You are looking at Bossy’s bed, and the darker areas represent the many caves and depressions, emphasis on depressions.
Bossy and her husband purchased this Simmons Beautyrest Do Not Disturb Kensington Luxury® mattress a decade ago after exhaustive research, where exhaustive equals They were exhausted just from reading the brand name let alone sleep deprived from their previous fecked up mattress.
Two months ago, Bossy purchased an egg crate mattress pad for her Simmons Beautyrest Do Not Disturb Kensington Luxury® mattress in the hopes it would extend its life, which it did by approximately two months
less 59 days.
Bossy doesn’t know why her mattress punked-out so completely because Bossy and her husband were good about rotating it, where good about rotating it equals That once. So now Bossy is in the market for a new bed.
When mattress shopping, Bossy has a few prerequisites because she is a very light sleeper, where light sleeper equals hovering somewhere in the mesosphere. For instance, the mattress can’t be too springy, and has to feature individual comfort zones so Bossy doesn’t feel the bed move when
a certain someone shifts position.
The mattress also has to feature industrial headphones and an eye mask, and it has to be a twin bed in a room all its own, preferably on an undiscovered planet.
Does Bossy’s council have a brand of mattress to recommend?
This is going to be tricky, because each store renames its mattress model names/numbers so you can’t comparison shop, so it’ll be hard for people to recommend a particular mattress.
But, since you just asked for a brand, I guess I’d have to say Sealy, but we’ve also had luck with the Denver Mattress Company (and they’re cheaper)
Good luck!
Have you considered a featherbed?
I bought a mattress a few years ago that ended up being too firm so I picked up a fluffy featherbed that rests on top of it. Fluff the featherbed a few times and it puffs up like a marshmallow. The quality of the mattress underneath makes no difference, and the featherbed can be taken in for dry cleaning once or twice a year.
tempurpedic. it’s a lifesaver. i was extremely skeptical about spending so much money on a mattress (i think we only just paid it off, and we bought it 3 1/2 years ago), but there is no comparison. we’ve slept with all four dogs in the bed and still been comfortable…and that’s the best review i can give.
Tuli, too, is searching for a new mattress. So she has no advice to give but she will be checking back to learn what Bossy’s council has to say.
I don’t have a recommendation because I, too, happen to be sleeping in the same torture chamber. Can’t wait to read the suggestions!
I can’t wait to hear what people say but I am also in teh market for a new bed and I am leaning toward temperpedic. Spring mattresses stink!
My mattress was only a few years old, but seemed to firm so, I bought a 4inch memory foam topper to put on my mattress and I love it! The good part is I found it at Big Lots and it was only $80. It was the only one in the store, and rolled tight, making it look ugly and unimportant. No one working there had a clue about the price so I offered them $80.
We have a select comfort/sleep number whatever-it’s-called. I don’t know that I would recommend it. At first, it was great, fantastic, the best sleep eva. Now, I roll to the middle, even though there is a divider smack dab in the center. I do not know how this works! I usually don’t sleep until my darling husband gets up and I move to his side of the bed where I claim 1.5 hours of rest. Maybe it’s because I’m pregnant, I don’t know, but 2-3 hours of sleep every night is NOT GOOD. So good luck Bossy!
Consumer Reports said cheaper is good enough. If you spend over $800 you are spending way too much, most people don’t notice any difference after getting them home. I would suggest softer, that ‘hard matress is good for your back’ is junk.
I have a Wolf mattress which I’m in love with; but I’m not sure if they sell that brand in Pa.
10 years is about all you can expect from the average mattress.
I (as an interior designer) always reccommend Kings Down. some stores self label them, but you can find out from the kings down website. 20 year warranty. and I’ll tell you, the most comfortable, hypoallergenic and orthopedically approved out there. twice as many coils as average and the same in the box springs. most mfgrs don’t have box springs anymore, just boxes.
a bit more expensive initially, but less so in the long run.
No but if you find it be sure to let me know; you know, the twin one in a separate room on that undiscovered planet. Of course if you discover it, it won’t be undiscovered anymore.
Tempurpedic, baby! Best mattress I’ve ever had. But they are expensive.
We bought a cheaper brand of memory foam mattress for our son — he says it feels just as good.
We bought a generic brand foam mattress with all of the money we got from our wedding six years ago. And I love that bed more than my husband.
