awwww man!! You get to meet Ree and the punks! And MM!! Have a great time, takes LOTS of photos and I want to hear details. I’m enjoying your whole road trip tremendously but now I’m really envious!!
How cool is that?
Ree’s ranch has to be the bestest pitstop in the trip. So did you guys get to stay in the lodge? Were other bloggers there too?
Pictures…lots of them and one of Bossy on a horse.
Soooooo not fair! You got to meet Ree and the punks! And Marlboro Man! And Pesky Tim? Yes – this is going to need a whole nother post with LOTS of pics!!!
Of course you noticed the amazing resemblance between this handsome buckskin and Stella. Helpful hint to tell them apart: Buckskin makes more poop, but of a less smelly variety.
Two of my favorite bloggers together??? I can’t wait to read the scoop on both blogs about this historic/hysterical visit!! I’m sure wacky hijinks ensued…
Okay, so I live north of OKC. I was on the list of people invited to meet up with Bossy in Dallas. Which is 4 hours away. Couldn’t do it on a week night.
But now you’re in Oklahoma… a mere 1.5 hours away from Ree’s neck of the woods and no gathering?
Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day….
Hope the visit was rejuvenating and you got a chance to catch your breath. Rock on, Bossy!
Big hugs to little Bossy, you sweet, beautiful girl. Mom is doing great and will be home some time next year, I mean month!
I logged on and was suddenly confused. Did I go to Pioneer Woman? She’s on my list, too. Sounds like fun. What did she cook? That’s what I’m dying to know.
Oh Bossy I just discovered you and I am in love. But I’m sure you hear that all the time. Wish I could have made it into your roadtrip roll but oh well, I’ll be content with just living it vicariously through your blog.
Wow, looks like Ree could make some money hosting ubercurious blogosphere stalkers.
That had to take some of the sting out of missing Obama here at home.
Hi Bossy’s Daughter!
And Bossy, I saw your son the other day at the place he works. He doesn’t know me from any other random customer but I can report he is easily the most with-it kid on their staff. (And I *like* the staff.) I’m sure he’s missing you but he’s doing fine.
Thanks for taking us on your wild ride!
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Hi Bossy!
So now we know why the Lodge was under renovation! Hope you get to stay put for a while. You must recharge batteries. (My eyes get cross-eyed-sleepy everytime I think of all the driving you are doing.)
(ps. don’t tell Ree but that is the best pic of MM I’ve ever seen.)
PPS. Barack says hi.
Hey haven’t read all these comments, so maybe I”m not, like the only one asking but for GOSH”S SAKE Li’l Miss Bossy, get some pictures of that beefcake she lives with!! I want some chaps from Bossy’s point of view! I think PW lies and photoshops all that stuff;)
Really jealous of you right now. Except that I have had sleep and you haven’t. So I can gloat I guess. IN a small way.
Well, I see how I rate. I live about 40 miles from PW and I don’t get to see Bossy. I am asked to drive to Dallas to see Bossy. Which is about six hours from me. Oh well, I knew how I rated anyway. Just confirmation. Yeah. ‘Course I don’t blame her. Let’s see PW or Junebug? Hmmmm……easy choice.
oh my god oh my god oh my god you are at p-dub’s. oh my god. bossy and p-dub together! my head is exploding! two of the awesomest of the awesome in the same place!
It’s a little surreal to see a photo of one blog I visit on another blog! And very cool at the same time (indeed, it reminded me that PW was how I found Bossy in the first place, when Bossy put a link to her photoshop tutorial in a comment).
This is alittle surreal, Bossy and Pioneer Woman. Wow.
What fun.
Bossy daughter, be proud of mama. She will be home soon. Bossy’s making history.
Hi Bossy’s Daughter! Thank you for sharing your mom!
SHUT UP!! You got to meet Ree live and in person? I am so stinkin, freakin jealous of you right now! Bossy and Ree in one geographical location… I cannot even imagine the fun and sarcastic banter we are in for.
Also, I love that photo of the girls and the horse. It’s a great shot and also a little iconic- I know many girls (including my mom and sister) who went through long and devoted “horse phases.” Girls and horses- such a lovely combination! 🙂
I had to double-check my google reader to see if I was reading a post from Bossy or from P-Dub! That was a weird moment. Love you both! And, totally jealous that you’re hanging with the punks. I love those punks.
Wow! How cool! Visiting with Ree and her crew. And then coming to St. Louis! I hope it stops raining before you get here—otherwise you may be floating into town. The first week of April is usually the most beautiful week of the year, but we are running a little late. Make sure you get to the Mo. Botanical Gardens whilst you are here. We are expecting a gorgeous weekend!
Safe travels, stay dry, and have a wonderful trip.
Hello to Bossy’s beautiful daughter!!
