Bossy has a bad new habit. And that habit is popcorn. You may wonder what’s so bad about popcorn? Well. The answer may become clear once Bossy provides some scale:
Yes popcorn is often described as a more innocuous snack, low in calories and high in fiber. And that would be true if Bossy could practice popcorn in moderation. Instead, Bossy subscribes to the expression, Go big or go home!
Not only does Bossy consume enough popcorn in one sitting to replenish the postal system’s supply of packing peanuts, but Bossy splashes that popcorn with too much olive oil and salt.
The problem here is twofold. The first issue is that popcorn is very difficult to digest. Bossy knows this because her father told her popcorn is difficult to digest. Other things that are difficult to digest according to Bossy’s father include raw vegetables, melon, broccoli, cabbage, beans, Brussel sprouts, milk, grapes, whole wheat bread, nuts, cheese, lentils, and everything else good for you.
The reason popcorn is difficult to digest is because each piece of popcorn contains a kernel:
And each popcorn kernel is made of insoluble fiber. This means it does not dissolve in water. It also means it doesn’t dissolve in other things.
The second issue with Bossy’s new snack popcorn, is the amount of salt Bossy consumes with each bowl the size of a swimming hole. And salt is very bad for the heart, according to Bossy’s father.
You see, the kidneys help manage the normal levels of sodium found in the body, eliminating the excess sodium through your urine.
But when there’s too much salt for your kidneys to manage, it builds up in your blood. And because salt attracts and retains water, your blood volume increases, which makes your heart work harder to move the blood through your arteries.
And elevated blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes, death, and worse — quitting popcorn!
Bossy can sum up the fact that she’s struggling to give up her new bad habit in this way: How ’bout air-popped and she eats only thirty cups?
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy about a habit you need to knock off, like, yesterday?
And be sure to check back later today for the best worst habits on the web!
Must not put cream cheese on crackers. Is not dinner.
candy corn, candy corn, candy corn, candy corn, candy corn
–>Eating two reese’s cups with coffee for breakfast.
Peanut M&Ms. I keep telling myself they’re chocolate-coated protein.
Naughty diabetic should not snort half a pound of Crack&M’s.
Lady, you want some coffee with that half n half?
Cooking complicated recipe and then eating, after midnight. For fun.
Chocolate and chips, sugar and salt, I’m addicted, no hope.
Tea. It isn’t the tea itself, really. It’s the sugar.
Doing an ‘archaeological’ dig with a spoon in the box of ice cream… Eating way too much ice cream without every getting a bowl!
Bossy is annoying me if POPCORN is her bad habit!
House Hunters International.
Avoiding gym.
Mourning Phillies.
Recurring dreams.
Diet Coke Diet Coke Diet Coke Diet Coke Diet Coke.
Beer, beer and beer.
And oatmeal (which can be good for you unless…) with sugar and about 8 pieces of crumbled up bacon mixed in.
Dyan Cannon used to claim popcorn was the key to her thinness, then she was hospitalized for intestinal blockage. Yeah. yeah… I know, it’s more than ten words.
Popcorn = love in my world. That is not 10 words. Or the answer to your question. In fact, right before I read this, I ate popcorn. at 10AM. Yes I did. Stop staring at me like that.
I’m with Bossy’s Mom. HHI and HH Domestic = crack cocaine.
Wrap crap in pastry, will devour-apple, mince, pumpkin, finger…………………
What? You don’t also put [lots of] butter on popcorn, like me?
Diet Coke is not a healthy substitute for water, supposedly.
Chocolate, diet Dr. Pepper(s), chocolate, good book, chocolate, bad book
Ghiradelli milk chocolate chips and ice cream from the container.
I need to go to bed at a reasonable hour.
Creamer with coffee, wine, beer, Nutella, martinis, Teen Mom, WINE.
P.S. This was very educational, Bossy. I loves me some popcorn, I cook it on the stove and it’s organic. I’m trying to convince myself that’s better.
Open bag of Trader Joe’s chocolate chips – nosh all evening.
Bossy – try garlic powder on that popcorn, instead of salt.
Drink less wine. Upcoming daylight savings SOOO conducive to that.
