The bird family living in this birdhouse nailed to Bossy’s garden fence post. Bossy isn’t sure how many offspring live under this roof, or if they’re getting ready to leave the nest, or if, instead, they have paid internships within commuting distance for the summer, but holy christmas, this crew raises more hell than Bossy…
Bossy’s Favorite Things.
Bird Feeders. But not just any bird feeders, bird feeders that you can see from inside your house. Bossy doesn’t have any bird feeders, because–that whole eating like a bird thing? Not true. And Bossy is trying to pull off a little stunt with special effects she likes to call The Poverty Party, and she…
Bossy Is The New Columbo. Only Gassier.
The Columbo part: This little detective story begins two weeks ago when Bossy’s farm-grown tomato plants decided to turn themselves inside out. To restore Bossy’s faith in her garden, she planted rows and rows of zinnia seeds, which promptly emerged from the soil and began to thrive: But then one day Bossy woke up, which…