Yeah, I saw Bossy taking pictures of Cowboy Josh over at PW’s. A lot of pictures. Some would say Bossy borders on voyeurism. Some would say Bossy has gone over the border. But not me!
Wow… you are one busy and lucky woman!!! Enjoying your trip and very jealous of this stop (joining the ranks above). How come Australia isn’t on your itinerary?? Next time?? We would need more than a day here though…
Happy travelling
Bush Babe
Now I’m jealous! Do you miss your lap pony, too? Hi, Bossy’s daughter!
At the Pioneer Woman’s. So fun! Lucky you.
Oh and hi (!) Bossy’s daughter.
Oh… well, I didn’t click the link till after. I swear!
No fair! You know this will require a post at length.
HI Bossy’s daughter!
awwww man!! You get to meet Ree and the punks! And MM!! Have a great time, takes LOTS of photos and I want to hear details. I’m enjoying your whole road trip tremendously but now I’m really envious!!
Did they get YOU up on that horse? Ree better post some Bossy pictures . . .
What is she cooking for dinner??!!!!
How cool is that?
Ree’s ranch has to be the bestest pitstop in the trip. So did you guys get to stay in the lodge? Were other bloggers there too?
Pictures…lots of them and one of Bossy on a horse.
Pioneer People ROCK
How cool – I hope she serves you that Texas Cake! Fantabulous!
How far was this from Dallas?? Long drive?
I would love to meet you both in person. Did you get to ride any horses?
Soooooo not fair! You got to meet Ree and the punks! And Marlboro Man! And Pesky Tim? Yes – this is going to need a whole nother post with LOTS of pics!!!
Of course you noticed the amazing resemblance between this handsome buckskin and Stella. Helpful hint to tell them apart: Buckskin makes more poop, but of a less smelly variety.
How fun. This stay requires lots of pictures and a lengthy post from both of you.
Hi Bossy’s Daughter !!! Ree’s girls look so sweet and LB is a ham… Have fun girls..
I knew it. I knew it. You were so much closer to me than Dallas.
I’m jealous now. 🙂
This has GOT to be Pioneer Woman. How will you ever drag yourself away?
And who did those clever burned edges?
Hi, Bossy’s daughter! Only four weeks till mama’s back home.
NO FREAKING WAY!!!! That is so awesome!
Hi Bossy’s daughter! And hi, Pioneer woman!
I knew you’d have to stop and see REE!
Hey y7’all!
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Ohmygosh I have no idea where you are but that horse is GORGEOUS!!!!!
LB and those punks are adorable!! Have fun with the Pioneers!!
Hugs to Bossy’s daughter!!!!
No fuckin’ way.
I had no idea you were going to see REE!
Oooh! Ooh! Can I come, too??
HI BOSSY’S DAUGHTER! and other fam damily members.
Hi horsey!
Two of my favorite bloggers together??? I can’t wait to read the scoop on both blogs about this historic/hysterical visit!! I’m sure wacky hijinks ensued…
We’re waiting for the details- and lots and lots of photos! I’m totally enjoying your trip…hope you are too!
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Gorgeous photo.
Bossy had better get her tired old arse in a saddle and ride one of those horses, or Bossy’s friend Amy will never let her hear the end of it!!!!!
So, so, so, so jealous. Eat a little butter for me please.
Hi Bossy! Hi Bossy’s darling daughter! Hi Ree!
Get out! I can’t believe you’re visitng Pioneer Woman! I bet your next stop is to see Dooce….am I right:)
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Hi BOSSY’S daughter. (Hi BOSSY’S future hubby Cowboy Josh.) Just kidding BOSSY’S real hubby…little joke.
I’m feeling all “when worlds collide” right now. Like when your work friends meet your college friends.
Ye haw! You got to see Ree, the ranch and all the awesome cowboys? Wow… You are SO lucky! Enjoy your adventures!
The Dallas girls are happy that we got to send you on your way to Ree.
Yeah, about that picture of you on a horse….
And *HI* Bossy’s beautiful daughter !!!
Oh how fun!!! I am so jealous. Are you gonna get up early to see the sunrise and work with the cattle?
I can barely compose a comment!!! THAT’S how jealous I am !!!!!
Poor Bossy daughter… She would have had a blast with the punks! I am sure you’ve made follow up plans for all sorts of fun.
Boo hoo for all of us!! I hope you and Ree will both have great posts on the historic visit!
I’d recognize those punks anywhere!
Okay, so I live north of OKC. I was on the list of people invited to meet up with Bossy in Dallas. Which is 4 hours away. Couldn’t do it on a week night.
But now you’re in Oklahoma… a mere 1.5 hours away from Ree’s neck of the woods and no gathering?
What’s up with that? Excuse me while I go pout.
