The above view is just about the only thing Bossy saw of New York City yesterday, as she was a little bit preoccupied with the final stages of organizing and packing and driving and panicking.
Well, that’s not entirely true, Bossy had a chance to do a little bit more sightseeing once she arrived at the destination of the New York City (No) Book Tour meet-up — and the sight she saw was this:
You are looking at Bossy’s very first official Road Trip Husband, and his name is Cameraman. Many of Bossy’s (No) Book Tour meet-ups are going to be documented in this way, however subsequent videographers are going to have big shoes to fill because, as Bossy kept saying last night, her new husband Cameraman is very intuitive, where intuitive equals cute.
Bossy asked Cameraman if he wouldn’t like to sneak into Bossy’s suitcase so he could film her whole trip — Bossy even offered to displace the Desenex Antifungal Foot Powder from her suitcase so he could fit, but for some unknown reason that’s just about the moment he declined.
Bossy also saw other sights at the New York meet-up, like this:
It’s the superheroes known as Mom101 and MetroDad and Alpha Mom!
And there were even more sightings, like the funny Magpie Musing and Bossy’s new best friend The Real Kitty Joe and the beautiful Heidi:
And the fabulous Laid Off Dad with the disk jockey voice was in the house:
And look, it’s that crazy Columbia University student, Bossy’s son:
And here’s the gang plus Jan and Bossy’s council member John:
And here’s Bossy’s other new best friend Kevin:
And then Bossy waved goodbye to all of her fabulous New York City friends and retired back to her sleeping destination and after many hours of zipping and unzipping her suitcase looking for things not there, it was time to wake for a brand new day!
And so Bossy found a neat internet cafe between New York and tonight’s destination of D.C., and here’s that neat internet cafe now!
Yes, Bossy came home, but she’s leaving again right this minute for tonight’s meet-up in D.C., because Bossy just loves goodbyes.
For information about tonight’s meet-up, and for every city, please fan Bossy on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter. Bossy’s road trip hashtag is #nobooktour
Jim says
April 7, 2010 at 2:46 pmNow Wave Bossy !!
WebSavvyMom says
April 7, 2010 at 3:00 pm–>Looks like Bossy kicked off her non book tour in a super fun way!
middle-aged-woman says
April 7, 2010 at 3:16 pmI’m pretty sure we are gonna have a mostly-chicks meet-up in Detroit. Quick! Somebody find some guys!
vuboq says
April 7, 2010 at 4:33 pmSee you in a few hours, BOSSY! Yayz!
p.j. says
April 7, 2010 at 5:55 pmLooks like it was a fun night in the City! Did you actually drive there? Where the heck did you park? Parking always scares me—my Dad had a talent of (almost) always finding a space on the street. Me, not so much.
Son of Bossy seems to enjoy wearing ties! Impressive.
Safe travels, Bossy – p.j.
Momo Fali says
April 7, 2010 at 6:17 pmLiz, Isabel AND Kevin? Oh my.
amber star says
April 7, 2010 at 7:31 pmBossy,
I’m enjoying your tour so much! I think Metro Dad is really funny and some of the others, too. All your friends are brilliant and now we are worried about meeting our group with you. I’m bringing my cousin so I have someone there I know. 🙂
Twisted Susan Will Have To Remain A Mystery Till The Next Road Trip says
April 7, 2010 at 8:02 pmExtreme commuting.
Meg says
April 7, 2010 at 8:21 pmBossy, I so wish I was joining you in Rosslyn tonight. I came down with a case of the funkies and was not in a state of mind to make a good first impression or provide witty banter and sparkling conversation. Sigh. I hope you had a great time – enjoy your roadtrip!
Chesapeake Bay Woman says
April 7, 2010 at 8:45 pmAs the official tracker of Bossy’s Road Trip Husbands, I’d like to start the list:
1. NYC Cameraman
2. Bossy’s Son –Oh wait. This is Bossy’s list, not my list.
See Bossy tomorrow night!
