream cheese softened*
¼ cup Caramel Ice Cream topping
½ cup Chopped pecans – toasted **
1 cup chopped apples
1 cup frozen non-dairy whipped topping
Keebler Wheatables for dipping
1. In medium bowl stir together cream cheese and caramel. Stir in pecans. Fold in apples and whipped topping.
2. Garnish as desired and server with crackers
* – Soften cream cheese in microwave for 15-20 seconds
** – Spread pecans evenly on baking sheet. Bake at 350 for 5-10 minutes or until lightly golden brown – stir once or twice while baking.
Frozen taquitos are great for parties, cut them in half to make them more finger friendly, and serve with bowls of salsa and/or guac.
Brownies — add extra egg and extra chocolate to box mix
Roll biscuit dough over hot dog and bake
Punch — Tropical punch, seven up, cut up fruit
Sounds like fun!
Bacon Cream Cheese Puffs:
1 tube of refrigerated crescent roll dough
1 container of cream cheese
1 jar of real bacon bits
Take out a sheet of crescent roll dough, but don’t take it apart into the little triangles. Spread cream cheese on it, then pour bacon bits on the cream cheese. Roll it up so that it makes a long tube, then cut into 1-inch slices. Put on a baking sheet and bake according to the directions on the tube of crescent roll dough.
They are always a HUGE hit at parties and potlucks and anywhere else I bring them.
You have to make Pioneer Woman’s stuffed jalepeno thingies! I made these for a Cinco de Mayo party, and she is NOT kidding when she says that you should double whatever you think you need. Even some of the short people were eating them. They were flat out delicious!
Excuse me, but have you ever been to a website called “The Pioneer Woman Cooks”?
Enough said.
1. Go to Sam’s Club or any other wearhouse place.
2. Buy Poppies Belgian Cream Puffs (frozen food section).
3. Open package and pour onto plate.
We have taken these to every party from kids’ birthdays to elegant New Years Eve bashes, and they are ALWAYS the first thing to go. Delicious, bite-size, no messy hands!!!
I also agree with pigs in a blanket. Roll cocktail weiners into cresent rolls and bake. Done.
Take bag of chips – open – empty into bowl – repeat as nessisary.
your welcome.
sarah, seattle WA
I am taking a Public Speaking class right now and we just had a demonstration speech assignment. One girls showed us how to make “psuedo-sushi” and it was yummy and so easy!
You need Fruit Roll-Ups, Twizzlers, and Rice Krispy Treats.
-Make the Rice Krispy Treats up ahead of time.
-Lay a Roll-Up flat
-Smoosh a quarter cup or so of the Rice Krispy Treats in a line across the center
-Place a Twizzler (cut to th length of the Roll-Up) on top of the line of Krispies
-Cover with another quarter cup or so of Krispies
-Roll the whole thing up like a burrito
-Cut into 3 or 4 sections
-Serve on a flat surface with the ends of the psuedo-sushi facing up
It’s yummy, so unique, and looks awesome-especially the green roll-up ones because it looks like a seaweed wrap!
OMG it’s Alex P. Keaton, only Bossy’s son is Democrat I am sure!
Frozen Cheese Tortellini
Italian Bread Crumbs
Parmesan Cheese
Boil tortellini according to package directions. When finished rinse in cold water. Coat in whipped egg mixture (couple of eggs and a litte splash of milk). Dredge next in bread crumb/parmesan mixture. In a frying pan heat olive oil. When hot, fry tortellini on each side until golden brown.
Stick a toothpick into each little delightful morsel of pasta!
Dip for Fried Tortellini:
1/2-1 cup Low Fat Mayo
Minced or fresh pressed garlic (2-4 cloves)
Splash of lemon juice or fresh squeezed lemon
Fresh cracked blk pepper
Crushed red pepper flakes
Combine all ingredients and voila!
Congratulations Bossy’s son!
Hey Bossy, I am in the same predicament.
This is my list so far.
Cheese tray.
Queso dip with burger in it served with chips
Ree’s olive cheese bread
Ree’s cookie bites
I need more ideas.
Mr Farty’s world famous banoffee pie. More later.
As long as there are cocktail sausages at a party, I’m happy.
Breadsticks and cheese straws. Cheap carbohydrates are king at every good party.
Forgot to mention, there’s a bloggy giveaway at my place which will be handy for getting you fired up for the action beforehand, and reward you after they’ve all gone home.
Very easy and yummy. They taste like mini pizzas.
Bacon & Tomato Puffs
16 slices bacon, fried and crumbed
4 roma tomatoes, chopped
6 green onions, white parts only, sliced
6 oz. shredded swiss cheese
2 tsp. dried basil
3-4 tbsp. mayonnaise
Garlic powder and pepper to taste
3 (16 oz.) cans refrigerated buttermilk biscuit dough
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cut each biscuit into quarters. Roll dough into a ball and flatten with fingers. Place dough on a baking sheet.
In a medium bowl combine cooked bacon, chopped tomatoes, sliced onion, shredded cheese, basil, and garlic powder and pepper to taste. Spoon in enough mayonnaise to moisten the ingredients and help them stick together. Spoon 1/2-1 teaspoon of mixture onto each piece of dough (enough to cover the top).
Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until brown. *These can be baked ahead of time, stored in the refrigerator and then reheat when ready to serve.
