Bossy has been busy thinking about resolutions this week. Which isn’t to be confused with busy making resolutions this week.
Last year Bossy was all, Everything Bossy Wants To Change About Herself Is Behind The Family Room Door, what with the organizing and the organizing with some organizing and one core ball thrown in for good measure.
But this year, Bossy’s resolutions are all between the ears. Specifically,
her ears.
Bossy has been very unfocused these past months, where past months equal what is twelve months times the years Bossy has been alive? Bossy has let many projects fall to the back burner, the burner that is spattered with last night’s pasta sauce and never really worked anyway.
For starters, Bossy’s resolutions for 2010 involve learning how to type the year 2010 because sister mercy, wasn’t it just 2009?
For Bossy’s next resolution, she will learn what to call this decade. Is it the tens? The teens? The tensiteens?
Bossy can sum up her 2010 New Year’s Resolutions this way: It’s difficult to build one’s empire while napping. Rise up.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you share with Bossy and her council your New Year’s resolutions, or why you don’t make any?
And be sure to check back later today for the resolutionist of comments on the web.
If you missed last week’s Ten-Word Challenge, click here to read Bossy’s unwritten posts, and to see the avoided things Bossy readers have lying around their computer desktops.
Write that book proposal or get off the pot. Sh-t.
To Excellent Road Trip or not to Excellent Road Trip?
To be healthier/more present for people in my life.
Which may or may not entail getting a new kidney.
Cowrite that hit song already. Because there are artists waiting.
Stop with the Not Mailing Christmas Presents on time. Boring.
Cowrite that hit song already. Because there are artists waiting
Write a screenplay, learn taxidermy, and get pregnant again.
Or wait. Can we reuse a resolution that’s already listed?
Get apartment, look forward, finish Infinite Jest, relax abit more….
Seriously, Tuesday already? I slept yesterday; today works for me.
Get healthy. Oh wait, can’t make resolution for someone else.
Find love the right way! Open myself to the possibilities!
Stay healthy. Stay upbeat. (Too old for funny.) Happy NewYear!
This year I swear I am going to starting flossing my teeth!
Stop maniacal self serving plan to take over the world.
Don’t park in the closest spot. Make shopping my exercise.
More; exercise, sewing. Less; eating, drinking. No more; waiting for?
Try to stop using the ‘F’ word so much.
Don’t make resolutions. Just pick a word to guide you.
Why, I already have a rockin’ body?! Don’t hate me……..
Don’t, usually.
But, brand new sketchbook.
Now, draw every day.
Remodel my kitchen (finally); convince BOSSY to Road Trip again!
[and I define “Road Trip” to mean “help VUBOQ remodel his kitchen”]
Get a job already; “babies” are now 16 and 19.
Got to start eating healthily again. Bye-bye yummy baked goods
Follow the old British maxim: Keep Calm and Carry On.
I like the flossing idea. Not too hard, very healthy.
Bark less and wag more.
I will cut back on the sugar. Its the devil.
Develop positive attitude, conquer procrastination, get home plastered and painted.
Be able to park car in garage. (again this year).
Remind myself that sucess is permanant and failure isn’t fatal.
Correction – Remind myself that success isn’t permanant and failure isn’t fatal.
Want change? Make it now. Otherwise it will not happen.
I really need to loose this bloggy weight…Heaven helpme!
Happynewyear, favorite bossy!
New York, New York, Here I come for some shopping!
–>Renamed blog to correct spelling of savvy, finally.
I thought today is Wednesday. Bossy is confusing me.
Llearn to make slipcovers. And try to be less confused.
and learn to spellcheck
Joining the blogging world: – can’t wait to attend Blogher!
Stop trying to get blood out of a stone. comeon.
Yoga classes, cook in January, be organized before school starts!
Start memoir. Post more on blog. In a word, WRITE.
Don’t usually make them, but this year I really want to focus on myself. ME. As in, do things for me, find out who I am and what I want to do.
Make bossy’s bitchin’ kitchin salmon dip recipe for endive boats
Start a Project 365. Actually finish the thing. ???? Profit!
Don’t make ’em: EVERY day presents a chance to improve.
Set attainable goals like “don’t make any New Year’s resolutions.”
Go to dentist. Go to optometrist. Paint house. Laugh more.
Don’t start anything I won’t finish. Won’t be starting much.
To grow this baby we found out about Christmas Eve.
Use exercise bike after removing 3 years worth of cobwebs.
Stop blaming kid for my lack of nightlife, or life.
Does Bossy not realize today is Wednesday? Be less critical!
Holy cow, Georgia. I don’t have to share ANY of my resolutions here because YOU WROTE THEM ALL FOR ME. How is it possible that we have the exact same goals for the new year???
I think a Polynesian Road Trip is a great idea. Since I can’t come visit Bossyville, I think you should come to Hawai`i! Please know that you and your clan have an open invitation. That may sound weird, but it’s totally sincere. We are empty-nesters now and have a ton of room in our little grass shack. This place is magical, and my husband and I love to share it, and to show people the cool stuff they’d never see otherwise. I can virtually guarantee that you would have the Best Vacation Ever, filled with hiking, snorkeling, waterfalls, exotic flowers, music, and Large Powerful Alcoholic Beverages with Fresh Tropical Fruit. Y’all come!
improve posture, yoga once a month, spend time in Trenton.
Quit smoking, again! Find peace w my relationship or leave.
I will achieve a satisfying level of utterly superficial fame.
my resolution is to stop making all these useless resolutions
Figure out what to do when I grow up-finally.
Meet Caroline (56) and let her adopt me! And laugh more!
to lose 20 pounds or get pregnant, whichever comes first.
Get back in shape, back to a smaller round shape.
Get that job and move up north one last time.
This year I’m using reverse psychology: absolutely, positively no housework.
Hate everything, grumble more and shave legs.
Stop playing the Facebook Games and start drinking more wine.
Be there for my mom while she dies too young.
Dear Ruth at #4 : for some reason, I read “hickey” instead of kidney. I wish you were getting a hickey. Hell, I wish *I* were getting a hickey instead of f-ing vet bills for the cats and my mom in the damn hospital.
How about 2010 includes God recognizing my plea for a few more dollars and a few less medical expenses, and we all get MASSIVE hickeys?
Dear Jessie #57 – I LIVE in Trenton – please for God’s sakes tell me you are referring to New Jersey and NOT the hellhole in Michigan?
Keep to a schedule that includes yoga, rewriting and job.
I hate ’em, I brake ’em so — don’t make ’em.
Better self-care. . . —> better care of three kids. [Hail Mary!]
Feel as good inside as I look on the outside.
Start blog. Become a featured gay. Brighten Bossy’s every day.
and here i thought you were getting new earrings…
Buy lottery tickets; you can’t win if you don’t buy.
Happy New Years
Get all friends to start blogs. New job= blog maven.
Things away, either thrown or put in an appropriate place.
Declutter house. Same goal as 2009. And 2008. And 2007!