Once upon a time in a castle hassle far far away lived a Bossy. And one day the princely Onlineshoes.com did something they will forever regret: they arranged a Dansko giveaway for Bossy’s readers. The next thing you know, Bossy was ordering a pair of Dansko shoes to test drive: Bossy loved that they were…
The Clog Saga. Part One Million.
Who remembers when Onlineshoes.com offered to give Bossy a free pair of Danskos? Well, let’s just agree that was the saddest day in Onlineshoes.com’s entire online shoe life. You see, Bossy perused the new arrivals page and sent away for these strappy pups: But after wearing them around the carpeted areas of her house, Bossy…
The Great Dansko Giveaway.
You are looking at Bossy’s Dansko clogs, which Bossy purchased a decade ago and then proceeded to throw on her feet in some fashion every day since. This is because these clogs live