Asian-style Meatballs
1 package frozen meatballs
16oz sweet and sour sauce
10oz crushed pineapple
1 red bell pepper
1 sm. white onion
Slice and dice bell pepper and onion [I’m not a huge onion fan, so I only used half a sm. one]. Place into crockpot with pineapple, sweet and sour, and meatballs. Heat on low for 3 hours, then on high for 1 hour, stir occasionally [just to mix up the meatballs].
OK..what happened to the best friend next door? Are they totally in love? Is she following him to college, is she still as beautiful?
Get a platter or paperplate… Spread cream cheese in a thinish layer over the top. Then spread a jar of cocktail sauce over the top of that. Then drain a can of crabmeat and sprinkle over the top. In a basket next to it dump a box of Triskets.
He is so cute! The suspenders AND the clip-on tie? How hilarious…especially with the groovester mom and dad.
Here’s my easy recipe. Back before hummos, brie, and, yes, even before chips and dip…there was Carol’s classic cheddar/pickle/ritz combo.
the recipe
some cheddar (the sharper the better)
pre-chopped sour pickles
ritz crackers
put a sour pickle on a ritz, cut cheddar right size to cover pickle. repeat until you run out of one of the ingredients.
put all on cookie sheet. put in oven (pre-heated to about 250 degrees or so)until cheese is melted. remove. eat.
then there’s the other classic: lipton onion dip. but you knew that.
I’d go with the usual Costco inspirations – chips & salsa, cheese & crackers, some cut fruit, edamame, You’re probably past the dinosaur chicken nuggets, but you never know.
I realize I’m not the first to say it, but the Alex P. Keaton resemblance is stunning.
I can’t not see one of my son’s Kindergarten classmates for who she was the first time we met, and my boy threw up on her. Sure they were infants, but still. Don’t tell me they’re going to grow up.
He is soo cute. He looks like your brother a bit in those pictures. Well, from what I can tell of Bossy brother from his pictures.
Do be sure to hit the BJ’s and remember they are teens: they eat anything.
You will love me later:
Toasted Asparagus Roll Ups
24 slices white bread ( 1 loaf )
12 ounces softened cream cheese
3 green onions, chopped (long scallions)
1 bottle Hormel bacon pieces
24 lg asparagus spears (48 if small& use 2 per roll)
½ cup grated parmesan (Kraft green can/shaky cheese)
1 stick melted butter
Trim crust from bread, roll bread flat. Mix cream cheese, bacon, onion. Place about a tbsp of cream cheese mixture in center of one piece of bread. Lay trimmed asparagus along the edge and roll. Place seam side down on greased baking tray. Repeat for all bread/asparagus. Brush each roll with melted butter. Sprinkle grated parmesan on top. Bake at 350 12-15 minutes until toasted.
Allowing two each for everyone, this would serve 12. For a crowd of 50, I would make about 48 (2 loaves) because not everyone will eat asparagus.
Perhaps someday BOSSY will compose a post where she seeks a caterer for their wedding. Because how cute are they?
Trailer Park Bean Dip! Kids cannot resist.
In a big ole baking pan, layer, in the following order…
Cream cheese on the bottom
Refried beans
Chopped green chiles from a can
Shredded cheddar cheese
More refrieds
More green chiles
More cheddar on top
Bake at 350 degrees for maybe a half-hour or 45 minutes, or until the cheese on top is melted and yummy-looking. Serve with tortilla chips.
This will be the dish that’s empty at the end of the party. I HAVE FIVE TEENAGERS and I knows whereof I speaks!
I’ll email you some snack ideas later, I want to know about the hot teacher in that class photo! Woof!
I’m recovering from the big brou-ha-ha we threw for my own daughter’s graduation yesterday! The big hit (besides the beer) was the platter of strawberries that were split and filled with sweetened cream cheese. Delicious! I got a great deal at Sam’s Club on strawberries. Congrats to Bossy’s son!
Bossy is much funnier than the Pioneer Woman.
Oh! correction in my directions:
When I say this – “Place about a tbsp of cream cheese mixture in center of one piece of bread.”
I really mean place it there AND THEN spread it out over the whole slice. THEN put the asparagus on it and roll up.
How about Trader Joe’s Edamame?
(I so slay me.)
uhmmm, Sam’s Club. A whole section devoted to finger foods in the freezer section.
I know you were counting on your foodie host for this comment. Glad to oblige. heh
Devilled eggs!
Slice in half hard-boiled eggs, scoop out the yolks. Mix these up with mayo, english mustard, salt and some cayenne pepper, and spoon back into the white halves. Sprinkle with more cayenne pepper, or decorate with chopped chives if the mood takes you.
Retro food is fun
For family gatherings I often end up making what many refer to as “those yummy pesto sandwich thingies”:
Take 1 loaf of french bread and slice horizontally, spread a mixture of mayo & pesto (pesto/mayo ratio is up to you, I like a 50/50 mix), then layer turkey, fresh basil and fresh mozzarella – slice into individual servings and voila!
If you want to get fancy you can add a little prosciutto.
Oh, and for a variation on deviled eggs, substitute the usual mayo with ranch dressing and then mix in some crisp cooked crumbled bacon.
Oh Mah Holy Hell, Bossy. I don’t know if this suggestion is in there, because I was gnawing on my desk after the third set of comments and I had to go downstairs and eat lots of York Peppermint Patties.
1 block of cream cheese (softened) and blended together with chopped “faux crab meat”. Then add some cocktail sauce (the kind with a hit of horseradish.
