Kitchen The Best of the Best by Michele Cranston.
This mammoth book was a gift from Bossy’s dad last Christmas. It’s as big as a giant World Atlas, except its countries are things like Field Mushrooms on Puff Pastry, and Baked Salmon and Daikon Salad.
This coffee table book dressed as a cookbook with its floor-to-ceiling gorgeous photos is about keeping it simple. Fresh, easy ingredients as close to the original food source as possible.
It’s a great gift.
A Totally Intimidating Book!!
White & clean kitchen? … ummm no.
Fancy Kitchen Aid Mixer? ….nope.
Kids that would eat Daikon mushrooms? ….No!
I can only hope to aspire one day….
Ooohh! I want, WANT1
That’s not a great gift, that’s kitchen porn. I bet there’s a farmhouse sink somewhere in those pages, just beggin’ for it.
That amazing book has an AMAZING price! I expected it to be much more.
If Bossy’s Dad wants to give another one away, I promise to give it a good home.