Chesapeake Bay Woman says
April 7, 2010 at 8:46 pmOh, and Meg – it’s not too late to drive to Richmond tomorrow night if the funkies take their leave.
sugarpie says
April 7, 2010 at 9:01 pmWhat a fine looking bunch! Looks like I’m going to have to step up my game, I see a haircut, some tic-tacs, and a new tie in my future. ie before Bossy gets to Houston.
janny226 says
April 7, 2010 at 9:03 pmThat was so much fun. I was tres impressed with how many guys flocked to Bossy’s NY meetup. I swear, I didn’t know in advance!
All I have to say about meeting Bossy’s Son is that the White House will never be the same once Bossy is First Mom.
The Zadge says
April 7, 2010 at 9:15 pmOh, can’t you please bring NYC Cameraman to Denver!
Audubon Ron says
April 7, 2010 at 10:55 pmPic of Bossy and her son is/was so familiar to me. I miss my mom. I haven’t said that out loud since she passed away in 2002. Thanks for making me cry Georgia.
Tootsie Farklepants says
April 8, 2010 at 1:33 amNo fair! BOSSY’S NY council got to meet BOSSY’S son. Los Angeles is pouting.
Petra says
April 8, 2010 at 3:59 amOh, the book trip is a great idea. I LOVE IT. Can’t wait for more… Enjoy the journey…
jeri says
April 8, 2010 at 10:08 amThanks, Audobon Ron for making me cry! I lost my Mom 6/18/08, it’s still fresh, and though I love seeing grown children loving their mother’s, it’s always a very bitter sweet picture for me, cuz I miss mine so much.
And thanks, Georgia, for making Audobon Ron cry.
The meeting looked like such fun. I can’t wait for the end of the month when you’re in Seattle! Woo Hoo
Isabel @AlphaMom says
April 8, 2010 at 11:23 amOMG. You’re right, Janny226. BOSSY as First Mom will rock da house. White House Concerts every Friday afternoon. I can see it now.
It was GREAT meeting you all and seeing you, my dear BOSSY.
heidi says
April 8, 2010 at 11:40 amIt was lovely meeting you Bossy! (And Son of Bossy with The Awesome Hickey) Have a wonderful rest of #nobooktour 🙂
foolery says
April 8, 2010 at 12:01 pmOh crap — no one said we have to be AWESOME for these meet-ups. I got no game. I need a surrogate.
Reeb says
April 8, 2010 at 12:19 pm1. Bossys Son had a HICKEY?
2. Bossys Son has a nametag on with a name that’s not Bossys Son. I was shocked, shocked I tell you.
3. My friend Peggy says she’ll be at the party in Houston on my behalf to meet you.
4. I feel like a stalker, actually recognizing your house as the “internet cafe” before you even mentioned it.
5. Audobon Ron and Jeri, you both made my heart twinge sweetly to remember my mom, with your comments. thanks.
Good travels. I know that *I* would nestle right into your luggage next to the foot powder to get to go along.
MetroDad says
April 8, 2010 at 12:19 pmJust for the record (because I didn’t think it could be possible,) Bossy is even HOTTER in person. Seriously.
Great hanging with all you NYC bloggers. We’ll have to do it again sometime soon.
Reeb says
April 8, 2010 at 12:20 pm6. A real tie is a nice touch, B.S. Impressive.
Suzanne says
April 8, 2010 at 2:38 pmI’d like a cross country trip with your camera man! 🙂
magpie says
April 9, 2010 at 4:45 pmThat was a swell night and I wish you many more similar meetups across the country.
magpie says
April 9, 2010 at 4:46 pmAnd, OMG, it was hot there which could account for the redness in my cheeks. Either that or menopause.
muskrat says
April 11, 2010 at 9:12 pmWow…suddenly, Muskrat almost wishes he’d come along for some of these stops. Like NYC and Nashville. These are some good peeps featured up in these photos. Except for the cinematographer. He frightens Muskrat.