Top with more crab and sauce. Serve with crackers or celery sticks. Or both!
I second deviled eggs. My recipe is the same except I use regular ol’ mustard, regular ol’ black pepper (just a sprinkle) and paprika- no cayenne. Someone whose tastes buds I greatly respect told me they are the best deviled eggs he’s ever eaten.
For my son’s first birthday party next month (I know, we’re about seventeen years behind you), we’re having a picnic and serving finger sandwiches. My son and I don’t eat meat but everyone else does, so my mum is making chicken salad. She shops around, buys the chicken on sale and mixes it with mayo, chopped celery and onions, and salt and pepper. If you use tuna instead of chicken that’s really cheap too, and add a little bit of sweet relish. I’m making egg salad, which is similar to the seasonings I use for deviled eggs, but less mustard.
Also on our menu: veggie platter with hummus, watermelon, and cupcakes. All simple, tasty and well within our very very modest budget.
Fruit with cream cheese dip is my favorite. Simply mix 1 small tub of whipped cream with 1 package softened cream cheese. You can add some pineapple juice or crushed pineapple as well.
Hummus is also a good dip for parties.
wings, pizza, fruit tray w/cream cheese dip, veggie tray w/ranch dip, chicken fingers w/bbq sauce or honey mustard dip.
check out the deli area in your local grocery store for platter ideas.
and don’t forget to ask the handsome graduate what HE might want, since it’s HIS party but YOU are paying for it.
congrats, bossy and bossy’s husband on a job well done!
Cheap and easy? That’s me!
Block of cream cheese.
Small jar of mild salsa (Pace is best).
Big bag of tortilla chips / Fritos.
Open cream cheese and put whole block on large plate. Open jar of salsa and pour over cream cheese. Let it rest about an hour to soften the cheese. Open bag of chips and pour into large bowl. Place large bowl of chips in immediate proximity of plate with cream cheese salsa. Repeat as needed.
You’re welcome.
BOSSY, this entire leaving for college thing is going to be too painful. For me.
Good luck to you. But more about me and how I feel about Bossy’s son leaving…
Seriously. What the hell are these kids thinking growing up?
Ooh, have you watched the torturous video I posted on my blog, Boats and Birds? My blog is not Boats and Birds… okay, just watch it. And cry. And call me. Because you’ll be crying.
Looks like I’m late to the party.
C’mon over – I’ll take you to the restaurant supply store (because I know you love nothing better than a good long DRIVE).
I’ve done this party – whatever you put in
front of the tall ones they’ll eat.
you need to try some of Pioneer Woman’s recipes and tell us all how they came out. Mostly because, yum bacon!
Aww, so cute! Bittersweet!
Some of my faves are jalepeno poppers- Cute jalepenos in half and take out the seeds. Fill w/ cream cheese and wrap in bacon. Bake at 400 til bacon is done. A sure winner.
And cream cheese roll ups. Take Pillsbury crescent rolls. Cut each one in half lengthwise. Take premade cream cheese w/ chive and mix in a few TBSP of crushed up cooked bacon. Spread a bit of the cream cheese on each crescent and roll up. Cook according to cresent directions.
Dual purpose appetizer, which you will love:
1 Bottle Dry White Wine
1/4 Cup Plus 3 Tbs. Sugar
2 Lbs. Red And/Or Green Grapes, Cut Into Small Clusters
1 Tbs. Grated Lemon Peel
Pour wine into large non-aluminum bowl. Add 1/4 cup sugar and stir until dissolved.
Add grapes and lemon peel; mix gently. Cover; chill at least 3 hours and up to 1 day.
Using slotted spoon, transfer grapes to shallow bowl. Sprinkle grapes with remaining 3 tablespoons sugar and serve.
And you probably already have the most important ingredient on hand.
My favorite – a thin slice of smoked ham with cream cheese spread on it, roll up a dill pickle in the middle and cut into pieces. AWE. SOME.
A variation on the ever-popular crab cocktail ap mentioned several times: use shrimp instead of crab (I hate crab). You can buy the inexpensive tiny shrimp and they work GREAT because you don’t have to cut them, but I like the bigger shrimp best, and I chop them up a bit. Either way.
~ 1 brick cream cheese
~ little shrimps, dumped on top
~ cocktail sauce poured over all
Serve with hard crackers and a knife, in a shallow bowl or a deep plate (messy).
Best of luck and TRY NOT TO COOK ANYTHING! You’ll be in front of the stove when you should be celebrating.
Sausage Balls / fast & easy / makes around 50 – 60
1lb. sausage / broken up, browned & drained /still warm
2 cups bisquick
2 cups shredded cheddar / mild or hot
Mix all together (with hands preferably) while the sausage is still really warm, until it looks almost like a dough. Roll it into walnut size balls (or smaller), and place on cookie sheet. They will not spread out too much, so you can load the sheet up. Cook at 350 for 10 minutes. You can also freeze these after they are rolled into balls, and bring them out when you need them.
Tuna Ball
2 cans tuna in water, drained
8oz. cream cheese / room temp.
1 med. onion (finely diced)
Mix together well, chill in fridge for a little while, serve with corn chips (or Scoops)
Not a recipe, but always a hit at my parties. Philly Soft Pretzel Factory (or similar chain). You can get a whole bunch of soft pretzels for surprisingly little money, it’s a local classic snack. I have even been known to cut them in half before serving.