Just kidding! I love it ALMOST as much, however. Though recommending a mattress is tricky, because it’s so individual.
I have to agree with Kymberley (#8). I bought a Sleep Number bed and for the first year, I was insanely happy with it. But since it’s a King-sized bed, it is actually two twin-sized air mattresses with a foam divider in the middle, and after time, that foam support system breaks down, and the softer side (which happens to be mine) will roll toward the center. I have found that I can temporarily fix it by unzipping the mattress cover and tugging on things until it is back to normal. My research has led me to believe that there really isn’t a good long-term solution, so I just deal with it. When I’m able to fix it, it’s still an awesome mattress and I sleep quite comfortably. Kimberley, unzip your mattress cover and see if you can’t fix it, too. It’s a shame to be pregnant and unable to sleep!!.
Temperpedics are pretty much awesome. They’re a little expensive, but they have a 10 year full and 10 more years of prorated warranty.
I love mine
We got a sealy 3 years ago, replacing the goldarn futon. I love my sealy so much, and HUZZAH! Back pain gone!
Seely Posturepedic.
Also, rotate and flip your mattress. I am a errrr……hefty woman. We have had our mattress for about 10 years, and even though it does have its ‘depressions’, it is still a solid mattress.
I’m ready to start the hunt – and our mattress is only 5 years old! Ugh, whatever you do don’t buy one that says “no need to rotate! Evar!” All that means is you’ll get depressions faster and if you try to flip it around your back will be killing you. Ours is a pillow top and I’m seriously considering ripping it off and trying to replace it.
I got a Temperpedic-style mattress from several years ago. (Same as, but a bit cheaper.) Is it wrong to be in love with a mattress? I’ll never go back to non-foam! I highly recommend foam.
Waterbed….35 years and counting.
Sally Fields (yes,that one) sez every woman should have her own bedroom. In which case, a lawn chaise pad and a linus blanket would suffice.
more wine….and when you awaken at 3….brandy.
i jest.
any mattress as long as your in Wengen.
Bossy- Listen to me and you will not regret this: GO LATEX. Not memory foam, latex is different. A latex mattress has no springs to collapse, can’t get bed bugs and will cradle you in all natural supportive softness that your back will thank you for for all of eternity. I got mine 9 years ago and still kiss it goodnight every single day.
Add me to the anti-Sleep Number brigade. We have had one for about five years and detest it. We’ve gone in and ripped the thing apart (literally — sawed one layer in half so it wouldn’t “tug” every time someone turned over on their side) turned it every which way, and finally resorted to adding a memory foam topper across the whole thing which of course makes it so enormously thick that we wrench our backs every time we try to put clean sheets on the heavy monster. Yes, making the bed has become a team effort and usually results in sore backs which are *not* helped by sleeping on that thing. Avoid it like the plague!
But Bossy! Thanks for posting this!! That little rant I just wrote has convinced me — life’s too short — it’s time for a new mattress here too, dammit!
My back, my aching back. IF I sleep on it without moving, surrounded by my den of pillows, I’m ok.
If I shift to my side, or God Forbid, my stomach, I wake up with what feels like a spear in my back. Lovely. I can’t convince myself to buy the Tempurpedic (whatever) because it looks like a giant sponge. The end.
We have bought several mattresses over the past 20 years, and they have all turned bad on us. Even with all the research and testing and lying down in public (at the stores) on. AND each store names the mattresses different names so you can’t compare prices. But over Christmas, we stayed for about a week at the empty home of a neighbor of older daughter, hokgardner, and fell in love with the Tempurpedic. We have bought one and it will be delivered in a few days. I can’t wait!
ikea, ikea, ikea. they have the best firm but soft, not lumpy and absolutely sleep inducing recession-proof mattresses in the world. then there’s the always the $50,000 Danish Vividus mattress…
Agree with #24, Latex. I’m not so sure abt that tempurpedic stuff and I’ve heard it’s hot. I bought an Oxygen pillow made with Latex about a yr ago and have pretty much slept thru the night ever since.I too woke up at 3 every dang night flipping thru the index cards of worry.
When I was buying my pillow I discovered that they also make beds! Individually adjustable, natural materials etc etc, when I’m ready to make the plunge (whichwillbesoonmybedisbumpyand10yrsold) I will get one of these for sure.
I don’t work for them or even know them, just like the mattress!
