On Friday afternoon, Bossy and her friend Martha didn’t play hooky and go to a free concert to see DeVotchKa, and then they didn’t sit in a train station after the show and drink, and they certainly didn’t have any fun.
And they most certainly didn’t hear this song:
Love love LOVE DeVotchKa! Saw them live at FloydFest.
I’m surprised they didn’t marry anyone.
I want to not play hooky that way.
Friday afternoon concerts? Those are the *best* start to a weekend!
What the fook is that woman playing? A tuba solar system?
I always get such cool music from you Bossy..
AHSJKAGDFAJHZZZZZZ I tried to get to this Free at Noon so very hard but I had a meeting that kept me in the office all day! I love love love DeVotchKa. Drat you, job! Drat drat drat! Was it as fantastic and intimate as I imagined it to be?
Wow. I love this! Why do I not know them? (Other than that we’re all opposite coast from you)? WOW!!!
Its a shame my dear..I didnt get to go with you.
Your just to suave and chic for me..this is special music, so nice to not hear the norm, but then…I dont come here for the norm now do I bossy girl.
coastal nest
Oh man…..I used to listen to them all the time when I worked in Boulder, CO. They actually got a fair amount of radio play there.
You would have been very lucky, if only you could have seen them!
Ooooh! This concert was the first thing that caught my eye on NPR.org this morning! And Bossy was there, which makes this reason #54,592 why I want to marry Bossy!
Bossy, you’re the Queen of All the Surface Streets!
Lucky Duck! I love DeVotchKa! You sure know how to not have fun!
DeVotchKa sounds like a brand of vodka. Are you sure you this isn’t what you drank at the train station?
My new favorite band. Thanks, Bossy!!!
And do you know how many friggin’ WEEKS I wandered through my life muttering… ‘Hey, I wanna know, man… WHY OH WHY… why do you treat me like a snowman?’ dada-uh, da-uh. My family almost changed the locks.
I would never fit inside one of those wrap-around horns. And, if I got in, I’d never get out.