Sausage Dip
1 block of cream cheese
1 ib. cooked sausage or turkey sausage
1 can Rotel
Put in crock pot and serve with tortilla chips. Can easily double.
Potato chip bar!
My husband did this for my birthday this year and it was a huge hit. Nowadays we have so many kinds of potato chips, why not buy one bag of each and serve in many, many bowls? Serve with requisite sour cream and onion dip, salsa and guacamole.
cant go wrong with baby lobster tails and steak. And IM not saying that just because I will be there
How adorable is he!
My son has made two requests for his Grad party…
1. The Chocolate Fountain (mentioned here several times already).
2. Monkey Dicks (this is what we lovingly call cocktail sausages in BBQ sauce) Easy, peasy done in the crock pot!
Congrats to your son (and his Mom and Dad!)
pillsbury + lil’ smokies = HEAVEN CALLED PIGS IN A BLANKET.
these never last. i could eat them by the fistfull. sure to be a crowd winner.
I recommend Toasted Mushroom Rolls. They are always super popular when I make them. It’s not super hard but it requires a bit of work. It can be done in advance though which makes it easy. I have the recipe here:
Have a totally awesome party!
Parmesan Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Dates. Sounds strange, tastes delicious. Perfect combo of sweet and savory. I made them for Thanksgiving last year and they were gone in 10 minutes.
from the looks of things, you have enough suggestions for a MILLION parties, but i’ll throw mine in for good measure and make it A MILLION AND ONE:
baked brie… so easy!
wedge of nice brie
box of frozen philo dough
raspberry preserves (or apricot, or strawberry)
frozen raspberries
cut the top off the brie and set on thawed phillo dough, spoon on the preserves and fresh fruit. fold dough over and press edges together. if you have extra dough, you can roll it and make initials or somesuch… baste with beaten egg. cook in oven at 350 for 20 minutes. let sit for 10 minutes to cool. serve with cut baguette, grapes, apples, pears…easy peasy!
I think you’re probably covered here, but I too was going to suggest the asparagus wrapped in ham, but not just any ham, it needs to be prosciutto. It goes over like hotcakes.
We have finger foods every weekend during the most wonderful time of the year (football season duh…) SO I have a TON of cheap and easy recipes and rather then eat up inches of all this beautiful white space – I will email you.
I actually just came by for the comments for my own selfish desires of having more recipes.
however – a staple at gatherings (especailly those involving short people who are no longer short) is ro-tel and cheese dip. Open can of ro-tel (no substitutes, because you can’t mimic that flavor) add to crockpot with 1 pound of cubed Velveeta. Turn on. Serve with chips. Doesn’t get any easier than that.
1 jar of whole dill pickles
cream cheese for spreadin’
1-2 packages dried beef
slap some cream cheese on a slice or two of dried beef, roll a pickle up in it and cut into nice, neat, yummy, bite-sized pieces. eat until you realize you’ve just consumed an entire jar of dill pickles. make more. repeat.
– a pound of bacon
– a can of water chestnuts
– toothpicks
– Oyster Sauce
Wrap water chestnuts with bacon, keeping each one together with a toothpick, place on a cookie sheet and bake @ 350 degrees till the bacon is cooked. When it’s done, pull it out and pour Oyster Sauce over it, bake another 5 min. YUM!
Has someone mentioned Pioneer Woman’s 5000 recipes? No? well if you have time… go there and you will see Reader’s favorite snacks
Well, you now have a gajillion recipes, and if you make all of them, it will cost you one year of college tuition. But I would recommend (1) the Salmon Fabulosity I served (it’s enough for 50 on a finger-foods table). (2) Or a big baked brie (buy puff pastry and a jar of red pepper jelly. Put the jelly on the brie, and then wrap it all in puff pastry and bake. (3) Sam’s Club/Costco has great mini quiches — just heat and eat. (4) You can buy lots of little finger-sized pastry shells of ready-to-eat puff pastry (in bakery section). Fill with homemade chicken salad. Easy peasy.
I think it’s true that if you have 2-3 “centerpiece” things that are substantial, you can fill out the table with chips and salsa, popcorn, plates of brownies (buy the Ghirardhelli mix at costco if you can — it’s unbeatable and takes 5 minutes to make.)
Pick a few savory things and a few sweet ones, some crunchy things, and you’re all set.
Forgot to add: to estimate quantities for a buffet, do not make 50 servings of each dish if you’re having 50 people. A good rule of thumb is that to make servings for 2/3 of the people for each dish. This assumes you are making enough of an array of dishes that not everyone will eat everything, and it works best for larger parties like this one.
Oh, I forgot, I have the most FABULOUS recipe for a “ceviche” of sorts — mini shrimps, avocado and other lovely things drenched in lime. It’s extremely easy to make, not expensive, and a huge crowd pleaser served with corn chips. If you want the recipe, email me.
Well, everyone has offered most of our repertoire but a really easy one that I use is: Chopped fresh tomatoes in a baking dish, top with handfuls of Feta cheese, sprinkle with oregano and bake for 30 min. Serve with baguette toasts. YUM!
Congrats to your son and the entire family. Behind every grad is his support team and you have done a fantastic job!!
Okay first off you must have watched a lot of Family Ties back in the day because when I see that pictures all I can think of is a little Alex P Keaton.
