Looks like the stage setting for some kind of shot-on-a-shoe-string, red neck-produced porno flick. Only with mannequin’s because June Bug and Bubba Joe couldn’t get their cousins to cooperate.
So is that how you’re supposed to wear it? Because I’m thinking I’m going to go put on a second pair of pants — just looking at that is making me feel exposed.
I feel that a bluer shade of red would be more flattering to her skin tone. Clearly, whoever her hetero male stylist is, he doesn’t know her personal color palette.
wow… I want to buy two of dem
whatever dem might be…I think
Blaaahhaaaahaa. WTF?
hahah I think she’s holding the price tag lovingly in that cold-as-death hand.
Just what is for sale there?
Looks like the stage setting for some kind of shot-on-a-shoe-string, red neck-produced porno flick. Only with mannequin’s because June Bug and Bubba Joe couldn’t get their cousins to cooperate.
Looks like Mandy Moore to me.
And that is the remote for the vertical blinds. uh duh!
They could at least have given her a camel toe for christ sakes!!!
I actually own a mannequin (don’t ask)- It’s a bitch to dress those things!!!!!!
It’s Monica Lewinsky!
LOL!! Does that mean you’re not getting it?
Perhaps there should be a pants regulation on Ebay. You know, like everybody should wear them– even the fake people.
At least her lips and nails match.
vuboq had to avert his eyes lest he suffer retinal damage.
I think the mannequin looks strikingly similar to Phoebe Cates.
At least put some undies or a skirt on the poor girl. Her lack of genitalia is scaring me.
So is that how you’re supposed to wear it? Because I’m thinking I’m going to go put on a second pair of pants — just looking at that is making me feel exposed.
She reminds me of a special I once saw on Asian women that disguise themselves as men for trysts in clubs…
BOSSY! I can’t believe you’re showing your vajayjay on the internet!
Are you sure you’re not selling um…that?
I think Bossy should change the name of her site to Iamfunnyasallshit. It’s not like you ordered me to buy the thing, right?
Where is the genitally deprived Ken when he is finally needed??
My eyes! My eyes!
I’d like to know more about her wig, personally.
That’s a mannequin dildo.
It’s an ad for one of those dodgy tailors you find next to a whorehouse in Bangkok.
Thank God! At first I thought you were showing something you wanted to buy!
It does look like Mandy Moore
I think it might actually be one of the new iPhones that you are so very fond of. 🙂
Hasn’t Kelly Osborne lost a lot of weight?
I feel that a bluer shade of red would be more flattering to her skin tone. Clearly, whoever her hetero male stylist is, he doesn’t know her personal color palette.
LOL! Awesome.
It appears as though she has a prosthetic leg on her left leg. Is it possible for a mannequin to have prosthetics?
now with kung fu grip cootchie. wtf?!
I am so LOLing. Thanks for another great laugh.