This topic has certainly brought up impassioned responses! I can’t even remember what kind of bed we got but just makes me grateful that I don’t have to do it again for another 6 or so years.
I did resist the never-flip pillow top version, thinking I could replace my egg crate foam stuff intermittently and skip the hollow in the pillow top. Guess it’s worked.
May you ALL be blessed with good night’s sleeps. Me too.
Look at foam mattresses. I bought one when I moved out in 1994 – and it’s still the most comfortable mattress I ever owned. We’ve twice tried and failed to find one as comfortable. DO NOT get a pillow top. We bought one two years ago and it’s totally sunken in the middle and you can’t flip it, only rotate it, which really sucks.
I don’t know from memory foam. Or regular foam. Or box spring. I’m a wool-wrapped cotton futon person. 20 years after college, I still get the best night’s sleep on an imobile lump of natural fibers. Good luck and many sleeps to you.
We got a Simmons about 3 years ago – ours has a 25 year warranty, which was a selling point. And which we will be cashing in on, as our bed is developing craters as well. Did yours come with the same warranty?
Yeah…the pillow top ones can’t be flipped and that isn’t a good thing. I got a memory foam topper for our king size bed at Sam’s Club and it is fabulously comfy.
lordy, I don’t know, but when you make a decision, will you just let me know? I just can’t be bothered to look into the matter, but yet, I am bothered every night. And I look like hell every day. Help me, please.
We have a tempurpedic and it has saved my hips during pregnancy and after. I’ve noticed it’s a bit warmer than our regular mattress, but since I can actually sleep instead of lying there feeling the pressure sores develop, I don’t really care. I’ve been wondering if you couldn’t just get one of those 4-6″ foam toppers at W@lMart and end up with the same result for much cheaper, though. Good luck!
I used to be a flight attendant, so I’ve slept on a _lot_ of different mattresses. My favorite ones were the Jamison ones they had at Marriot hotels. I awoke in _such_ a good mood the first morning after I slept on a Jamison bed that I was a little confused at first since I was pretty sure I hadn’t brought anyone back to my room with me… No, it turned out it was the _mattress_ that rocked my world that night!
Temperpedic……………wonderful…….will never buy anything else ever again. the end.
I recently had the pleasure of sleeping on a feather mattress topper thing. MMMMM PLEEEAAASURE. Wink wink.
I bought a memory foam pillow last fall (at Target, but it was still almost 50 smackers). Its ok when the temperature is below 45 degrees, otherwise its just too damned hot. Can’t even imagine how hot an entire memory foam matress would be-probably like sleeping in a vat of warm hairspray. Big old double yuck!
Add me to the list of disappointed Simmons owners.
We bought our 2nd Simmons Beautyrest Blah Blah Add About 20 More Words Here, after our first mattress (also a Simmons Beautyrest finally gave up the ghost after 15 ( ! ) years.
I loved that first bed mainly for the individually wrapped coil thing that prevented bedshake when the hubs would toss and turn. So of course I had to have another Simmons, right?
Ugh. They don’t make ’em like they used to!!
We’ve had this new Simmons less than 5 years. It’s one of those “no-need-to-flip” ones and not only am I sleeping in a pit every night, the hubs side of the mattress has collapsed so that the edge protrudes out about 6 inches – imagine squashing it between your hands so the sides bow out – only it doesn’t spring back. It just stays there, squashed.
AND we got it from a store that is now going out of business. Lovely.
I, too, will be checking out everyone’s recommendations as I am fed up w/ Simmons.
Are there any other mattresses out there that minimize bedshake?
I think I just saw one of those at Mattress Repo.
We got a Serta pillow top perfect sleeper a few years back. It is super firm (which I love, and the husband hates) and has a his and her side. Yes, his and her SIDES. As in, different textures. It has a pillow top and is already deep pocket. We also got the super duper box spring. Which makes our bed the princess and the pea bed. As in, I need a foot stool to climb into it.
My coffin is veddy veddy comfortable during zee day . . .
Still laughing at sugarpie’s “vat of hairspray” — I can’t imagine what you must put in your coffee for that kind of imagery. ; )
I’m saving my allowance money for a tempur-pedic mattress. It’s made of space marshmallows and apparently it’s the best thing since sliced marshmallow space bread.
I bought a faux perpedic from Overstock and I LOVE IT. It was a fraction of the price of Temperpedic and I sleep a lot better.