Hi Bossy’s Daughter!
Hug the punks and close your eyes, Bossy.
HI Bossy’s Daughter!!
My guess is Bossy is probably tongue tied from being around all of the “buns in chaps” to say much of anything at Ree’s.
Oh, I am so, so jealous of you right now!
Can you feel the jealousy peeling off my like old, dry sunburned skin?
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Hi Bossy’s daughter! Send your mom some cell phone kisses.
i hope your stay with Ree was relaxing and rejuvenating!
i love how the posts are getting shorter and shorter. by the time you get to st. louis all the post is going to say is:
be safe!
hi bossy junior!
I sure hope you are staying a couple days! That has got to be a blast!
Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day….
Hope the visit was rejuvenating and you got a chance to catch your breath. Rock on, Bossy!
Big hugs to little Bossy, you sweet, beautiful girl. Mom is doing great and will be home some time next year, I mean month!
are you going to give a photoshop tutorial about this photo?
Hope you’re having fun! Sorry I missed you in TX. Maybe next time.
No way!!!! You get to see the punks, MM, wrangler butts, buttery delights, Ree and the Lodge?
ha! too funny…i wondered if this would be stop on your roadtrip! have a great time 🙂
You’re staying with Ree?! No way! Does her food taste as awesome as it looks!?
I logged on and was suddenly confused. Did I go to Pioneer Woman? She’s on my list, too. Sounds like fun. What did she cook? That’s what I’m dying to know.
No way!!! That’s LB the horse… Two of my favorite bloggers – Bossy and PW. When are you arriving in St. Louis?
Oh Bossy I just discovered you and I am in love. But I’m sure you hear that all the time. Wish I could have made it into your roadtrip roll but oh well, I’ll be content with just living it vicariously through your blog.
Hi to Bossy’s Daughter!!!!!
Really??? Are you picking each other’s toes? I have just got to know……
Hi Bossy’s daughter.
No way, dude!!! You went to see PW?!? Two of my most favorite bloggers in the blogoshere in one place?! I’m jealous.
Hi, Bossy’s daughter!!!
Hola hija de Bossy!
Wow, looks like Ree could make some money hosting ubercurious blogosphere stalkers.
That had to take some of the sting out of missing Obama here at home.
Hi Bossy’s Daughter!
And Bossy, I saw your son the other day at the place he works. He doesn’t know me from any other random customer but I can report he is easily the most with-it kid on their staff. (And I *like* the staff.) I’m sure he’s missing you but he’s doing fine.
Thanks for taking us on your wild ride!
Bossy AND Pioneer Woman??? Oh this is just too good. I’m definitely green with envy like everybody else (and I bet you’re eating good there too!).
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Hi Bossy!
So now we know why the Lodge was under renovation! Hope you get to stay put for a while. You must recharge batteries. (My eyes get cross-eyed-sleepy everytime I think of all the driving you are doing.)
(ps. don’t tell Ree but that is the best pic of MM I’ve ever seen.)
PPS. Barack says hi.
No WAY! Hey, let’s get a report on this visit! What did you eat,do,say. Come ON people, and more pics please!
Hey haven’t read all these comments, so maybe I”m not, like the only one asking but for GOSH”S SAKE Li’l Miss Bossy, get some pictures of that beefcake she lives with!! I want some chaps from Bossy’s point of view! I think PW lies and photoshops all that stuff;)
Really jealous of you right now. Except that I have had sleep and you haven’t. So I can gloat I guess. IN a small way.
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
I was wondering if you were hitting Ree on the roadtrip – did you get to snuggle Charlie too?
Well, I see how I rate. I live about 40 miles from PW and I don’t get to see Bossy. I am asked to drive to Dallas to see Bossy. Which is about six hours from me. Oh well, I knew how I rated anyway. Just confirmation. Yeah. ‘Course I don’t blame her. Let’s see PW or Junebug? Hmmmm……easy choice.
SQUEE! You made it to P-Dubs!
oh my god oh my god oh my god you are at p-dub’s. oh my god. bossy and p-dub together! my head is exploding! two of the awesomest of the awesome in the same place!
Gorgeous shot! See you Monday night.
(“Hiya Bossy’s daughter”) Did that sound all Texan and stuff?
I thought BOSSY wasn’t coming to Oklahoma? Now this Oklahoma girl is sad.
Hi Bossy’s Daughter!
It’s a little surreal to see a photo of one blog I visit on another blog! And very cool at the same time (indeed, it reminded me that PW was how I found Bossy in the first place, when Bossy put a link to her photoshop tutorial in a comment).
This is alittle surreal, Bossy and Pioneer Woman. Wow.
What fun.
Bossy daughter, be proud of mama. She will be home soon. Bossy’s making history.
Hi Bossy’s Daughter! Thank you for sharing your mom!