On to the food – Make this from Pioneer Woman’s website. I made them for a Superbowl Party and married men from conservative Red States were coming up to me and asking me if they could kiss me with tongue.
and then I forget the link
Thanks for the link!! and I will get Jeff to email you a recipe when he gets home this evening… he is always cooking up something! Smooches
Our cheap-and-easy-main-course-finger-food is pulled pork sandwiches. Pork shoulder is only about $1.19 a pound around here. Put one in a crock pot with 1/2 a cup of barbecue sauce and cook on low overnight. In the morning, take it out of the crock pot and use a couple of forks (and maybe some over active short people) to pull the meat apart in shreds. Return it to the crockpot and lick your fingers. Serve with little rolls and barbecue sauce.
And when you pick up the rolls from your local BJs/Sam’s Club/Costco, get some cheap store bakery cookies and enough Doritos to serve a platoon.
Yep. Meat, carbs and barbecue sauce. Pretty much all you need for a good teen party.
For a good adult party, add plenty of alcohol.
Might not work for a graduation party, but one little trick of the trade we use when having a larger scale party is the old “side dish” contest:
We tell people to bring a fantastic side dish and we’ll have a vote of the party goers to determine 1-2-3 place. Costs us the price of the prizes (~$20). Works well!!
Congratulations to Bossy’s son. And to Bossy for making it this far!
These are x-tra yummy!
Modified: Thu 3/8/2007 2:17 PM
PNB Rice Crispies
1 cup light corn syrup
1 cup sugar
1 cup smooth peanut butter
6 cups puffed rice cereal
Combine the corn syrup, sugar, and p.b. in a dutch oven on the stove or in a really big microwaveable bowl. Heat gently until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring a lot! It will probably need to come to a very gentle boil to do this. Remove from heat, and immediately stir in the rice krispies. Spread into a greased 9×13 or other pan, and chill in the fridge until firm. Cut into squares, and voila!
Here’s the trick to making these hold together really well: When you put it into the pan, butter your fingers and press the mixture firmly into the pan.
May be topped with melted chocolate chips, in little drizzles over the cut squares (pretty) or just a flat layer over the whole pan, or you can sub some choc. chips/candy for a teensy bit of the cereal. I like’em best plain, though.
also; little weiners wrapped in cresent rolls are really yummy
Buffalo Chicken Dip (my family fav); shredded boiled chicken-DO NOT USE CANNED! FRANKS hot sauce, cream cheese, and either blue cheese or ranch dressing all mixed together (amounts are really to taste), top with cheddar cheese
and bake until bubbly.
Those rolls of PW are awesome; blue cheese and biscuits (not a blue fan? try gorgonzola or feta)
3 Scallions; chopped (or not)
1 c Butter; melted, divided
5 Eggs; beaten
3 10oz pk frozen Spinach (thawed, chopped & dry)
1 1/2 c Feta cheese; crumbled
1/2 c Cottage cheese
16 Pastry sheets or filo (i prefer filo)
Saute scallions in 2 tablespoons melted butter; combine with eggs, spinach, and cheese. Place 8 pastry steets, each brushed with melted butter, in a greased 13x9x2-inch pan. Place spinach mixture evenly over pastry sheets. Top with remaining pastry sheets, having top sheet well buttered. Bake @ 350 for 1:15. Cut into squares or diamond shapes. Serve warm. Can make ahead and freeze.
Von’s Easy Caprese
Fresh Basil
Cherry or Grape Tomatoes
Small Fresh Mozzarella Balls (or large fresh mozzarella balls cut into cubes)
Balsamic Vinegar
Place a tomato, basil leaf, and mozzarella ball on each toothpick. Arrange on a tray. Sprinkle with balsamic vinegar.
biddy to the rescue! will send some recipes this evening when i get home! aren’t you glad your son is marrying me, suzy homemaker??
You mean they’ll want food after they see the KEG??
Big fan of the jelly meatballs and the industrial size bag of Lays potato chips from Costco (not together).
ugh … forgot – this is CORNY! But easy to decorate with logo/Class of ’08.
Try chocolate OR regular graham crackers; with vanilla icing (or anything whitish) top with candies of all sorts to create a logo – can write Class of 08 … these are GOOD and the munchkins that are no longer munchkins may get a kick outta ’em or maybe it’s telling that my kids are still in Elementary School.
check out these – – get a stamp “class of 2008” and decorate with school colors?????
or make your own:
spinach dip:
package of cream cheese, two cups chedder cheese, a package of frozen chopped spinach.
Microwave until all mixed and dip with chips
Costco meatballs (heart attack in a bag)
I nuke and drain them, then put them in the following concoction. It is very complex.
2 envelopes brown gravy mix, 2 large glops of fat free (to countact the meatballs) sour cream and enough (fat free) milk to make things smooth. (you’ll have to add milk occasionally to keep this from getting too thick)
When done, I throw the whole mess in the crock pot on warm. That’s right, baby. Swedish Meatballs that could make IKEA jealous. Great for Superbowl, Christmas eve buffets, wedding receptions and now… graduation parties! Serve with a shot glass full of colorful tooth picks. Amaze your friends, delight the neighbors….
Another option on the meatballs: apple jelly, ketchup and oregano to taste (seriously!), dump in a bag of frozen meatballs and serve with toothpicks when it’s all hot.
Congrats to Bossy’s son!
Sweet mullet the boy is sporting. No WONDER the chicks were a-flockin’.
Oh, finger food – Swedish Meatballs served by midgets.
Eating fingers is like, really gross.
Hummus is pretty cheap with cut up pita.
