This past weekend, Bossy’s friend Martha threw a Murder Mystery dinner party for eight of her closest friends. OK, they aren’t her closest friends — but rather the eight suckers who would willingly pass a Saturday night dressed in stuff like lederhosen: In the above photo, Bossy’s husband is dressed as a German wine merchant….
Bossy Is The New Columbo. Only Gassier.
The Columbo part: This little detective story begins two weeks ago when Bossy’s farm-grown tomato plants decided to turn themselves inside out. To restore Bossy’s faith in her garden, she planted rows and rows of zinnia seeds, which promptly emerged from the soil and began to thrive: But then one day Bossy woke up, which…
Where Is Bossy’s Brother Raul Now That She Really Needs Him?
Bossy doesn’t actually have a 76-year-old brother named Raul. Fidel Castro does. But if Bossy did have a 76-year-old brother Raul, she would insist he take over as President of Cuba contest official because readers reader? Have you ever tried to write over 150 contestant names on microscopic scraps of paper that you ripped with…