I thought your dog was a deer for a moment. Whew. That would have been one frisky white tail!
And I agree with the others.. please say that it isn’t hopping over poop. The size of that poop (if it is poop) will haunt me for eternity. I will never get a good night’s sleep again, because it will be tainted with godzilla sized piles of poo that launch an attack on poor third world cities.
I was ready to get cranky that snow for Bossy means quiet reflection, while for me it means a crappy commute into an office of rude and ungracious people. Yep, that last photo is the way my life feels today, dodging sh!t. Thanks, Bossy! 🙂
I knew Stella wasn’t scared of her own poop! Bossy’s life is too interesting to double up on her poop posts. Besides, poop may float but fresh hot poop sinks in snow. Someone told me that otherwise how would I know.
My yard is also filled with trampled snow and yellow patches where dog pee has melted it. And yesterday, my son took a muddy, salt-covered icicle off the bottom of an SUV in the school parking lot and started to eat it. No tranquility here either.
We took a little holiday up to the mountains for some “winter white” and had the weekend from hell instead, ok, maybe not hell, but definitely purgatory.
Nope. I have no idea about this either. ‘CAuse I homeschool. So in the early morning hours when life is peacefully (*bleck*) white, calm (*whatever*) and pristine I am in bed. Snoozing. Dreaming of your video of John Cusack except we’re fighting over him. And my kid is saying “MOm, it’s almost 10 are you getting up…”
My dog is the same color as your dog! It’s not like I’ve never seen Stella before, but you know how vibrant and ALIVE that color looks against the snow? And it just doesn’t stand out so much against any other background. On purpose, genetically, I suppose, since my dog is a Rhodesian Ridgeback, and they are supposed to be African dogs, and her color would totally blend in there… Anyway… Fun dog pic.
I thought maybe it was a turtle. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a turtle in the snow. Of course, being from south Louisiana and central Florida, It’s only recently I’ve experienced snow. Do you have any photos of snow turtles? I’d like to see them, please.
never experienced snow, so I will take your word for it that it is tranquil yada yada, even though every other blogger is bitching and moaning about it.
So tell me, does it steam and then freeze solid? Sounds like a pretty awesome missile to me.
hahaha. Yeah, my dogs wake me up at 4:30 a.m. and want to go outside. Then, they force me to feed them rather than going back to bed. At least, that’s what we did this fine Saturday morning.
Why do 89% of your readers automatically assume it’s poop that the snow pony is jumping over? People! Flea is totally right – it’s a very rare snow turtle.
Stella is a good doggie!
Tell me that brown thing your dog is leaping over is a toy.
Is that what I think it is?
My dog is only 10 lbs so I am just guessing Stella’s “business” is about half the size of my dog!
I thought your dog was a deer for a moment. Whew. That would have been one frisky white tail!
And I agree with the others.. please say that it isn’t hopping over poop. The size of that poop (if it is poop) will haunt me for eternity. I will never get a good night’s sleep again, because it will be tainted with godzilla sized piles of poo that launch an attack on poor third world cities.
I was ready to get cranky that snow for Bossy means quiet reflection, while for me it means a crappy commute into an office of rude and ungracious people. Yep, that last photo is the way my life feels today, dodging sh!t. Thanks, Bossy! 🙂
Thankfully Stella is hopping over her deflated basketball. Because –poop posts twice in one week?
That was funny-kind of reminded me of Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy on SNL.
I knew Stella wasn’t scared of her own poop! Bossy’s life is too interesting to double up on her poop posts. Besides, poop may float but fresh hot poop sinks in snow. Someone told me that otherwise how would I know.
Bout time we got some snow!!
Looks to me like that special solitude includes frost bite in the ass.
Stella’s poo-leaping abilities are staggering…
I LOVE that its snowing! I have been waiting for this all winter…an entire day at home with my whole family!
Now that is joi de vivre!
That Stella is a spry one! As for me, my winter tranquility has been destroyed by: SNOW DAY. SCHOOLS CLOSED.
Now I wonder why that basketball is deflated? Coulds be some large teeth?
