The other night Bossy and her husband were watching a movie about a man who leaves his pregnant fiancée at the altar only to decide many years later he made a terrible mistake and so he tries to win her back but that’s not what this post is about although sister mercy wouldn’t it be so much better if it were?
In one of the opening scenes of the movie, the lead character walks past a wall:
Bossy was instantly drawn to the graffiti. “That’s great. I love you but…” Bossy said as she reached under her arse for the remote so she could rewind the scene again.
“That would make a fun Ten-Word Tuesday,” Bossy’s husband said, where fun equals Really? You sure you want to make the case for divorce court, Bossy’s husband?
Bossy can sum up her reaction to her husband’s Ten-Word Tuesday suggestion in this way: Bossy won’t touch this one with a ten-foot pole. You?
Regardless of Bossy’s trepidation, today’s Ten-Word Challenge it will be. In exactly ten words, can you fill in the blank which follows, “I love you but…”
And be sure to check back later today for the buttiest comments on the web.
If you missed last week’s challenge, click here to read Bossy’s council’s take on the various parents of their childhood friends. It’s one of Bossy’s favorite Ten-Word challenges because the responses paint such incredible pictures.
I love you but… if you don’t stop that, I’m gonna whack you.
Nine words – all I needed.
I love you but sweet mother of jesus do we need to have televisions everywhere in this house? When you go away for a week none of them are even switched on
(I love you but…) This may be one of the quietest ten-words in history.
forgot it was ten words
I love you but…..
shutting the damn drawers would settle my nerves
(I love you but…) next time suggest a ten-word about rainbows and kittens please.
I love you but…..
After spending time with you I’m always weary and weepy.
I love you but….
wincing when I’m driving is not a positive thing
I love you but…
You’re both being immature, and you’re both at fault. Apologize.
(I love you but…) sister mercy I don’t want to touch this one either.
I love you but your an ass!
I love you but…somtimes it would be better for Jesus to come back.
( I love you, but . . .) if you touch my Oreos, I will kill you dead.
Flannel beats lingerie any day. Get used to it.
I love you, but…for once can you pick up your fricking dirty clothes?
(to my mother-in-law)
I love you, but…the smell of cigarette smoke makes me want to hurl.
I love you but…I often forget to say so.
I love you but…you should probably shut up now.
I love you but…throw away your used floss!
I love you, but…please stop farting after every meal with beans or chicken.
I love you but you’re spending far too much time around Betty Bosom lately.
I can’t abide your intense dislike for my children, goodbye
Lora, that’s hilarious:)
I love you (dearly) but….
if I hear Bear Gryll’s voice again I’ll lose head.
(I love you, but…) you will never know how truly and deeply. Your loss.
i love you but….we just can’t be in the same room together. ever.
(I love you but..) you keep forgetting things. “That’s good for you.” Touche’
I love you but….you just get on my nerves!!!!
I love you but…you don’t listen – then claim I didn’t say out loud
I love you but…I’m still changing my phone number
I love you but…wish you treated me better. Goodbye!
(I love you but …) you’re a crazy musician who can only play the guitar.
1) i love you but love is just not enough anymore
2) i love you but we were too young and stupid
3) i love you but you deserve better than this now
4) i love you but i deserve better than this now
5) i love you but our kids deserve so much more
6) i love you but ending it now will be best
Is it just me, or is that “I love you but …” on the wall in the movie totally fake-looking like it was photoshopped into the scene?? I know, possibly am missing point. But it bugs me.
I love you but…you are my bestest bud and an opinionated bastard too.
–>I love you but…taking out the garbage isn’t foreplay.
(I love you but..)it’s your fault; it will always be your fault.
(I love you but…) “Battle Studies” is a big step down from “Continuum,” John.
I love you but…that remote control glued to your fist…also not foreplay
I love you but…
blowing your nose in the shower is nasty and germy.
i love you but … if you eat that last cookie …
(nothing else required. the implied threat works.)
(I wasn’t going to participate but I didn’t get enough sleep last night so I’m pissy.)
I love you but… if your director calls at 1am AGAIN – enjoy the couch.
I love you but…fart again and you will sleep outside.
I love you but…no video camera in the bedroom. Ever.
I love you but……..these crazy pregnancy hormones make me want to kill you.
I love you but…I don’t always like you
(what I say to my son sometimes and he now repeats back to me!!)
I love you but… after 5 years of marriage, some romance would be nice.
I love you but…. I’m always right and you are not. Get over it.
sometimes I think killing you would be called justifiable homicide!
I love you but…not the whiskers stuck to the sink after you shave
I love you, but…not when you let the tequila do the talkin’.
I love you but…
I also love my Droid, and it does not snore.
I love you but…the tentacles are starting to become a problem.
I love you but…sometimes you drive me frikin crazy.
(to my bff)
(I love you but)…I am sick of hearing about your son 24/7.
I love you but where are you, where are you?
(to my mom)
(I love you but) you’re a total nut case.
I love you but… I’m not IN love with you.
(A common line heard in movies and most break-ups.)
I love you but – sometimes I thank my lucky stars I am adopted!
I love you… but just leave me alone now, please
I love you but…you had a (mild) heart attack so please start working out so that I can continue to love you in this world.
