Last January Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornball Cornwall traveled to Philadelphia to promote youth development, urban renewal, and environmental stewardship. Which makes perfect sense because Bossy always thinks of Philadelphia when she thinks of these things.
In the first of several scheduled appearances, the Royal couple listened while a Park Ranger explained the history of the Liberty Bell and its significance as a symbol of Independence. In a rather embarrassing moment Camilla Parker Bowles Windsor reached out and cracked it.
Then it was on to West Philadelphia where the couple met with members of the city’s prestigious Mural Arts Program – and where Prince Charles spilled a glass of milk on the portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King. Oops!
A reception at the Constitution Center followed, where the couple walked among the life-size statues of those present during the signing of the United States Constitution. Unable to read the accompanying placards, Camilla filched James Madison’s glasses.
And finally a stop in Fairmount Park, where the Royals bolted up the Art Museum steps and took turns punching each other in the solar plexus.
Camilla Parker Bowles Windsor Shan’t Be Attending Princess Diana’s Memorial Later This Week.
Good! She shouldn’t go. Flippin’ marriage wrecker…
Bossy, will you please apply for the should-be-open anchor position on the CBS Evening News? If you were reporting/anchoring/calling the shots, I would be glued every night!
I would like to see them go all Rocky-style. Which one is Mr. T?
You have some talent, woman. Next time I’m in PA I’m buying Photo Shop and making you give me a tutorial. I’ll buy the coffee. Now to find a reason to get to PA!
Will you be accompanying Charles in her place?
regardless of whether she wrecked that marriage, going to the memorial would be extremely inappropriate. oh, dear buddah, they are an unactractive couple. i shudder to think of them breeding.
The Royals – Yawn!
The Queen – A guy dressed up like a girl on Bourbon Street
The Princess – A spoiled rotten little girl whom daddy loves anyway
The Prince – A skinny little black guy who plays guitar and sings
The Bossy – Too cool, way too cool
they are beyond fugly i mean, really….how’s he gonna go for that when he had the beautiful Diana (who died on Biddy’s 13th birthday)? ick…
Bossy, you rock my world…
Cowmilla is icky. Her marriage hat looked like a pidgeon I whacked with my car one time.
Bossy, did you find it rich that we were explaining the meaning of the Liberty Bell to those we wanted liberty from?
Sounds a bit like my trip there in May.
All that moohla and the woman can’t buy herself even the teensiest bit of fashion sense? The dress is maternity wear gone horribly wrong for sure, and that coat thingy looks like it’s rimmed with – what? – some kind of freakishly long chinchilla tail? Shudder.
Is she wearing a bathrobe?
The bell and bossy are both cracked. Heh.
::: scratching head :::
I never understood that whole “affair” … she must give good Monica is all I can think.
Princess Diana is dead? You could knock me over with a feather.
The milk zinger really cracked me up. Hilarious as always.
They do look like a matched set, don’t they?
Good lord, what is the Duchess of Cornball wearing?
Those wacky royals!
I loved your story about Charles and Gorilla. Will be back of course! I am adding you to my blogroll! Hope it’s OK with you…
Humorous account of the Royals visit.
Well done.
YOU think YOU’RE BOSSY. HA. Greetings from the Boss of the Golden West, complete with cowgirl fringe.
Let’s do get to the important stuff, is that husband-boinging slut Camilla Parker-Ass-Anywhere-She-Wants pregnant. Gitta look at that belly in the Philadelphia story. That’s preggers. God help us.
PS: Love your kitchen. Nicer than mine. More convenient, as well.