Yup. My Shadow has been making Doggy snow angels for hours. And the kids are home. And the husband is home. Solitude? For amateurs.
Does Bossy jog/shuffle in the snow?
No snow down here, but my husband’s probably stuck in NYC till tomorrow.
Plenty of poop hurdles in my backyard…sigh.
OH, white stuff, pretty to look at in your pictures, we’re into late winter here, nighttime lows of 48.
My yard is also filled with trampled snow and yellow patches where dog pee has melted it. And yesterday, my son took a muddy, salt-covered icicle off the bottom of an SUV in the school parking lot and started to eat it. No tranquility here either.
We took a little holiday up to the mountains for some “winter white” and had the weekend from hell instead, ok, maybe not hell, but definitely purgatory.
Im writing about it now….
I’d be a little unsettled, too, if I woke up to find a kangaroo frolicking in snow in my back yard.
I was gonna say…
I had two kittens beating the snot out of each other for my solitude this morning, as the snow peacefully fell.
For a second there I thought your dog was a deer.
Nope. I have no idea about this either. ‘CAuse I homeschool. So in the early morning hours when life is peacefully (*bleck*) white, calm (*whatever*) and pristine I am in bed. Snoozing. Dreaming of your video of John Cusack except we’re fighting over him. And my kid is saying “MOm, it’s almost 10 are you getting up…”
Wish I had a dog.
Holy Mackerel, that’s a big poo!
I can picture the pile of poo in the snowy white goodness. That’s a fun picture.
We had a little snow sputter earlier but I fear that will be all.
Just stumbled upon your blog. It’s GREAT. Thanks for the laugh and for the great pictures.
My dog is the same color as your dog! It’s not like I’ve never seen Stella before, but you know how vibrant and ALIVE that color looks against the snow? And it just doesn’t stand out so much against any other background. On purpose, genetically, I suppose, since my dog is a Rhodesian Ridgeback, and they are supposed to be African dogs, and her color would totally blend in there… Anyway… Fun dog pic.
What on earth kind of bird lives in that exceedingly tall bird house? A stork? Larry Bird?
What an angle on that last one! It’s crazy but I really like it.
The first two are really lovely…Bossy has such a good eye!! 🙂
I keep thinking of Jack Palance: “I crap bigger’n you.”
love love love that second photo!!!
Glad to see I’m not the only one who leaves my plastic adirondacks out all winter long.
Sigh. Stella…….
People seemed awfully concerned about pictures of poop.
It’s just POOO dudes.
Tomorrow’s post… deep thoughts by bossy.
That’s thar is a poo-poo platter fer two….
Lovely photos, well, up until the last.
Too funny.
It’s probably from all the Metamucil.
I thought maybe it was a turtle. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a turtle in the snow. Of course, being from south Louisiana and central Florida, It’s only recently I’ve experienced snow. Do you have any photos of snow turtles? I’d like to see them, please.
never experienced snow, so I will take your word for it that it is tranquil yada yada, even though every other blogger is bitching and moaning about it.
So tell me, does it steam and then freeze solid? Sounds like a pretty awesome missile to me.
I live in L.A., what is this “snowfall” you speak of???
I want a picture of BOSSY jumping over a deflated football-with such spirited vigor.
How can I spell BOSSY? Let me count the ways.
Bring On Special Solitude, Yo
Bounce Over Snowy Shit, Yuck!
Barack Obama Sells Some Yellowsnow
Brent’s Olfactory Sensor Smells You
That is a HUGE poop!
hahaha. Yeah, my dogs wake me up at 4:30 a.m. and want to go outside. Then, they force me to feed them rather than going back to bed. At least, that’s what we did this fine Saturday morning.
Actually better than me going outside and getting bit by a rabid duck during nesting season.
So, when there is a snow day, everyone stays home. Do homeschoolers have to go out somewhere when they have a snow day?
Why do 89% of your readers automatically assume it’s poop that the snow pony is jumping over? People! Flea is totally right – it’s a very rare snow turtle.
My leaper mc leaper of a dog wants to know if your dog wants to play leapfrog?