I want a new mattress too, mainly because I need more room than a queen can offer. Hubby likes to take up as much room as humanly possible, so we end up looking like this: l .
What was this about a twin bed on a different planet? Count me in.
In our real house (the one that doesn’t have wheels and a driver’s seat) we have a memory foam pillow top sucker. We do rotate regularly (every week or so – generally when the sheets get changed), and while it still has some depressions where we sleep (although no dividing line, because the dogs sleep in the middle), it is quite comfy. In the motorhome, we’ve got one of those sleep number thingys, and my husband hates it. I don’t have any issues with it, but I grew up sleep on airplanes and in airports (and have been known to sleep on suitcases before), so you should probably take my input with a grain of salt….
We have a Sleep Number bed, and they really ought to pay me for raving about it like I do. My husband likes a firm mattress, so he sets his side to 100. I like it much softer, so my side is at 50. Before we bought it 4 years ago, I woke up with a sore lower back every single morning. Now I’m pain free!
I need to start looking myself–I’m thinking memory foam because I love my topper. I need to look into further though because I’ve heard those mattresses retain heat and are not good for people suffering hot flashes–which I’m not yet, but am heading into that period of life in the next few years.
We got a new bed last year. A friend highly recommended a Tempurpedic mattress so we thought we’d give it a shot. I will admit that it took me about a month to get used to it, but it is so much more comfortable than any other bed I’ve ever had! Our stiff necks and backs feel much better too!
You might want to see what mattress that princess with the pea prefers, as you seem to have similar sensibilities.
I buy “the cheapest thing I can find” and sleep like a baby, so I’m going to be no help here.
I don’t know anything about real mattresses, but may I suggest flipping the waffle/egg-crate mattress upside down so you are sleeping on the smooth side? I’ve been doing this for years and LOVE the smooth cushiness. Plus, FREE.
We got a king sized sleep number bed last year, at my husband’s insistence that it was the only thing that would make his back feel better since it mimics sleeping on an air mattress, which was the only type of mattress that helped the pain.
I was hesitant since our old mattress was still in fighting shape, but I caved and we purchased one and now we are BOTH sleeping better. We can each adjust our own sides. And if one person moves around a lot, the other person’s side remains relatively still, unlike with conventional mattresses.
Oh and if anyone decides to purchase one, please let me know so I can get some sleep number referral points
[Couldn’t resist putting that in there, but I seriously encourage you to check it out.]
We just bought a mattress last year and the only bit of advice I can impart is don’t lay on too many when trying to decide. Eventually they all feel the same and you get suckered into spending more than you ever planned on a WAY TOO SOFT bed that feels like a marshmallow on top of jello.
Or that could just be my experience. =) Bossy will probably fare much better!
Soft sided water bed with dual “bladders” – I like mine firm – he’s into soft….
Mattress Porn!!
My husband sold mattresses right out of college, so he likes to talk mattresses still. Get a Tempur pedic, yes they are costly, but here’s the reason why: You spend more time sleeping (technically) than you do anything else-GET A GOOD MATTRESS! It will feel awkward at first, and I was really against getting it, but my back loves me now. You won’t have to worry about dust mites or flipping. You won’t have to replace it…ever. It’s worth it.
Also Sleep Number beds are just air mattresses and break all the time.
We’ve had our Sleep Number bed for almost 3 years.
I’m a fan because the husband likes his side of the bed like a hammock (he’s a #40) and I like mine just a little softer than the floor (I’m a #65).
He gets up an hour before I do in the morning and I don’t wake up because I don’t even feel the bed move when he gets out of it
Go with a Sealy or Simmons Plush
If you do not want to spend the money, do not lie down on a latex mattress. You won’t want anything else after 10 minutes on it.
Sealy, silly.
One of the best things we did when buying a new bed was buy a platform bed. We still bought the mattress AND boxspring for support, but I never feel it when Bob turns over like he is a WWF wrestler anymore. We bought a Sealy Posturpedic, firm. I think the platform is what made the difference. It doesn’t bounce at all. I am skeptical about tempurpedic mattresses since I got fed up with my tempurpedic pillow after a year. INDENTATIONS. It stopped springing back.
Tempurpedic – 3 yrs and counting of SLEEP! We haven’t had the heat issue – even in TX –
No flipping, rotating, no dust mites, no “tidal wave” when the hubs flops around all nite long –
Love it. It’s a good thing.
