Bossy’s mom made the mistake of going to the library. It’s not the library per se, but the DVDs they keep there. And oh Bossy’s gah, one library card, two cups of tea, and four DVDs later: the HBO series, In Treatment?
At first, sensing Bossy’s excitement at the description on the back of the box, Bossy’s mom was all, “Now you know this isn’t a documentary, right?” And Bossy sighed because Bossy would love nothing more than watching hour upon hour, day after day, of real people in real therapy in real time — which begs the question: Then why didn’t Bossy become an actual therapist? Maybe because there’s so much money in blogging. Heh.
But Bossy thought she’d give the series, starring Gabriel Byrne and others who are not Gabriel Byrne, a chance, even if it is a drama.
Bossy and her mom are still working their way through the first season, but sister mercy, here’s a No Spoiler summary of the events that chronicle individual therapy sessions in real time: She loves him and he loves her but he can’t admit he loves her, and the other he is falling in love with her, and they don’t love each other at all, and she doesn’t know who she loves, and she is getting married, and they are breaking up, and they are reuniting, and they are also breaking up.
There. Bossy can summarize her wee obsession with In Treatment in this way: What (No) Book Tour, and can Bossy drive and watch?
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy and her council about your latest TV series obsession, or one you’ve had in the past we can all rent?
And be sure to check back later today for the most obsessive comments on the web.
If you missed last week’s Ten-Word Challenge, don’t! Click this Bossy link to read about the various injuries Bossy and her council have sustained over the years and, oy, the pain!
The Sopranos. Have pasta at the ready. You’ll need it.
Six Feet Under. Lost lots of potential income watching this.
OK, Thirtysomething. And just why is that like admitting herpes?
The Waltons. Goodnight Mary Ellen, John Boy, and HELLO daddy!
BIG LOVE. Have no idea why I love this show.
True Blood – vampires and humans living side by side – sexy as all hell.
True Blood – Eric. Freaking hottest vampire ever. EVER
Lost. They promised to answer questions tonight. I doubt them.
In your time zone now! I’ve never been first before ;>!!!
Just started LOST with season one. First time. We’re hip.
Lost, House, Desperate Housewives, Mad Men, Breaking Bad and Enterprise.
True Blood – husband wanted to hate, up till 1:00 am watching.
The Wire. Best. TV. Show. Ever.
–>Best new comedy is “COMMUNITY” on NBC. (This was unpaid.)
Arrested Development. What’s not to love about bankruptcy, dysfunction, jail?
–>I’m also sucked into the train wreck called “Millionaire Matchmaker.”
Sportsnight. Is. Awesome. I’m sad it was short-lived.
Sons Of Anarchy! Motorcycle Gangs! Anxiously waiting for Season 3.
Ahh! The Wire! Nothing else compares. AMAZING writing!!!
NYPD Blue. Jimmy Smits. Mark-Paul Gosselaar. Rick Schroder. Esai Morales. (It may have been about cops?)
Dexter, but Bossy keeps herself from renting it. Very weird.
Doctor Who was full of David Tennant. I loved him.
Weeds, but Bossy keeps herself from renting this one too.
“Huff”, which only had two seasons and broke my heart.
(starring Hank Azaria, Blythe Danner and Oliver Platt)
McLeod’s Daughters – just like an Australian Drummond Ranch
VUBOQ recommended Mad Men. He was right. I love it.
Modern Family, Glee, True Blood, Big Bang Theory, Dexter, NCIS
Undeclared. Even funnier now when one has college aged kids.
First season of The Office. Because we are slow starters.
Survivor. I’m rooting for heroes; sons are rooting for villains.
Being Erica…… back in life to fix mistakes. Facinating!
(currently catching up w/it on Hulu)
PS………………..LOVE In Treatment……….although could do with out the constant hearbreak
I need my fix of Weeds. I can stop anytime.
Watching the Tudors on DVD..I cant stop…Also we started again with the Sopranos, 1st season..for the 3rd time around.
Just got into Nip/Tuck and the series ends tomorrow!!!!!!
Mad Men… I love/hate Don Draper…and oooh the fashion!
GUILTY PLEASURE: Kardashians! It’s like watching a (poorly acted) train wreck. ALSO just saw last weekend something called HIGH SCHOOL REUNION on TVLand. The worst show ever–and TOTALLY riveting!!
Huff (also with therapy)… 6 ft Under… Carnival…. Dead Like Me
Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Modern Family, Big Bang Theory… (The Duggars)
Metalocalypse. I’ll teach you who rock – Dethklok! Dethklok!
Agree with Ris…Sportsnight…not really about sports at all.