Air popped popcorn tastes like ass. Might as well eat the packing peanuts.
I have entirely too many bad habits to list here. Trust.
Sixteen months since last coffee intake; life is sleepy, lackluster.
beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer and beer
caramel apples…apples good, 320 calories in caramel, not… yikes !
Fritos after running. “Need to replenish” salt excuse ain’t working….
sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar,sugar, thinking about my ex
Diet Coke, chocolate covered almonds, bacon at the same time.
Cheese to go with second glass of wine, always guiltridden.
Oh, and Bossy’s popcorn is not unhealthy as long as not daily..
Cook on stove with one of those crank the handle poppers. Cooks in wee bit of peanut oil. Butter and salt to finish. Wicked good. Barely enough to share:)
Brandishing firearms and swearing at my nice Mormon neighbors. Bad.
This is one of the most incredible blogs Ive read in a very long time. Your blog is great for anyone who wants to understand this subject more. Great stuff; please keep it up!
Chocolate + nuts, beer, wine, tequila, staying up way too late.
(Popcorn + Movie)Everynight = Not Good!
half and half is for wimps, give me heavy cream.
chocolate covered almonds, raisens, fruit….liquorice mmmmmmmmmmm
Cokes – I have one in my hand pretty much all day long. I’m trying to cut back to 2 a day. Its a bad habit for sure, but I love ’em.
too much coffee, too little food, too little sleep; chocolate
diet coke and camel at 10 AM every day. mmmmmmm
Melt chocolate on popcorn, add lots of salt. Still bad?
oh, like more ounces of wine than food? plus butter.
Alison needs to kick the popcorn habit too. Because: butter, parmesan cheese, lemon pepper, cayenne pepper, white pepper and Tony Chacheres. And salt. Alison’s popcorn habit couldn’t possibly fit into ten words…
Wine. Why does Bossy feel she’s earned it. Every night?
Australian licorice. OMG better than Twizzlers.
Mindless munching.
wine, whine, cheese, chocolate, wine, whine, cheese, chocolate, my sins.
Chocolate brownies with chocolate chips added topped with chocolate frosting!
Sleeping in til way past noon whenever I can! It happens!
Misleading bastard Weight Watcher product Giant Latte Bars: Damn You.
I love potato chips. They go straight to my hips.
Buying two-for-one Mounds bars doesn’t mean i must eat both.
Diet Coke, going to bed too late, junk food.
Not exercising. So easy to continue: just don’t get up.
I make it to 5:00 therefore wine well deserved…NIGHTLY.
Potato chip and french onion dip lunch once in a while.
Enough cold cereal to feed a troop of adolescent boys.
Dill pickle potato chips are my kryptonite. SOMEONE HELP ME.
Too much popcorn equals scratchy hull filled poop!
Sorry, just distracted thinking about Bossy topping on my popcorn.
I need to lay off the booze, but I am not going to.
Eating leftover homemade caramel sauce out of the jar.
You could be doing what I do: eating practically a whole jar of peanut butter. That’s like what your calorie count should be for a,….. Oh, please, I can’t think about it.
Popcorn. I ate it last night before reading Bossy.
(note to self: Always read Bossy BEFORE eating popcorn with butter and salt)
at least you use olive oil…i use REAL butter and enough to replenish……well let us just say that the cows are going on a 10 month cruise because of my old, very old, bad habit.
Cookies with milk before bed. Big love handles abound, around.
Must stop buying Snack Size candy bars EARLY. They are gone by the time Halloween gets here.
Of course, then I have to buy more—and just in case I buy a LOT more so I have left-overs.
Anything that goes in the oven at 350 and contains eggs, sugar, and flour…
Those damned peanut butter M&M’s in vending machine at work.
Buy 3 feet bag of Kettle Korn, eat it ALL.
Ice cream, sugar, fat, salt, sweet and salty, crunchy salty.
oh vanilla soy iced latte, how I love thee. on.
Big fat Cheetos, not the little crunchy ones. Fat Cheetos!
Meat. Hunks of meat, nothing else. Bring on the vikings!
candy corn and apple candy corn and caramel candy corn