I have nothing constructive to offer, where nothing constructive equals “What is this thing Bossy calls sleep?” plus nothing constructive minus nothing constructive divided by nothing. Boy do I hate math. The End.
My chiropractor once told me never to buy a mattress from a brand name that starts with ‘s’ – so that’s my only helpful advice.
LOVE our Bob-O-pedic (from Bob’s furniture store). Less expensive than tempapedic, same density of foam etc. (we did exhaustive research….really!) Very similar quality to tempapedic. Love it! I am a warm-blooded female and do not feel overheated in bed from the mattress. Did I mention I Love it!
LOVE our Bob-O-pedic (from Bob’s furniture store). Less expensive than tempapedic, same density of foam etc. (we did exhaustive research….really!) Very similar quality to tempapedic. Love it! I am a warm-blooded female and do not feel overheated in bed from the mattress. Did I mention I Love it!
Oops, spelled tempurpedic wrong!
We bought a knock off temperpidic at Costco for about $500 for a queen. It’s a 5″ memory foam and it is wonderful. It can be warm but that’s just an excuse to get really good cotton sheets for the summer. But in the cold winter time heaven. My hubby has to have a really bad night to wake me up and I a very light sleeper.
Ok, so here’s my theory on beds – THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. Yeah, I know, they all have different levels of padding and crap. But basically, they are all the same. Which means, you’ll be lucky to get 10 years out of them. That said, I won’t spend more than $500 on a mattress set. Don’t bother with matching sets – especially if you put a dust ruffle on (no one sees the covers any way!). Because I won’t spend a small fortune on a bed, I don’t MIND buying a new one every so many years (even if it’s every 5 years). That way I always have a fairly new bed.
Listen to me! Me! I actually tried writing numbers in the sand imaginarily with my toes because of you and my insomnia! I have terrible troubles with beds and pillows and moving hairy man in bed.
STEARNS AND FOSTER. Expensive, but worth every penny – we got near the top of the line, but not so top as to need new sheets, too. I still have a bit of insomnia now and then, but never a sore back. Never.
the brand i recommend is the Parc 55 San Francisco®.
So having dealt with chronic pain and fibromyalgia for a number of years (The Big Bad Wreck was 12 years ago tomorrow), mattresses have figured pretty highly in my lifestyle calculus. After the break-up with my no-good, cheating liar of an ex, I took the Sleep Number bed we’d bought when we moved in together and still use it when my restless legs don’t make me retire to the firm-but-less-comfy daybed, so as not to wake my dearest. That makes nearly 7 years with that bed, and I definitely sleep better in it, especially when I crank the firmness way up.
That said, we had occasion to sleep on one of the Tempurpedic beds while at a trade show in Salt Lake City a few months ago. Although we didn’t jump up and down on it with a glass of red wine at the edge like in the ads, we did find it quite comfy. Enough so that it’s top of my list when it comes time for a new bed again.
Well, nobody has mentioned Stearns & Foster, which we have had for 9 years and which I love, love, love. Don’t get a pillowtop, because when you flip it you are crushing the pillowtoppy part. I do rotate the mattress almost regularly (because my husband weighs 2x me and we would have a serious sinkhole on his side if we didn’t). I second the feather bed on the top of over-firm mattresses (my daughter’s bed is too firm).
Another good thing is that weird pillow with the divot in the middle that you get from your chiropractor — no more neck and shoulder pain.
Another vote for Stearns and Foster. We’ve had ours for three years and love it. I don’t remember how it’s constructed, or from what materials, but it’s wonderful. I’m a light sleeper, and, prior to the S&F, woke up easily if my husband got up in the middle of the night or sometimes if he just changed sleeping positions. Now I never know when he moves. S&F is kind of pricey, but worth every penny in my opinion.
Good luck, Bossy. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.
I love this discussion. I too DESPERATELY need a new bed and appreciate everyone’s input here. I will be printing this out and using it for RESEARCH.
Who needs Google when you’ve got Bossy and her Council?
Spring Air all the way! We have three out of 5 beds in our house with them and as soon as we win the lottery, the other 2 beds will be the same. We have had these for 2 years, no rotation required, DEFINITELY no pillow top, and no indentations in any of them. Best mattress we have ever purchased. Ours is called the Crystal Plush but they change the name every 6 months or so according to the Spring Air representative. I know this because our friends that have stayed at our house love these mattresses so much they had to go buy them! Any mattress by Spring Air in the Plush series, sans pillow top, is great.