Law & Order. All the effing time. Never watched NYPD Blue until I was recovering from surgery and then watched it all on reruns and loved it. In terms of a miniseries, I love Lonesome Dove.
I loved loved loved Deadwood. Bossy must watch it for the language alone. Cock Suckers!
I just started with Dexter (it was a very unromantic gift I gave the hubby for Valentine’s day). I’m hooked already.
Gilmore Girls Stop Heart Ruptured In 2007 Stop Stupid WB
Northern Exposure, Sex and the City, True Blood, West Wing
Still Bones…mmmm Booth. Want to watch Mad Men.
HBO Series “Hung” with Thomas Jane. Oh, YEAH.
Arrested Development. It’s all those marvelously awkward moments. No laugh-track!!!
Friends said I would love “Freaks and Geeks”. Hello, Netflix?
Captain Kangaroo. Were Grandfather Clock, and Bunny-Rabbit really that funny?
(Well, she says defensively, you DID say “obsessed” and “the past”.)
Amazing Race. All that travel, hardship, challenge, bickering + my recliner.
We desperately love Band of Brothers. Anxiously awaiting The Pacific.
Green Wing. Short-lived BBC medical comedy. Love British humor.
We also loved Carnivale on HBO: bizarre, creepy and addictive.
Damages on FX, Glen Close is awesome, filmed in NYC!
Wonderfalls. Network idiots only broadcast four episodes, Netflix full season.
In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy and her council about your latest TV series obsession, or one you’ve had in the past we can all rent?
DEXTER, Showtime, Blood Spatter Specialist By Day, Serial Killer @ Night
Entourage. Awful and funny. Ari makes me laugh and cringe.
Buffy and Lost inspire my calorie burn on the treadmill.
Sparticus (Starz new show)
OMGYUMMYHALFNAKEDGLADIATORSFIGHTING and Zena Warrior Princess topless, a tad strange.
Dexter! Rent it now! I’m into season 3 (no Showtime).
Sons of Anarchy. And I’m not attracted to biker dudes.
Soap. Hysterical series that covered all the social problems then.
Rescue Me. I brake for the hotness of Denis Leary.
Twin Peaks. made everyone at my 15th birthday party watch.
clean house. i want them to do over my place.
I watch Phineas and Ferb after the kids go to bed.
Dexter. I love that serial killer! Also – Freaks and Geeks.
Intervention. Makes me feel downright puritanical. Thankful too.
David Tennant, David Tennant, David Tennant, aka Doctor Who. Yum.
My So Called Life, Freaks and Geeks, Mad Men. Ahhhhh
19 kids and counting (don’t want to look, can’t turn away).
Friday Night Lights great acting well written gorgeous Kyle Chandler
Chuck: My dream nerd. Science trivia, awkwardness, Chuck Taylors. Swoon.
Obsession: WEEDS. Watched first 4 seasons at Christmas. Love Esteban.
the good wife. stop what you are doing – watch now!
ncis funnny mark harmon michael weatherley mark harmon michael weatherley
for eye-candy
if nothing else.
The Tudors on HBO. Can’t wait for season 4 to be out on DVD
Mad Men, wow we have changed much for good and bad
Big Love, drama, comedy, best 3 dimensional women on TV
You should check out DEXTER. Little bloody; they deserved it.
Bones (download from Amazon!), Castle, Firefly, Mad Men, Big Bang Theory.
11! Dang it! Ah well, now that I’ve blown it, let’s throw in The Graham Norton Show.
X Files. Like Lost only unpredictable! So Sorry, dream sequence!
Anything HBO: Deadwood, Band of Brothers, Six Feet Under, etc.
they knew that it was much more than a hunch
Freaks and Geeks, Weeds, Six Feet Under, the L Word
Man Men; watching people smoke that much is itself addicting.
can I suggest a Roku and Netflix combo. We have tried it for a month now and it’s awesome.
I got obsessed with John Adams.
Six Feet Under: Adult themes like gay sex and death.
NCIS, firefly, six feet under, dollhouse, joss whedon’s next project.
New and improved series of Ben Hur starring Johnny Weir
Found at library – no cost! “The French Chef” rocks!
Dr Who, Firefly, NCIS, Castle, West Wing, Eureka, Gilmore Girls
Mad Men season two. Smoking, drinking in the am?
My other husband Bradley Cooper starred in one season of “Kitchen Confidential” based on Anthony Burdain’s book about the hilarity of working in the NYC restaurant business. I found it here, and could not stop watching until I saw every episode. Here’s the link:
jp’s got it Being Erica… Going back in life to fix mistakes!!
Rent ones I don’t get: Six Feet Under and Dexter.