Bossy: I love you…but I can’t play by the ten word rules today
I love you but…I’m still not letting you have bacon.
(I love you, but. . .) please don’t wear your socks with the heel on top.
(I love you but. . . )
stop eating all the chunks out of my Ben&Jerry’s. Mean!
I love you but…you really do need a cat.
I love you, but…
your little mouths don’t have to constantly be making noise.
I love you but you are the wrong sexual orientation.
(I love you but…) … tormenting you is much more entertaining! Okay, please stop crying.
I love you, but…
it’s tiring worrying about hurting your feelings all the time.
We watched “Run, Fat Boy, run” the other night, too. Very British, and despite the synopsis, funny.
I love you but your feet smell like hot garbage.
I Love you but………..Its a good thing you have such a cute Butt!
(I love you but) if you don’t put down the zapper, I will scream!
Also, I watched this movie last weekend because I’m currently obsessed with all things “marathon.” I’m hoping watching a bunch of other people struggle through it and survive will inspire me to CRUSH IT. ROAR.
How about “I love you and…”
I love you, and after more than forty years am pretty sure I always will!
(Pollyanna here, but happily, it’s true
I love you but
you gotta take care of that fungus first.
I love you but …I’m running late for work. Hold that thought until tonight?
I love you but…I’m buying you Breathe-Right Strips. Snore again and die.
I love you but…I don’t think I can take being let down again.
I love you but….
the whole MO-vember thing? HONEY, enough!
…I never have time to catch up on your blog…
She was just a little fun but I love you.
I love you but…
that wasn’t enough to make up for all our issues.
(I love you but…) I’m pregnant. You know this. Stop smoking around me.
I love myself too much to be with you anymore
I love you but you are getting on my last nerve!
I love you but: also believe in you. It’ll work out. Hang in there.
Ack! Kittens sliding down rainbows is too lolcats for me.
I love you, but I worry you won’t love me.
I love you more than I hate you, dear husband.
I love you but… you need to let me go.
“I love you but”
Please take out the trash when you leave for work.
This isn’t a fill in the blank, but I read this post this morning, and I just sat down to watch a movie. Two minutes in, I realize that I’m watching THAT movie when I see the graffiti. Crazy.
I love you but you need to love yourself first.
I love you but sometimes we can disagree without my being called “control freak”
I love you but…my other self doesn’t…prozac anyone?
I love you but what if that’s not enough?
[I love you, but] phrase is in the same category as, “no offense, but…”
I agree about the possible photoshoppy-ness of the image.
I love you but…someone else will always be “the one that got away.”
I love you but… oops, typos. I love youR butT.
I love you but I’ll admit differently (and better) than in the beginning.
I love you, but…it’s been 39 years; we gonna make it to 40?
I love you but … leave the room before you do that, ‘kay?
I love you but…that doesn’t mean I have to watch Dark Knight again.
I love you but…it’s totally fine to stop putting songs on our iPod.
I love you but… no more karaoke. You’re NOT Bono, or Spingsteen, or NeilYoung.
Loved you, but your three girlfriends? Hell to the no.
Loved you and your mental illness. Girlfriends? Not so much.
I love you, but I’m with Bossy on this one.
Dear Kevin Bacon, I love you. What’s not to love?
To my 3 year old…
I love you but…
please sleep in your own bed, all night, for once.
I love you but…
…you don’t seem to know or care who I am.
(I love you but..) You and #77’s man aughta start bunking together, or else..
I love you but… your mom? Not so much. Though your dad’s pretty cool.
I love you but…I’m over you.
I love you but…ok, I’m lying. I don’t love you. You’re sister’s hot.
i love you but….your breath could knock a buzzard off of a garbage scow.
originally it was sh*t wagon, but i didn’t want to make you lose your family rating.
I love you, but . . .
would you please clean your freaking whiskers out the sink?!
…I need more paint. Stop spending our money on gin.
(Ilove you but) you really aren’t as great as you think you are.
One of my favourite lines in a song is
“God, I love you but you trouble me” from Tristan and Iseult by Tarkio:
It’s around 1:25 …
I love you but… why are you so grumpy right before my PMS?
…when you return from college, you will find two cats.
I love you but not your sisters. Or their kids.
I love you, but… You’re not the person I married
I love you, but…please remember, turn the stove off!
(My girl likes to cook. She has a tendency to take stuff off/out of the stove but then forgets to turn it off!! This is sometimes followed by her leaving the house and me arriving at the house many hours later!!!)
I love you but; You died and them dam cigarettes killed you,
screw cancer.
I love you but, seriously has this health scare not opened your eyes to change?
I love you, but: not the dirty dishes you always leave in our bed.
I love you but…
fucking other women is not ok so go fuck off.
I love you but…please please please put things back where you found them!
I love you, but…I can’t love you anymore. Thank you for the closure.
I love you but..not everything tastes better on a Ritz.
I love you, but…I wish you loved yourself, too.
I love you, Bossy, but…
I was out of town for ten word Tuesday.
(I love you but…)
I agree with Carroll/77 that “and” is the better conjunction.
I love you, but you Tabasco doesn’t go on everything.
I love you, but Tabasco does not go on everything.
I love you but –
when you’re on top I feel like a trapped coalminer