Bossy will get right to the point, since by the time you read this, Bossy will be in the car on her way to camp in Vermont — so if you read this in the morning Bossy will be driving to Vermont, and if you read this in the afternoon Bossy will be driving to…
bossy's friend wendy
A Hump Day Giveaway.
Yesterday Bossy created a little chart of her friends and their random asparagus facts, and many readers expressed an interest in finding out which asparagus fact corresponded to which friend, where many readers equals maybe one person — and perhaps that wasn’t interest, maybe that was a yawn. So! Back by popular demand! Bossy’s friend/asparagus…
Bossy’s Excellent Road Trip: Day Eight? Nine? Ten?
Blame her. The one standing to the left of Bossy in the photo. Her name is Wendy and she is one of Bossy’s best friends. Wendy lives in Scottsdale, and Bossy is staying with Wendy, which means Wendy is making Bossy stay up until one in the morning drinking wine and applying facial masks. Her…