This Christmas Cactus. It was given to Bossy at this time last year, in full bloom. The plant was stuck in a prominent place in Bossy’s apartment and subsequently ignored, collecting dust through three seasons. And now it’s blooming again. Bossy hopes it’s symbolic.
Bossy Is The New Columbo. Only Gassier.
The Columbo part: This little detective story begins two weeks ago when Bossy’s farm-grown tomato plants decided to turn themselves inside out. To restore Bossy’s faith in her garden, she planted rows and rows of zinnia seeds, which promptly emerged from the soil and began to thrive: But then one day Bossy woke up, which…
Yet Another Little Known Fact.
Bossy’s tomato plants have tanked, but her Zinnia seedlings are the picture of health. Except now Bossy has to thin them out, and has anyone ever seen that movie Sophie’s Choice?