Uniform Resource Locator, you done done Bossy wrong
Uniform Resource Locator, you done done Bossy wrong
You sure is pretty, but you’re seven letters too long.
You just a dolled-up name for “Web Address”
You just a dolled-up name, man, for “Web Address”
So why does the look of you cause Bossy this much stress?
It’s not your Scheme Name, sugar, because HTTP is fine
No it’s not your Scheme Name, sugar, because HTTP is fine
It’s just a Domain Name problem, further down the line.
i am bossy is cool, but TypePad crowds the name
Yeah i am bossy is cool, man, but TypePad crowds the name
And Bossy don’t need no T-y-p-e-P-a-d, what a cryin’ shame.
But Bossy may lose her readers reader if she changes her URL
No Bossy can’t lose her readers reader if she changes her URL
‘Cause one day without her readers reader is like a heat wave come to hell.
Promise Bossy you’ll Bookmark her new thing when she throws TypePad from her name
Lord promise you’ll Bookmark her new thing when she throws TypePad from the train
Because Bossy’s faithful readers reader is her only claim to fame.
Going to http://www.iambossy.com to make it all neat?
Oooh, I’m addicted to Google Reader
Oooh, I read your blog on my Google Reader
Please baby, keep your RSS feed current, and yeah, I’ll stay.
Girl – all you have to do is URL redirection. Ask the customer service where you registered iambossy.com about it. Your problems solved. 🙂 And if you have to – be BOSSY with em.
Where ever Bossy goes, I follow.
I might miss a day or two until I get the RSS figured out, but I can’ts lives withouts my Bossy in da mornin’ (or whenver Bossy gets it in gear).
Oh, I see. I don’t count as a reader. Harumph.
I, Howard, being of sound mind and body (short-term memory problems and prostate infection excluded), do hereby promise that I will, to the best of my abilities (which are as massive as my prostate was), move my love-link, my feed reader and my unwavering loyalty to all things Bossy when and if — at such time — that Bossy decides to move her URL to something ubercool.
Amem and bless the beast and the children, who I believe are the future so we should teach them and let them lead the way and show them all the beauty they have inside and not get hung up some much about the outside. And text messaging. WTF? Use English, bitches!
Just redirect the typepad URL to the new one. It’s like a single box you check somewhere on the new URL dashboard, standard issue. I did it, and if I can do it, well. Enough said.
I’ll be here after Bossy kicks typepad to the curb!
I had to do that one time, if you write it, they will come.
Another vote from me for redirectionism.
Ooh, I just typed http://www.iambossy.com and it brought me straight back here. That was quick.
As If! I am powerless against bossy! Lead away…
Dear Bossy,
Could you please record yourself singing the URL blues and post an mp3 for your reader(s) to listen to?
All best,
A follower
No worries, I’ll be there…
back in oh-five, i gave typepad the big EFFFFFF YOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU. those jokebags are a hot mess. get a new blog provider, upload all your old shit over there, and voila! no more typepad for bossy. make you last typepad post up saying that iambossy.com has moved. old testament/new testament-style. yaunderdig?
if you bossy it, they will come.
I changed my blog from mondofruitcake.blogspot.com to http://www.mondofruitcake.com. I thought it would be easy. It was, actually, easy, but only after slogging through the mess that was the online help for both blogger and godaddy. Godaddy, I believe, _intentionally_ makes things obscure so that you somehow end up buying more of their stuff. Blech. But I’m addicted to your site since Blogher so will follow you to whatever url you go to!
I will follow!
After paying for a year of typepad, my web host informed me that I can’t use jodianderson.com to host my blog … unless I want to switch to one of their preferred blog hosts. WordPress can suck my … Anyway, I feel your pain, Bossy. I feel your pain.
Oh, and of course I’ll bookmark you. I’ll even stalk you if it’ll make you feel special.
regarding your comment:
Yes, effective immediately. I said part-time or no-time. They haven’t responded yet, so I am working part-time. I expect to get the official response today or tomorrow. Either way, I don’t care.
And, yes. We survived the weather. Our county (Sauk) is in a state of emergency, but locally we weren’t hit too bad. Go a few miles in any direction and you’ll find flooding.
I will bookmark 🙂
You can’t leave! All the plants will die! Eh – forget it; that’s probably too old a reference. Of course we’ll be there. I’ll bring the cookies! Eh – forget cookies. Wine. I’ll bring the wine.
“Where you lead me, I will follow…
Any, anywhere that you tell me to….
If you need somebody to be with you, I will follow…. where you lead me.”
Name that artist…. (yes, before Gilmore Girls!)
I’m with you, Bossy.
PS How’s your dad?
I will follow you…follow you wherever you may go…there isn’t an ocean too deep, a mountain too high that can keep, keep me away…
Sorry, got caught up in the moment. What were you saying again? Oh yes, moving. I’ll re-bookmark if you redirect. Okay?
Bossy will have to do more than change her URL to lose me!
Nobody bosses me like Bossy
but she could be jivin’ me too
Armed with a map, headlamp, personal sherpa and a GPS unit and I still get lost, but Bossy, Bossy I could never lose.
So do we need to update our RSS feeds or will that stay the same?
You aren’t a him, but I will swallow you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxULYcZlEuM
Will bookmark for food.
Preferably peanut butter/chocolate sundaes. And french fries. And maybe some Midol, cause, you know.
I would follow Bossy to St. Louis if that is where Bossy wanted to go. Bossy Rocks!
as long as you don’t change your URL to
ieatcrapforbreakfast.com I’m with ya!
