It warms the cockles to see that nothing anyone does makes any difference. This, I believe, is how children develop neuroses. So, that would make our government a parent that’s doing more harm than good. Awesome.
If you get caught with pimple cream and nail clippers on an airplane, does that raise the alert to red?
I like how they are SURPRISED at the news about Al Qaeda. Sheesh. My 6yo could have told them this info.
You are too funny! And I want you to know I totally applaud your obvious restraint in using just one highlighting color. It must have been hard. Be strong!
“National Intelligence Estimate” anticipated later this summer? Not as much as The Simpsons Movie, but I hear it’s supposed to be better than the first two.
…or am I thinking of The Bourne Ultimatum?
The government controls Hollywood, too, now right? They only make movies to distract us from what’s really going on.
Meg wonders if Bossy would offer similar analysis and interpretation of the Pope’s recent reconfirmation of the “one true church” thing… you know, so all us non-Catholics can better understand just exactly what he’s saying…
If I hear, “We’re winning the war on terror because there have been no attacks here since 9-11” one more time, I’ll pull out all of my hair. So it’s a good thing you didn’t say it.
I couldn’t help but notice EVERY morning news program was trumpeting this latest “threat.” I’m not too worried when the The Chertoff Level is raised to “gut feeling” but if The Dick Level ever gets to elevated, then I will truly be scared.
And did you hear today that 60% of “security personnel” at LAX have only been trained to “evacuate the airport”. Is that another way of saying “leave for lunch”?
Careful. Your edge is showing. (smile) Great post, hot stuff. I never know what to expect when I stop in here.
Oh, hey … nice to see you haven’t sold me yet out of your blogroll. I was hoping for a bidding war and that I might actually get you a … how do you say it? … a Dollah Sebenty? Just as well. We have enough wars already.
So your government is talking about that Al Queda guy again. I heard rumors that it was actually his brother Fred Queda and his wife Bernadette Queda that were the real threat. Al is just the pretty face they keep putting out there like a carrot in front of Bush’s face.
Very ‘distracting’ (and I mean distracting in a mmm-mmm-mmmmm kind of way) photos as well…
love it. so we’re in iraq why??? and it’s a good thing we’re in pakistan… oh wait. what exactly is the war on terror anyway? because i know a lot of people freaking out at airports when their expensive makeups are taking away.
Discounting Chertoff’s “gut feeling” wouldn’t be smart. I mean, look at his record; hell, look at the entire administration’s record… they’ve been right about everything so far…
Besides the Daily Show, I get my news at I am Bossy.
I’m also a little flabbergasted about the strengthening al-qaida report. Isn’t this pretty much an admittance that fighting ‘them’ ‘over there’ isn’t working?
It warms the cockles to see that nothing anyone does makes any difference. This, I believe, is how children develop neuroses. So, that would make our government a parent that’s doing more harm than good. Awesome.
You really do need to create a Bossys News Blog ….seriously!
I don’t think anything will ever beat the intelligence offered by Chertoff’s “gut feeling.” Way to cover your bases!
If you get caught with pimple cream and nail clippers on an airplane, does that raise the alert to red?
I like how they are SURPRISED at the news about Al Qaeda. Sheesh. My 6yo could have told them this info.
BOSSY’s blog is like a fine wine. It just keeps getting better.
Sing it, sister!
What was this post about?
I was distracted by BOSSY’S hotness.
I love you long time.
You are too funny! And I want you to know I totally applaud your obvious restraint in using just one highlighting color. It must have been hard. Be strong!
“National Intelligence Estimate” anticipated later this summer? Not as much as The Simpsons Movie, but I hear it’s supposed to be better than the first two.
…or am I thinking of The Bourne Ultimatum?
The government controls Hollywood, too, now right? They only make movies to distract us from what’s really going on.
Meg wonders if Bossy would offer similar analysis and interpretation of the Pope’s recent reconfirmation of the “one true church” thing… you know, so all us non-Catholics can better understand just exactly what he’s saying…
those bastards took my knitting needles!
… hm. i just made the connection to that and why i gave up knitting.
If I hear, “We’re winning the war on terror because there have been no attacks here since 9-11” one more time, I’ll pull out all of my hair. So it’s a good thing you didn’t say it.
bossy = brilliance…. in a newsy, snarky, fabulous way. thanks, bossy!
I couldn’t help but notice EVERY morning news program was trumpeting this latest “threat.” I’m not too worried when the The Chertoff Level is raised to “gut feeling” but if The Dick Level ever gets to elevated, then I will truly be scared.
And did you hear today that 60% of “security personnel” at LAX have only been trained to “evacuate the airport”. Is that another way of saying “leave for lunch”?
You ROCK! Tell it like it is Chica!
Careful. Your edge is showing. (smile) Great post, hot stuff. I never know what to expect when I stop in here.
Oh, hey … nice to see you haven’t sold me yet out of your blogroll. I was hoping for a bidding war and that I might actually get you a … how do you say it? … a Dollah Sebenty? Just as well. We have enough wars already.
So your government is talking about that Al Queda guy again. I heard rumors that it was actually his brother Fred Queda and his wife Bernadette Queda that were the real threat. Al is just the pretty face they keep putting out there like a carrot in front of Bush’s face.
Very ‘distracting’ (and I mean distracting in a mmm-mmm-mmmmm kind of way) photos as well…
love it. so we’re in iraq why??? and it’s a good thing we’re in pakistan… oh wait. what exactly is the war on terror anyway? because i know a lot of people freaking out at airports when their expensive makeups are taking away.
There’s nothing else for it – y’all’ll have ter invade Europe! Yee-haw!
I love the fact that Bossy can get to the heart of both the Puff Daddy situation and the war on terror(ism). You.are.awesome!
I predict a STRONG Hillary/Bossy ticket in ’08.
I would like to see BOSSY on CNN.
You got MY vote.
The t-shirts on cafe press don’t appear to have the clever tag line (which is absolutely brilliant)
i would also like to see bossy on cnn. or perhaps in the white house.
Discounting Chertoff’s “gut feeling” wouldn’t be smart. I mean, look at his record; hell, look at the entire administration’s record… they’ve been right about everything so far…
Oh, wait.
Besides the Daily Show, I get my news at I am Bossy.
I’m also a little flabbergasted about the strengthening al-qaida report. Isn’t this pretty much an admittance that fighting ‘them’ ‘over there’ isn’t working?