You are looking at the house Bossy just purchased in the D.C. metro area so she can live a few hundred yards from her gay Vuboq. Sorry about the whole traveling-across-the country thing, because Bossy will be staying right here, on this porch, in that chair.
And then Bossy woke up. And when she did, she was still on her road trip! And, sister mercy, is she ever tired already! Blame them:
And you can also blame them:
Also this:
In whatever case, Bossy and her amazing D.C. council had a grand time scarfing fried pickles, and also eating fried pickles. By the time Bossy reaches Houston next week on her Fried Fried tour, she will be retaining so much water as to be rendered unrecognizable.
Speaking of Bossy’s council who broke a sweat consuming fried pickles, she was there and she was there and she was there and Yes Bossy realizes these names don’t link to anything yet — and that’s because Bossy left their blog information in her car. But please check back later today when Bossy fills in this vital information.
And speaking of Bossy’s car which is resting in a parking garage a few blocks away holding all manner of vital information, last night after the meet-up, Bossy’s gay Vuboq fell in love with Bossy’s car, which Bossy has named Harrison Ford:
And speaking of Harrison Ford in a parking garage a few blocks away holding vital information, you may be wondering what Bossy is doing today that she needs a parking garage in metro D.C. and it’s this: Bossy is holding a (No) Book signing at Borders!
That’s right, Bossy is here to sign the book she didn’t write, and Bossy was plenty gratified to see how many (No) people showed up for the occasion!
Which is why Bossy was extra pleased to round the corner and bump into one of Bossy’s very close and personal friends, Seattle’s Restrooms Coffee!
Did you know Seattle’s Best Coffee is now sold at Borders?
Well. Bossy was known to frequent other coffee houses on her last road trip, but Bossy just discovered one additional advantage of Borders — besides the many intriguing New York Times Best Sellers, of which Bossy is (Not) included, and the delicious Seattle’s Best Coffee and nibbles, and oh my gah they’re playing The Best of Janet Jackson — and it’s this:
As you can imagine, dear Bossy’s council, the expense of paying hourly for internet in other coffee houses nearly drove Bossy to the poor house on her last road trip — and see how Bossy did that? Wrapped a driving pun around her (No) Book Signing post? This Seattle’s Best Coffee coffee sure is working!
I hope we can show you as good a good in Richmond tonight!! Can’t wait!
Or, you know, “as good a time.” But I speak that way, so there’s your warning. Then seeing you later, I will be. Good.
Excellent name for your car – I hope it lives up to the monikor.
Free WiFi is a good thing – and I bet if you were to tell people you were stopping at Seattle’s Best Coffee/Restrooms and Free WiFi Emporium during the trip, the peoples, they would come.
ummmmmm. hi honey.
“Dee-On” and her adorable short hair cut that I can never have because my face is bigger than the face that ate Richmond…well, it makes me love to hate her a little bit.
Is Calista Flockhart pouting in the glove compartment?
–>Seattle’s Restrooms Coffee made me LAUGH.
Dee-On says “thanks for the ‘adorable’ label – I love that.” Now don’t be a hater…
I had a great time last night – thanks for pulling us all out of our computers for a little while!
I love your new house! Congratulations on the rel-estate sponsorship?! I know Bossy is busy driving and eating and finding restrooms and taking pictures and uploading and keeping Harrison Ford (love it!) full of gas, so now that I’ve sufficiently recovered from Bossy’s NYC stop, I’ve posted a few how-to’s for Bossy Hosts at
Bossy is my hero.
Fried pickles and free WiFi?!! Girl, you got it going on!! Love Richmond, great funky, fun, quirky town…enjoy!
I am so excited that you are going to be my neighbor! YAY!
Hey, Bossy! I ALSO have a Harrison Ford that lives in my garage and carries me tenderly home from work every day! We have been together for four years this June. He sometimes takes the form of a green Escape Hybrid. For reals, my car is also Harrison Ford. Good choice.
I have loved Harrison Ford from afar for YEARS but he ain’t no car! I will never forgive Stewart Brothers Coffee company for selling out and renaming it “Seattle’s Best.” It offended me greatly. Many McDonald’s also serve it now.
and the restrooms” sign really is appropriate, ’cause you know you’ll be headed there shortly after you fuel up.
Bossy, you can get free Wi-Fi in That Other Coffee Place if you have one of their cards and use it once a month.
And, oddly, our local Burger King has a sign out advertising free Wi-Fi. As if.
Meleah thinks Bossy is the BEST at wrapping driving puns around her (No) Book Signing posts!!
Harrison FORD! Oh, I get it! I…hahahaha…um….
I mean, that’s a cool name.
So fun. I am still so sad that I couldn’t make it. Sad, sad, sad. But I will be very happy to visit Bossy in her new DC Bossy Pad.
It was great to meet you, Bossy, and all the others who showed up last night. I knew I would like the people who love Bossy! I guess I should start blogging again so my link (assuming you get around to making it a link) will actually go to a site with some content.
LOL – Harrison Ford! And comment #6!
I can’t tell you how excited I was when I read Seattle’s Restrooms Coffee! A coffee place specializing in cool, clean restrooms! Then I saw the pic and LAUGHED heartily along with WebSavvyMom but with a bit of disappointment that there were no such coffee/restroom establishments.
I think you should divorce Miss Ford Delivery Person and marry that house!
If I had a dollar for every house I fake-bought I could afford a real house. Wonderful to see you!!
xoxo, Amy
Geebzzz…for some rando reason I am really craving Seattle’s Best Coffee right now! I hear it’s Seattle’s best coffee!
Wait until you really get to Seattle. You tell me what you’re drink is, and I’ll bring you the best cup in Seattle, but it’s from Big Foot Java. My daughter is a barista at one of their many locations in the area. It’s a mighty good cup in a town that knows it’s coffee!
Is it true that Seattle’s Best is really Starbuck’s, operating under an alias, also known as a subsidiary?
You look like you’re having so much fun! I hope when I start a blog(not technically savvy enough yet) maybe something like this will happen again. I admire so many bloggers but you are a special one that I read every day. Keep having fun and taking pictures!
Bossy is the best, and I can attest to the fact that she ate nary a fried fried last night at Kitchen 64.
Thanks, Bossy, for another great time. Be safe and don’t remember the advice your doctor didn’t give you which is get out and walk periodically.
Also, do I need to add Harrison Ford to the list of Road Trip husbands? For now, I”ll just put it/him down as a maybe.
Don’t go broke on this trip consuming coffee in order to avoid paying wifi fees. But at least you’ll be awake, jazzed and jumpin’ while driving.
You have the most attractive readers of any blogger.
I was there and am proud to say I ate most of the fried pickles by myself! That is why it has taken me four days to comment on this post.
Seriously — it was a blast. In case anyone doubted it, Bossy IS all she is cracked up to be! Thanks Bossy for stopping by…