Danger, Romance, Time Travel, Evangeline Lilly. Whats not to like?
Lost, Project Runway.
Veronica Mars. Season 1 so well written and so sly.
Deadwood, if you can get past all the f-bombs dropping.
Can’t believe no one said Fringe. Also, Dead Like Me.
I had to scroll down through too many comments before seeing someone mention Firefly!!
Also, the Wire. The Wire. THE WIRE!!! There’s a reason so many people say it’s the best show ever: Because it is.
And Deadwood. You’ll love it.
Friday Night Lights, Arrested Development, 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom
Dittos to Deadwood – my favourite ever TV show. You don’t know what you’re missing, Bossy.
Durham County, a creepy Canadian drama that pits a ‘troubled’ detective against his evil serial-killer (or is he?) high school nemesis.
Guilty pleasure: NYC Prep (!) because the kids are so hilariously jaded.
Twin Peaks from way back in 1989. Currently the Tudors, but I leave the room during torture!
Glee, the fifteen year old made us watch, TV musical!
Only ONE mention of Friday Night Lights?!? (Bobbie, #105) What’s up with THAT??? Because SHEESH…
‘Nuff said.
The complete “Blackadder”. Pee in your pants funny British series.
“Men of a Certain Age” and “Celebrity Rehab.” With wine.
True Blood! I need a body pillow made of Alexander Skarsgard.
24, Friday Night Lights and just about to start Madmen.
Hot and sweaty history– sex, drugs, rolling heads: The Tudors
Just started watching The Wire today. It’s great! NO COMMERCIALS.
Also love LOST but so damn confusing. Where are we?
Arrested Development – can watch repeatedly – perhaps have own case of?
No TV; reading Dorothy Sayers’ mystery novels for fourth time.
Then, Heide, you must watch Lord Peter with Petherbridge. Brilliant.
OH BOSSY. Step AWAY from the In Treatment. Been there. Done that. The Detox is a bitch.
Library DVDs skip and ruin my best scenes, Love Dexter
Californication Season 1, very entertaining. Season 2 meh. The Wire!
Sports Night. Best 30 minutes ever on TV!
Joan of Arcadia – God interacts with teenager. Challenge of ages.
Friday Night Lights! Battlestar Gallactica! Oh, wait, that’s two… ooops!
Currently Veronica Mars. Because Puntabulous made me.
Sopranos still best. Still looking for equal.
Bill Maher obsession.
Drama: Mad Men, Six Feet Under. Comedy:Curb Your Enthusiasm, Extras
I got so excited to talk about TV (not watching it for Lent…)that I forgot all about the 10-word concept. Then I went back and artfully arranged these in groups of 10:
Big Love, The Office, and Hung (where did it go?)
Also liked Oz for a few seasons (gratuitous male nudity!)
Nip/Tuck until the Christmas episode with the old man
Big Love: theme song stuck in head for all time.
And Life on Mars. Harvey Keitel, Gretchen Mol, hot guy.
Bones, Dexter, Sex and the City, The Closer, X-Files
Six Feet Under ALL THE WAY THROUGH seemingly endless pregnancy.
(Janny266) – I also failed the 10-word test… will try harder next time.
Still have that episode of Wings where Joe proposes Tivoed.
6′ Under. Carnivale. Bob Newhart (original). Tudors. All library available.
How do I have time for DVDs, but not taxes?
The Mentalist. Simon Baker. Simon Baker. Simon Baker. Nuff said.
The Wire is definitely the best television show ever made.
Best of all…Saving Grace and then 2nd is The Closer I love those.
Firefly…the basis for my blog’s title. There are only like 6 episodes, but I just love them. There is a movie, too.
Deadwood! I loved that show.
True Blood…Eric .. Alexander Skarsgård Oh my.
Glee…love it
Joan of Arcadia…I really liked that one. Nobody home and I could watch in peace.
forgot this was a 10 worder…Oh my. There are many more, but I just can’t think right now. I’m not wild about Dexter so much….and Tudors….well, the guy who plays Henry VIII got a little too far into the character…some police issues for him.
Oh yes…Big Bang Theory totally cracks me up. I can’t watch Mad Men…I lived it and it wasn’t fun at all. I watched a couple of shows and didn’t go back for more. I’m sure there are more.
MAD MEN. I hope to marry Jon Hamm one day soon.
The Tudors ~ nuff said
Weeds. Californicaction. True Blood. Secret Diary of a Call Girl.
[I wonder what impression that gives people? Heh]
Blackadder on list and BREAKING BAD isn’t? Check it out.
Dead Like Me. Grim Reaping is my new career choice.
Doc Martin (, London surgeon becomes GP in Cornwall
Second Black Adder. Got me through college in early 90s.
