Let’s face it – we all have the same problem: the selection of Halloween Costumes for Baby Dolls is just too limited. Amoeba Proteus, Electric Butterfly Valve – who hasn’t purchased one of these unimaginative Halloween costumes for their doll?
And the price! Last year’s Hazardous Waste Management costume cost $2,154 and it chafed the doll’s knees! And the Halloween Costumes for Baby Dolls’ Customer Service Department? Forgetaboutit. They argue consumer negligence when the doll goes all glassy-eyed after wearing their defective Polycarbonate Impact Goggles. Consumer! Negligence!
Well, enough.
Last year Bossy’s daughter responded to your collective outcries with her 2007 line of Halloween Costumes for Baby Dolls entitled, Lord Hoping These Pay For My Upcoming Orthodontia.
First up is Molly, and as you can see she is A Devil:
Next is Jane. See Jane sit with a slack-jawed expression. That’s because Jane is A Cheerleader!
Which brings us to Rosie:
And last but never least, Poohie:
Don’t delay— own one of these costumes today for just seventy-three easy installments of $389.91. Uniform Shipping Rates. Uniformly expensive.
Ugh, don’t remind me. Guess where we are going after dinner tonight? Heading over to Kmart to costume shop. Wish me luck.
Bossy-couldn’t you just whip up a Doocie-Doo costume for Rosie-that would be too funny-LOL! Cece,I feel your pain-I dread this crap……….
Those are some SCARY dolls! I hope they’re not comin’ near my neighborhood!
Do you make corresponding costumes in adult sizes? The cheerleader in a 12 please. And I’m wearing it everyday.
(Are you kidding, these aren’t just for halloween!)
Rosie scares me. She’s like a KKK terrorist.
When will your line of dog costumes come out? I don’t have baby dolls to decorate, but my dog is aching for some new duds.
Is this what girls do? I wouldn’t know; I have boys, all boys.
Will Bossy be hand-crafting a costume for said daughter? Surely that would be fodder for an upcoming Bossy Tutorial…
Oh, Bossy. You know how you have these posts, “So and so asks Bossy what should this do about that?” I have a question!
Bossy, you should do a post on what are the proper measures to take when you find out that someone has obtained your credit card information and is trying to order a new laptop on your card?!?!?!?!
When the fraud department called, I was so slack-jawed that my chin nearly hit the floor. Only, after I got off the phone, did I think of ten million questions to ask the lady from HP who was saving me $1000 plus unknown amounts of grief.
Now, I’m all “what should I do next?” (besides cancelling my card).
P.S. I am scared of all dolls. Period. Dolls and clowns.
disturbing, and yet so very funny
Is this what you do when you are away from the computer? bossy, you scare me.
you are a very sick woman.
Genius. I must tell my own girls they have to make their doll costumes. Otherwise Halloween will be ruined, right?
See, I KNEW I’d find something to do with the $28,463.00 I jacked from soNOTcool’s credit card. I am a bit short, however — spot me 43 cents? Thanks in advance,
Thanks Bossy. I’m sure to have nightmares now.
Is it possible Rosie is actually supposed to be a ghost?
My costume came today! I’m so excited. And have absolutely no reason to actually wear it. Whatever. As if that’s ever stopped me.
I’ll take the cross between a ghost and the KKK that one’s hot!
This is going to seriously hamper the success of my own line of Avitable Baby Doll Costumes.
Thanks for the reminder. I’ll make my order right now!
Now those are some MAD entrepreneurial skillz!
I’ll take 3 of the KKK doll outfits please. Send it to my headquarters:
Devil Worship Ave
Hell, N.C. 66699
Oh, bonus! The costumes aren’t made in China, AND I don’t have to leave home to get them!
Rosie is the scariest thing I’ve seen today, so clearly the costume works.
Jane’s feet may say “go team go” but she has a lot to learn about “cheer hands”.
um, I’d like to purchase Rosie AND her costume.
I’m going to put her on the front porch so she scares the CRAP out of people.
This time of year I always start to wish I’d never alerted my children to the existence of Halloween.
Not slutty enough for a proper Halloween costume, I think.
Whoo hoo! (or boo hoo?)I can’t tell which one I like the best…
All I can say is: I’m glad my young’un is grown and I have cats. They’re too ornery for dress up. I’ve tried…
Rosie scares the shit out of Mr Farty.
I’ll take a dozen.
No one’s placed an order for Devil Molly with the goatee. I’m a sucker for a hard luck case so I’ll take four.
My 4-year-old thinks he’s Martha Stewart and plans to make costumes for the family. I’m sure he’d whip up something for you and the dolls if you like.
How did you know I had the same problem? Get out of my head!
Move over, Clown from Poltergeist, Rosy is the new Nightmare Queen for me!
I’m not terrified by any of them because none of them are clowns. So bring it, Rosie.
I’d hate to see what Bossy’s daughter does to her Barbie dolls;)
Bossy’s daughter has a SERIOUS imagination! wow!
Under no circumstances should you google “adult Halloween costumes”….unless you want the IT police after you.
Now those are some hot outfits! I particularly like the ghost
The ghost one scares the crap outta me!!
I thought it would be campy and adorable to buy a sheet and cut out two holes and go as a ghost last year. So I did.
It’s very hard to find cheap white bedsheets, by the way.
Anyway, it turned out to be about as creepy as that doll and more than a little bit klanny