You already have so many suggestions, but I’ll toss one more in the hat. And yes, it’s another cream cheese recipe.
block of cream cheese
dice (or shred on a cheese grater) a small onion (or half, depending on your taste)
diced green, red and yellow peppers – use your judgment as to how much, but at least a half of each
parmesan cheese to taste.
microwave until bubbly (as you can see i do not use measurements or get bogged down in details such as how long to microwave – perhaps a minute or two? stir and then keep going until it’s hot) and serve with crackers or vegetables.
It’s yummy. And when you get the cream cheese on sale for .79 cents a block, it is definitely cheap.
I didn’t see it on here and it’s SO easy and a HUGE HIT at the big poker party my husband and I have once a year.
Make a big mess of mashed potatoes (instant is fine)… and then bowls of toppings
butter, sour cream, chives, bacon bits, salsa, tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, grilled chicken strips (can buy them already done), gravy, corn, jalapenos, Durkee french onions.
We had this and served Blueberry Martinis with fresh blueberries that floated in the punch bowl and turned into BOOZEBERRIES that everyone fought to eat.
People still talk about that mashed potato bar and it was SO easy…
Beg, borrow or steal two things:
1. cotton candy maker
2. sno-cone maker
They were totally the hit of child number three’s high school graduation party. The tornado sirens were going off (seriously, they were) but the kids couldn’t tear themselves away from creating their treats.
There are these things called supermarkets. These supermarkets hire people to cut the crusts off of bread and make little tasty sandwiches and put them in a big round plastic container with a lid and sometimes put things like parsley as decoration in them. If you want to appear as though you actually made them, you bring the container home and place the sandwiches on one of your plates, then look exhausted when you bring the plate out. They also make salads and chicken wings. I feel its necessary to support sandwich making people by keeping them employed.
Mini corn dogs, watermelon bowl, keg of rootbeer to make floats. Simple is good.
One hint: stock up on the mini dogs, the tall ones will eat ’em by the handfuls!!
Ok, it’s later. *licks fingers*
Mr Farty’s World Famous Banoffee Pie.
1 tin sweetened condensed milk. Not pre-cooked caramel, it’s too runny.
12-15 digestive biscuits, McVities if you can get them.
3 oz. butter. Not margarine, not “I can’t believe…”, not “Spreadable”, but BUTTER.
½ tsp freshly ground ginger (optional).
1 large tub whipping cream aka double cream. Not that low-fat crap either.
3 large green bananas. More if they’re smaller.
1-2 Cadbury’s Flakes.
1 fresh (cough) lemon.
1 large dash of Amarula (optional).
Crush the biscuits into a large bowl, not forgetting to add the ginger.
Nuke the butter for 10 seconds on full power.
Make a well in the crushed biscuits and pour in the melted butter and a measure of Amarula (maybe not for short kids; tall kids – meh) and mix thoroughly.
Spread over the base of a flan dish, tamp down flat and pop into the freezer.
Set the TARDIS controls for yesterday. Put the unopened tin/s in a deep pan and cover with water.
Bring to the boil and simmer for 3-4 hours, topping up regularly. Return to the present.
STOP! Hammer time.
Only when it has cooled enough to pick up barehanded, open the tin of toffee and spread over the biscuit base before returning it to the freezer.
Slice the bananas into a bowl with some freshly squeezed lemon juice, then arrange over the base in layers.
Put 6-7 slices in a separate bowl for decoration.
Without washing out the bowl (the lemon juice both adds to the flavour and makes it set faster), hand-whisk the cream until it forms stiff peaks.
Smother the bananas in cream.
Smooth over with a palette knife or back of a spoon.
Decorate with the remaining slices of banana and crumble the Flake/s over the top, being careful not to obscure the banana with the crumbled…meh.
Et Voilá!
Serves 8-12. Or two teenagers.
Wash your hands, a lot, unless you like sticky kitchens.
Use a glass to crush the Flake/s before unwrapping.
Use a glass flan dish, otherwise you might score it getting the slices out.
If you insist on opening the tin while it is still piping hot, don’t come running to me when it sprays hot toffee in your face. You have been warned.
I like to cook 2-3 tins of toffee at once. Write “TOFFEE” on the tops of all cooked tins before returning them to the cupboard, so you don’t cook them again.
If you prepare the base overnight, allow 30 mins after adding the topping to allow the base to thaw before serving.
Can be frozen, but I wouldn’t.
Illustrations here:
For the love of all that is good, please do NOT make anything with the cardboard that Kraft claims is “parmesan cheese” or cool whip.
Cocktail weenies or sliced kielbasa with a bourbon-and-ketchup mixture…that’s what I’m talking about….
Hot dog/sausage weiners wrapped in cresant rolls.
Stromboli’s are real easy to make and the teens love them.
Taco dip is always a huge hit. Veggie dip too.
A large fruit selection, then mix cream cheese and marshmallow fluff. You dip the fruit into it…….YUMMY.
Tiny balls of meat….they can grab them with toothpicks…then they can poke each other with them.
Thanks….now i’m starving.
chicken satay with peanut sauce
Um. No. But.. sob, sniffle, so cute, shit … liquor. In a glass. Which you hold with fingers.
Congratulations to Bossy’s beautiful boy-kid and Bossy too.
doritos. nacho cheese.
Your favorite marinara sauce + fresh basil + feta or goat + a loaf of French bread = a HIT. Just throw the first three ingredients in a baking dish and heat until the cheese is melty. Serve with freshly cut bread (or pre-bought toast/cracker things).