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Wow, PW, MM, Punks, and LB. I find it awfully brave of you to visit when the calf nuts are flinging. Kudos!
SHUT UP!! You got to meet Ree live and in person? I am so stinkin, freakin jealous of you right now! Bossy and Ree in one geographical location… I cannot even imagine the fun and sarcastic banter we are in for.
Man I am so jealous right now.
HI, Bossy’s daughter!! 🙂
Also, I love that photo of the girls and the horse. It’s a great shot and also a little iconic- I know many girls (including my mom and sister) who went through long and devoted “horse phases.” Girls and horses- such a lovely combination! 🙂
I had to double-check my google reader to see if I was reading a post from Bossy or from P-Dub! That was a weird moment. Love you both! And, totally jealous that you’re hanging with the punks. I love those punks.
You lucky girl! Say hi to Ree for all of us!
I wish I were there!!!! Dang, you and Ree together? What a grand time. Please, please, PLEASE post lots of pics!!!
Howdy, Bossy’s daughter!!!
Must elaborate at a later date.
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Now that is just too cool! 🙂
Anxiously awaiting pictures of the OK contingency! I bet the party is still going strong…sort of.
Ahh!! My favorite blogging worlds have collided! I hope the world doesn’t implode now….
It’s too bad you weren’t there on a calf nut day, but the fires look pretty fun too. Hope you’ll tell us what Ree made for dinner!
Awwww, lucky you! I bet you have a blast with that crew!
Well, ILLLLL bee.. Ding dong daddy–Bossy went to Rees. I cannot wait to hear all about it. Bossys such a lucky fucker..
Hi bossys daughter!
coastal nest
I am not talking to you anymore. I’m too jealous! ;^P
Cool. Did you eat medium rare steak and cornbread with soup beans? Yum
Ohh, I’m so jealous.
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
“Hi Bossy’s daughter!”
Eat well, be merry, and enjoy them chaps.
I wonder if I can do an Excellent Road Trip….new cars to drive, and staying at Ree’s house….that alone would be worth it.
Have fun cowgirl!
i can’t believe you got to meet cowboy josh!
put up the picture of him that i KNOW you took!
Wow! How cool! Visiting with Ree and her crew. And then coming to St. Louis! I hope it stops raining before you get here—otherwise you may be floating into town. The first week of April is usually the most beautiful week of the year, but we are running a little late. Make sure you get to the Mo. Botanical Gardens whilst you are here. We are expecting a gorgeous weekend!
Safe travels, stay dry, and have a wonderful trip.
Hello to Bossy’s beautiful daughter!!
Wow, a stop at The Pioneer Woman’s ranch? AWESOME! I am so enjoying your road trip. Again, be safe and happy travels!
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Hey, I thinks it’s about time someone says “Hi” to Bossy’s beautiful son!
Wahoo! Congrats on a fabulous road trip! I rode my horse today… and one more to go for me!
You have got to give us all the glorious details about Ree and her ranch. I mean…more than the details she already gives us on her blog.
This was the whole reason for your road trip, wasn’t it? And you came up with the rest of it (other stops, Saturns, etc.) after that initial plan.
Like so many others have said, when you have time, a much longer post is in order.
Holy cow! er…make that Holy Cowboy!
My two most favorite bloggers together? I don’t think I can handle it. I can’t handle it! Oh my gawd!
Yeah, I saw Bossy taking pictures of Cowboy Josh over at PW’s. A lot of pictures. Some would say Bossy borders on voyeurism. Some would say Bossy has gone over the border. But not me!
I love horses, by the way.
Ride em cowgirl!
I have never had an envious bone in my body until this minute! Oh my gosh…are you sure you’ll be able to leave? I’d just stay there.
Please give Ree and MM a hug from Debbie in NC! Have fun Bossy!
Hi Bossy’s Daughter!!
So jealous, I forgot!
Hi Bossy’s beautiful daughter!!
Beautiful Glancy’s Mother
Road trip to finally get some Dooce Love???
Road trip to finally get some Dooce Love???
I am jealous!!
Hi Bossy’s daughter!
Bossy and P-Dub together! Must have been big fun!
I am sooooo jealous of you!
Cowboy Josh…….
Did you get a glimpse of Pesky Tim?
Are the man-asses as nice in person as they are in her pictures?
Inquiring minds want to know!!!
we expect a FULL REPORT on what it’s like at ree’s.
What fun! A meeting of great minds!
Hallo, Lil’ Bossy!
Wow… you are one busy and lucky woman!!! Enjoying your trip and very jealous of this stop (joining the ranks above). How come Australia isn’t on your itinerary?? Next time?? We would need more than a day here though…
Happy travelling
Bush Babe
This is a really great blog. Love all the pictures.