First few seasons of Rescue Me. Good banter and firemen!
Bossy Bossy Bossy….
Last night I am watching some televison with my wife when commercial for a new movie came on. The movie looked like it might be okay and I noticed that John Cusack was in the movie. I thought “Hey I wonder if Bossy knows about this new John Cusack film?” And then the commercial showed the name of the movie…”Hot Tub Tme Machine” The I laughed. Bossy’s boyfriends carreer has sunk to a new low that he is making a film called Hot Tub Time Machine. Maybe the film is funny and really good…but…c’mon Cusack can do better.
Damages! Flashforward, flashback, suspense. We must watch with no commercials!
RuPaul’s Drag Race. Got sucked into a marathon, now addicted!
Pushing Daisies – every episode dense with visual design & quirkiness.
I don’t need ten words; just three: rent The Wire.
Law and Order – Chris Noth, Jerry Orbach – other seasons pale.
NewsRadio. One of the very best ensemble comedies ever made.
The Wire, Friday Night Lights, Supernatural (TNT showing old ones)
New show taking hold Caprica – Eric Stolz, Esai Morales, avatars
double ten word Tuesday
In treatment was a really good show, slightly depressing at times but interesting for an entire series of shows.
Sadie at heyMamas
Oh my god…hello? The Wire. The Wire. The Wire.
Gilmore Girls with witty banter but stoned and sexy WEEDS
Weeds! I was skeptical, but now we’re hooked, Thanks Netflix!
Hot ex-spy, bomb making girlfriend, Bruce Campbell, Burn Notice.
Law and Order – recognize each episode in first 2 seconds.
Gilmore Girls, except the final season. Arrested Development. Newsradio.
New ones: Psych, Burn Notice (spies are just a bunch of bitchy little girls), Leverage and OMG! how awesome is Better Off Ted???
‘Six Feet Under’: Lured me in. Ripped out my heart.
Are you being served, which is nutty and The Sopranos.
Freaks And Geeks & Friday Night Lights. Best EVER.
Deadwood. At first: whatever. Then: PUT ON THE NEXT ONE!
Also, I beg you to watch Band Of Brothers. Tomorrow.
Big Love, for which I abandon the world and responsibility.
RE:Tootsie Farklepants: body pillow made of Alexander Skarsgard.
I would be first in line for one!
Big Love. Oh, that show!
Southland. Cute cops, big drama, Real life like. Surprise endings.
Twin Peaks, Gilmore Girls and the Irish soap series Ballykissangel.
P.S. I sat right in front of Gabriel Byrne at a movie this past December! He is SO handsome! Love him.
Castle! Fillion is funny, UST perfectly balanced, well written, plot!
Not a TV watcher but lately Dogs With Jobs ROCKS :)!
All I know is that I watch Modern Family, The Middle, and Couger Town because they make me feel pretty normal. And they make me laugh,
Andy Griffith, I Love Lucy, Roseanne, —-I never watched TV as a kid—just been watchting TV Land and my husband could not believe I never saw these—I am officially out from under my rock.
I guess I would call it a mega-obsession, it’s been Bossys feature for 3 days!
The Wire! Tudors. Dexter. Definately THE WIRE! Loves it!
Mad Men – Joan’s clothes, cocktails in the morning, John Hamm.
Friends! Ten years, every Thursday, date in front of TV!
“Caprica”-50 years before Battlestar Galactica, SyFy channel, FRAKKING AWESOME.
United States Of Tara, Weeds, Saving Grace GREAT WOMEN All!
Queer as Folk, Californication, Huff, US of Tara, 6′ Under
QAF deserves it’s own 10 word shout out (Bossy you would love this one!)
Bunch of gay guys and gals who all have babies
House, CSI (Las Vegas), Dead Like Me, The Dresden Files
Want to finish Weeds, but cub scoutmaster owns video store…
and thanks to Bossy’s Council for the walk down memory lane!
Late to the party here…but “Orange is the New Black” – Netflix only series – burned through 13 episodes in 3 days.
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Bernard Berenson, peintres italiens pour les Renaissance: 2, les écoles italiennes pour Florence ensuite de Centre, (Oxford, 1952). Ces essais ont fait leur apparition au tournant de 19e siècle, Venise (1894), pour Florence (1896), l’italien Central (1897), nord pour l’Italie ensuite pour les décadence pour l’art (1907). Ils ont été regroupés dans deux volumes (peinture vénitienne ensuite l’Italie de Nord, Florence ensuite l’Italie centrale par Phaidon Press dans 1952. La version pour poche a un même texte ensuite les plaques que l’original.
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