Taco Dip:
Refried beans
Sour cream mixed w/ taco seasoning
Olives (if you like ’em)
Tomatoes, chopped
Green Onions, chopped
Shredded taco, cheddar, whatever cheese
Layer. Serve w/ taco chips. I almost always make this “white trash” dip and it is requested ALL THE TIME. I’m a good cook! I can do better! Well, as long as they’re eating and happy.
Recipe? What is this word “recipe?”
Congratulations Bossy and Bossy’s son!!!
Hummus. Celery. Jicama. Carrots.
Just in case Karen at verbatim doesn’t read you, here’s the link for the incredibly easy spicy mixed nuts that have won me acclaim at parties far and wide (well, in our neighborhood where we party in people’s garages):
Linda who commented on the sno-cone maker = good call!
Last June we went to a HS grad party with a rented popcorn maker, sno-conemaker, hot-dog steamer = big,huge hits! Also they had a big salad bowl & fruit platter & chips & dips & a ginormous sheet cake! Kids loved it!!!
Not sure if this is cheap, but boy did those kooky kids eat! Also they had a Moonwalk & the HS grad loved it!
I’m going very non-traditional: smores. Yes, those delicious squares of chocolate, toasted marshmallow and graham cracker.
We used to toast the marshmallows over candles when I was in college.
Bossy…don’t forget the wine that you are to consume while assembling this mountain of appetizers.
pigs in a blanket and buffalo wings are a never-fail at my pathetic attempts to host a late teen party
ps — you are my secret love….I foster a terribly unhealthy attraction for you.
…Hi Bossy, cute grade school photo – love the suspenders! Thanks too for visiting the other day…:o) Here is my suggestion, this is so easy and always a big hit:
Spread 8 oz. cream cheese on bottom of pie plate.
Pour 1 can of Chili Man Chili with beans over cream cheese layer.
Top chili layer with shredded cheddar cheese.
Microwave ’til cheese is melted and bubbly.
And serve with Tostitos Scoops.
-You’ll be shocked at how fast it all disappears…
…And I’m assuming there will be alcohol at this party? No? I read the comments up there suggesting Deviled Eggs and I dunno about you but Beer and Deviled Eggs? Throw in a sack of White Castles and your party will be a real GAS! lol… ;o)
…Anyway, have fun! And congrat’s to Bossy’s son – go get ’em tiger! :o)
Mini Hot Dog Bar
Buy a couple dozen small bread rolls. (Dinner rolls… whatever)
Cook up earlier in the day a couple of dozen small sausages(…2 inch sausages…we call them chipolatas in OZ) Keep warm.
Arrange piles of bread rolls, put out sausages on hot platter(or warming tray etc). Beside them put tomato sauce, mustard, grated cheese, onion, pot of chilli…whatever to go with.
Will be devoured in no time.
Advantages…can be pre-prepared and put out at last minute.
Fun to make your own and…yumm!
Cheap!!!…did I mention cheap!
Umm – bossy? I don’t think you need anymore help in this department. But just in case, this is an easy, yummy thing to put in a crock pot.
1 can chili
1 block cream cheese
Put both in crock pot. Mix furiously. Microwave in crock for a minute to speed up melting process. Serve with tortilla chips. Can easily be doubled and/or fancied up with a bowl of chopped scallions beside it for garnish.
I would suggest Buffalo Chicken Dip! You can get it off of the internet. It is sooo good and the kids will love it.
Good luck!
I echo the sentiments of the tortilla roll-up ideas (a.k.a. pinwheels). They are delicious, and they can be made ahead of time and refrigerated. Let us know what you decide!
Put frozen Costco meatballs in a crockpot with a bottle of BBQ sauce or a jar of alfredo. Heat on high for 2-3 hours.
My son the junior swears by these for all the social events. You get bags of TYSON buffalo chicken fingers. Not wings, fingers.
You’ll also need a bag of Scoops, which are those round tortilla chips, and a big huge bag of grated mexican cheese or cheddar cheese. And a bit of salsa.
Cook the fingers and then chop them up into small bitesized pieces.
Put some chicken into a scoop, cover with a spoonful of salsa and some cheese, and then broil them till the cheese melts. They’re cheap, they’re very spicy, and they are bitesized.
Awesome, cheap, quick, easy
White bean and rosemary dip.
1 can white beans
Tablespoon fresh rosemary
2 cloves garlic
80 ml cream
squeeze lemon juice.
Give first three ingredients a mash with stick blender or in food processor. Add cream, put in saucepan. Heat through. Remove. Stir lemon juice through.
If you want to be cheaper about it, soak dried beans overnight, cook, and take it from there with the mashing.
The scary thing? in my childhood pictures, I look JUST LIKE YOUR SON.
I am a domestic failure. “Cook” is a 4 letter word. I don’t serve anything at my house that can’t be microwaved and/or bought at Costco.
Sorry. Don’t have any recipe or ideas for you –
BUT – my gosh I love those school pictures. Those are great!
Here is a link to a fantastic finger food from my cooking blog…
Buy big bags of tortellini (cheese and meat), boil and drain. Take skewer and put a couple of tortellini on each skewer. Arrange on platter with bowl of pesto in the middle. Cover with plastic wrap until party. Easy to make, easy to eat and looks pretty.