With that ‘a certain someone’ next to me, I’d consider sleeping a sin!
Got our sleep number bed 12 years ago and its great!!!. My number is 40 and Mrs Dexter is 55. And the best part is you never have to flip a mattress ever again!!!. It feels exactly the way it felt 12 years ago, no dips no sags. Want to have a pajama party and check it out?
Try and find a mattress that replicates the Westin Hotel Heavenly Bed experience. I think Nordstroms sells them; they provide the best night of sleep ***EVER***.
We have had a Stearns and Foster for several years and it has a pillow top on both sides. I flip it occasionally and it is a monster to do. (king-size) I am going to look into a Jamison talalay latex bed next though. I do love my Stearns and Foster though, no sloshing when turning over. I think the ideal situation would be sleeping in separate bedrooms. My husband snores and I might occasionally too. For sleep purposes it would be great. And you know sleep is very important!
I’m surprised that I’m going to be the only person here to give the Tempurpedic a negative review. Maybe everyone here hasn’t had theirs as long as I have.
I like the tempurpedic fine, when it’s NEW. But after five years or so it’s done. I am ONE person (not two), medium weight (around 150 pounds -not obese.), and both my tempurpedic mattresses have sagged as they approached five years old. I have the lower back pain to prove it. Any time I sleep somewhere else, anywhere else, no back pain.
Yes they have a warranty, but it was only good for a full replacement during the first five years, which I used to exchange the first sagging mattress. But when I got the replacement mattress, I was told the replacement one only had a 30 (90?) day warranty and after that I had no more warranty. So it’s not as great a warranty as you might think.
This post caught my interest because I’m now looking for a new mattress too.
My opinion, despite all the glowing reviews here, is DO NOT get a tempurpedic! It’s too much money for a mattress that lasts less than five years. (and yes, I’ve rotated it (can’t flip it), and I’ve slept on one side, on the other, in the middle…) If you want the tempurpedic effect, get another mattress and DO buy a memory foam topper. I think that’s what I may do in the future.
Good luck with your search!
Another vote for TempurPedic. I have problems with my joints, and had a rheumatologist recommend TempurPedic back when they were fairly new. I bought one based on that, and not only do I no longer have pain at night (or in the morning when I wake up), BUT! I am sleeping far, FAR better than I ever did before, and I have been a chronic insomniac since, oh, birth or so. I am actually on my second TempurPedic mattress now, and I will never EVER even consider another brand. Ever. Seriously, they’re THAT good.
But don’t get the generic memory foam knock off brand. I have a friend who did, and hers is hardly even in the same school as mine, let alone class. There really is something special about the TempurPedic structure, and yes, it’s worth the mighty chunk ‘o change you have to drop to experience it.
Oh. I just read the post preceding mine. FWIW, I had my first TempurPedic for, ummm, I think it was 13 years? Something like that. I only replaced it because my ex wanted to keep the mattress when we split up. I talked to him not long ago, and he’s still sleeping on it comfortably. That one had two people on it pretty much all its life, and it’s still going strong from what he says. I’ve had my new one for four years and it hasn’t changed a bit.
Maybe the warranty depends on your individual retailer? I just pulled out the papers for mine, and it’s under a full replacement warranty for 15 years. Although, I’ve never had to actually make good on the warranty, so who knows…
Expensive… but so worth it: Tempurpedic. OH how I love thee. We recently went for a get-away / vacation. I didn’t get any rest. I was allergic to the bed and it was uncomfortable. Tempurpedic will make you long for home.
I am super in love with my Kings Down mattress. It’s thirteen years old and still goin’ strong. I sing it’s praises all of the time. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!
Why not a king in a room all alone? Just wondering.
No mattress advice, just wondering how the hell you got any rest at all during your road trip???????
Oh, God! Tempurpedic!
At seven years old it was still perfect. It carried me through years of fibromyalgia and two pregnancies. Not to mention the husband that tosses all night and the babies I didn’t want to giggle after getting them to sleep!
We paid $2000 for a really nice Sterns & Foster and replaced it less than a year later with the tempurpedic. So worth it.
