This Pie Crust Sleeve. And yes there’s a pie crust sleeve there, even though it blends with the counter and about food photography: hi, have you met Bossy? Perhaps this is better? Speaking of pie crust sleeves, the winner of the telepathy award goes to Abby, a Bossy reader who guessed the cheap gadget Bossy…
Bossy’s Favorite Things.
Pie crust dough. And by the way, welcome to the ugliest food photography ever. There just isn’t a great way to photograph pie dough that is wrapped in plastic and sitting on a dirty refrigerator shelf. Or if there is, it certainly wasn’t happening around Bossy’s frantic house last week prior to rolling out these…
The Daily Poverty Post.
Speaking of the thermostat, there comes a time every autumn when the Bossy family must surrender their back porch screens to plastic. The back porch is the reason Bossy and her husband purchased their house nearly nine years ago. It’s functional and breezy and overlooks the wetlands, and Bossy can’t describe the funk she gets…