Someone mentioned cotton candy … I have a (err TWO) cc maker — it’s NOT industrial but costly nevertheless … and I have all KINDS of flossine. I bought it for a carnival b-day party for my girlys. If you want – just ask and I’ll have it in the mail to you the next day! Anything for son of Bossy! CONGRATS you handsome, smart and very lucky young man! Have a great summer – so many things change when you go to college – ENJOY!
I’m sure there’s nothing I can add that hasn’t already been suggested… but my two go-to hot dips are the one with the cream cheese/dried beef/sour cream, all baked up warm and bubbly, and another one that’s like equal parts mayo, cheddar and onions. Easy to throw together ahead of time, then pop in the oven at party time. Serve with sliced baguettes or crackers or pita or your fingers or whatever.
Want details? Email me!
Set up a taco bar and make some refried beans (nothing’s cheaper than a big ol’ bag of dried pintos and they’re easy…or you can buy canned). We did this for a huge party for my son’s 1st b-day. Everyone loved it — was different than hot dogs/hamburgers, etc.
We also love (and it always goes really quickly at parties) bean dip….refried beans mixed with a little taco seasoning or cumin/onions. Spread it in a pan, slop on some sour cream, layer with shredded cheddar, sprinkle with a little paprika and bake until all hot ‘n bubbly ‘n totally delish!
My daughter graduated two years ago. She wanted to be sure to have deviled eggs. If you get your eggs at Costco, they’re very cheap, and once they’ve been cooked, your son might just enjoy squeezing the filling into the little holes in the eggs.
Stuffed mushroom caps!
Perhaps this has been suggested, but Atomic Buffalo Turds are delish.
Best question ever, because I’m having one of these next month, and now I don’t have to do anything but read your comments.
Bossy’s readers ROCK!
Is tequila considered “Finger-food”? Cuz when I serve that, seems like no one eats all too much.
Hummus. You can buy it premade or you can make it yourself with a can (or cans) of chickpeas, some tahini, some olive oil, garlic and lemon juice. All you need is a blender and some chopped parsley for garnish.
Add pita bread, carrot sticks, a couple bags of snap peas and your set.
cream puffs, my own recipe
1. get in car
2. drive to costco
3. buy cream puffs
4, 5, 6. eat frozen cream puffs on the way home from costco even though they don’t really taste good until they thaw a bit.
7. repeat steps 1-3 only.
sliced tomato
sliced mozzarella
whole basil leaves
extra virgin olive oil
balsamic vinegar
kosher salt
fresh ground black pepper
stack, drizzle, sprinkle, GO!
Oh Bossy, there are so many things you can do. So so so many.
Pigs in a blanket (little smokies rolled in crescent roll dough and baked)
Green chile artichoke dip (1 8 oz block cream cheese- softened, 1 jar marinated artichoke hearts- drained and chopped, one small can diced green chiles- drained, 1 cup cheddar cheese, french baguette sliced. mix cream cheese, artichokes and chiles in medium bowl. Spoon into glass baking dish. top with cheddar. Bake 20 minutes until cheese is golden. Serve with french bread slices.
Mild blue cheese topped with fig preserves served with table water crackers or corn bread crackers.
Scallops wrapped in bacon, broiled and tossed in garlic butter. (see by blog for this recipe)
Cupcakes with icing to match high school or upcoming college colors.
Blanched asparagus served with hollandaise sauce and capers (see my blog for holl. sauce at the eggs benedict recipe).
Stuffed mushrooms.
If you want any recipes, just leave a comment on my blog with your e-mail address.
Also, fruit pizza is great!
Buy sugar cookie dough (if you don’t want to make it from scratch).
Press it onto a pizza pan.
Bake according to directions.
Meanwhile, mix together 1 8 oz. block of softened cream cheese, 1 cup cool whip and 1 cup powdered sugar.
Wash and prepareyour fav fruits- sliced strawberries, blueberries, cantalope, kiwi, banana, etc.
Once cookie dough is baked, remove from oven and let cool. Once cool, score it with a pizza cutter. Apply nice layer of cream cheese icing. Top with fruit. Refrigerate until ready to serve. It is SO good and kids love it.
And you can’t go wrong with a chocolate fountain. You can get one at Bed Bath and Beyond. You can get the chocolate at any party store.
Follow chocolate melting directions. Serve with marshmallows, sliced fruit, whole strawberries, pretzels, pound cake cubes, brownie squares, anything really.
Don’t forget to provide wooden skewers.
That little girl looks exactly like a mini Meg Ryan.
Wow, your readers have a far more complex idea of “easy” than I do.
Can’t push stromboli hard enough. If you feel compelled to make rather than getting at the crowded pizza place, Trader Joe’s has all you need.
Also, THE dip my high school nephews (some of whom may be at your party?) beg me to bring (and is easily doubled/tripled in to a square baking dish):
Melt block of cream cheese in microwave.
Stir in 1/2 Tbs Italian seasoning.
Spread in bottom of bowl.
Sprinkle with shredded mozzerella & shredded parm.
Cover cheeses with pizza sauce (Don Pepino or Trader Joe’s preferred); cover pizza sauce with more mozzerella and parm.
Bake at 350 to bubbly.
Original recipe suggests serving with carrot sticks but who eats pizza with carrot sticks? I recommend pita chips, or, what the kids prefer: frito’s scoops. Don’t know why they seem to go better than carrot sticks but in my world, they do.
Happy party!
Of course this same point is generally put forward by the Deniers as a pretext for dismissing the scientific consensus. ,
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