Does anyone want to guess what this is? For those of you who guessed, “A blurry photo,” you are correct! But it is also a stack of credit card offers, collected over a one-month period. The thing that’s so sick about this stack is that the economy is in the toilet due to over-extension, yet…
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Bossy’s Slippers. And Less.
Beg Bossy’s pardon, but readers reader? Did you say you wanted to hear about Bossy’s slippers? Because you don’t have to ask Bossy twice. Nine times, maybe. But never twice. Bossy’s slippers were a birthday gift from Bossy’s mom six years ago, and if you think they look too new to be six-year-old slippers you’d…
Yet Another Little Known Fact.
Only three days before her dog bite, Bossy’s daughter was starring in a local Youth Theater production of 101 Dalmations. That’s her in the bottom row, center. She played Anita. photo: J. Dawes