I will follow you… I will follow you where ever you may go… (Ok. That just sounds creepy and stalkerish… Sorry. But if you decide to move, I’ll still read. There, is that better?)
I’ve been thinking of moving, too, but I’m fairly certain I’d lose my 3.22 readers in the process. Bossy shouldn’t worry, though, because she’s much better at this whole blogging thing than I am.
Your own thing….I’m jealous. I’m thinking picking Blogger just wasn’t the brightest thing.
I’ll follow you and I’m sure others will.
oh bossy, i would stalk…er…follow you anywhere!
When’s the big moving day? I’ve bought a domain name for myself – just too chicken to move stuff over there…it’s scary leaving typepad or blogspot, or whatever it is that does the work for us. You’ll do smashingly, I’m sure.
We’ll all be there reading, as always!
Oooh, I want to sing the lyrics, what’s the tune???
When Bossy Speaks, people listen! I will follow Bossy wherever she goes 🙂
I’m like that kid in grade school you could never get rid of. Remember the one?
That was me.
What the heck, redirect. I’ll warn the masses.
You, dear Bossy, are rad.
Happy! (almost) new domain change. Woot, woot.
Well out of my [technological] league I’m afraid. But I’ve lots of those ‘you are being redirected’ messages which works fine for me.
Done and Dunn…
Whither Bossy goeth, Ruth Dynamite followeth.
I’ve moved like a gazillion times now.
Ok, technically only 4. In less than two years. But STILL!
I think I actually gained readers with each move.
Now when I moved to FLORIDA and started talking about it constantly? THEN I lost me some readers.
When did Bossy start talking (and/or singing) to herself in the third person? I’m new around here (redirected from Laid-Off-Dad, and she talks about herself in the 3rd person over THERE, too!), so I thought I’d ask.
Did you know the act of speaking of oneself in the third person is known as Illeism? I didn’t either, I just found that out just now! Elvis thinks he’s a genius! Until today, Elvis thought talking about himself in the third person was Just Nuts! Now he knows there’s a cool word for it, and that word has its own Wiki entry! Huzzah!
Show me the way…
Elvis: Living life in the third person may be a little off-putting but trust Bossy: she’s all the rage with the ventriloquists.
umm. can’t you just do domain mapping…or something???
this is how I am both ‘anxiousaboutlife’ AND ‘zenproof’.
or all you going all PRO on us with special bells and whistles…and stuff.
‘wherever you go, whatever you do, i will be right here waiting for you’.
does that help?
Bossy clearly has a future in songwriting. And tomato growing. So of course I will bookmark Bossy’s new thing so I can watch her hidden talents continue to unfold, like, maybe, knitting?
Oh yeah…u know I’m gonna follow ya!
I’ll be there!
As soon as I find just the RIGHT pair of shoes in which to follow Bossy, I’ll be coming right along!
Bye-bye Typepad. Bossy has loyal readers, yes she does.
Well, I dunno it’s gonna be a lot of trouble going into my element page and changing your address and all. I mean the LEAST you could do is pour me a glass of Sangiovese while I wipe the sweat from my brow and type all that new crap in….
it’s time to dump the chump…be gone, typepad…
seriously, woman – you have no fears that your loyal and faithful reader(ssssss) will follow you to the ends of New Joisey, at least. LOL
I meant (geez, what a dope I am) you SHOULD have no fears… we’ll follow like little lost puppies. LOL Where else would we get our photoshop crack?
Ha! You’ve got no worries on this score At All!
Go to https://iambossy.com and it takes you . . Here!
Try goin’ to http://sillyhumans.com …
And I can’t even email “thegang”, cuz then they’ll know I want it and actually be able to charge MONEY for the danged name!
I’m too cheap for that crap.
Enjoy the move!
‘kay, I’m a dunce.
I saw “Uniform Resource Locator” at the top of the post and thought that you were trying to track down a Park Ranger uniform for OTJ.
Dirty mind…
Catchy tune. I’m guessing there’s a
B.B. King influence. That’s enough to keep me coming back when you get that typepad monkey off your back.
Typepad, schmypepad …
We’re right behind you! I need the Bossy brand of hysteria as part of my day!
Bossy is in quite a pickle.
Hmmm … now I’m getting hungry.
If you blog away, blog away, I will follow
If you blog away, blog away, I will follow
I will…fol-low.
Domestic Goddess got there first so I went with a different line.
Also, Madman – it’s from Stripes – apparently I’m old, too.
Fer chrissake, get your own domain. I’ll follow you anywhere, babe. Especially if you promise to follow me when I get my own domain.
ever heard of .htaccess.
Where are you moving too?
Away from Typepad?
I know – I’m being a nosey butt.
WildBill at PassionateAmerica.com started on blogspot and was worried about the same thing when he bought his own domain name but it was well worth it. Now he has talked me into purchasing some of my own domain names and moving away from blospot.
Screw all this happy supportive stuff, it’s going to be scary as hell and you’ll lose sleep over it.
There, I said it.
the moosh don’t lie to bossy.
I’d follow Bossy anywhere!!!!
Personally I find the whole “http” and “www” thing a bit off-putting as well. When will your newsprint edition be available?
Ah Bossy, don’t worry, we’ll come. We have no minds of our own. Or maybe that’s just me…
Oh, you noticed me, your reader, me me me. I’m so happy! Can I get a photo with you?
Actually I am relieved because once I typed iambossy.blogspot.com instead of typepad and got a one-entry blog by someone extremely boring named Doris from San Diego. Ever since, my computer fills that in and I think it’s you and go there first.
I promise!
Promise. Changing link now.
LOVED kitchen post btw.