It’s a little warmer than a cotton mattress, but you could never get me to pay money for anything but Tempurpedic again.
If I had lots of money I would also go for the heavenly bed from Westin. Best night’s sleep ever!!!!
Otherwise a featherbed on the lumpy bed might work. I love mine!
We bought this 7 yrs ago and love it. I did a LOT of research.
It’s loverly. I promise. And you cannot feel a single wiggle from the wiggler next to you.
Are you kidding me???
Sleep is waaaay over rated, now with all of this job loss and deep depression all I do is sit on the couch and watch reruns of whatever I can get. Ill sell you my bed, its a sealy, excellent really, just no need for it right now.
Dixie Foam …. for Latex –
You need search no longer
I got a tempurpedic over the summer after sleeping on a secondhand back-breaker for five years and waking up every day feeling like I’d been hit by a truck. It was crazy expensive but my god, it feels so good. Try it out in the store first, my fiance notices no difference (he thought the old Ikea back-breaker was fine) but I am in loooove. LOVE.
ranchgirl: -13 years? That’s impressive. FWIW, I got mine directly from tempurpedic. When I got mine, I don’t think there was a choice of mattresses (besides what size), so whatever they were selling then, is what I got! Newer ones may fare better. I’m amazed that you’ve had yours so long (which means you probably had the same kind I did) and that you experienced no problems. -Wanna trade?
biddy needs a new one too! oy, the backache! my parents bought a new one a few months ago and MY GAWD it’s the most comfortable thing I’ve ever slept on. I don’t know if you can get them up north, because they’re made here in texas, but the brand is Taylor and apparently, they’re all like sleeping on clouds. guess what biddy’s next big purchase will be?!
also? bossy & her husband are definitely skinny enough to enjoy the tempurpedic. they’re not made for fat folks like biddy…
Tempurpedic! Our oldest one is 16 yrs old & still wonderful, we now have them for all 3 kids too. They are awesome, indestructible, dust mite proof and so comfortable. Get the cheapest one they sell from the Tempurpedic company- it’s called “the Original”. It is just as comfy as their super deluxe versions.
The rest of our furniture is pretty much from IKEA or picked up off the street ghetto-style, but the expensive mattresses were SO WORTH IT.
I think I need a nap now… the mattress is calling me…
Bossy, I had the same mattress you had, and it did the lumpy thing as well (which I tell you could not possibly have had ANYTHING to do with the kids using it for a trampoline). When we replaced it we bought a latex matress from Ikea. I’m also an uneasy sleeper and things are much improved. You still have to rotate, but totally worth it, plus less chemicals in your house. Good luck!
About 5 years ago, we purchased a number bed. It’s the first bed that hasn’t killed my poor, old, terrible back. And shoulders, knees, hips. I don’t know when my husband turns over or gets up, and he says the same about me. It’s still as good as when we bought it, and I have probably been on mine more than the average bear becuz I’ve had 2 surgeries during this time and laid around on it during recovery. I’m also a daytime napper and usually take at least an hour nap a day. We used to think hard mattresses were the best for bad backs, but “experts” don’t seem to believe that as much now. The number/air mattress supports all your curves. There are no “gaps.” It doesn’t hurt the joints like a firm mattress can; I like a softer setting; my husband likes a mattress just short of a wooden board. We set our own softness or firmness so we are both happy.
Why oh why oh why are couples supposed to sleep in the same bed? It’s barbaric. I would love a little I Love Lucy twin set. Instead we bought a gigantic king-sized pillow-topped thingie that gives my partner back pain and keeps me awake when she tosses and turns. Separate bedrooms, everyone. If we all did it nobody would feel guilty.
One more vote for Sleep Number bed. We’ve had ours for 14 years and both of my back surgeries. (I still miss my waterbed, however.)
I am in the same boat. I have read countless hours of research on this subject.I have bought 2 new beds in the last 5 years in the 2000.00 price point take or give a couple of hundred.Both a sealy and a simmons. I have laid on countless beds in the last couple of weeks, read every complaint of BBB sites. And have been to mattress stores and mass retailers(furniture). Go for a Jamison bed!!! Do the research and go lie on one. They have fantastic customer service and are 5th generation company.They dont advertise but I know of no one who has had a bad experience. I hope to purchase one this holiday weekend. They also provide Marriot with their mattresses for the last 40 years. Look for one with a lot of Talalay in the core or in the top.
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