It’s back. Bossy is of course talking about her Sunbeam Radiant Control Toaster, which died over the Thanksgiving holiday after a rigorous cleaning.
Or did it?
Enter Bossy’s friend Jim. Jim can fix anything, which includes cars, old radios, guitars, kid bicycles that have been run over by a certain someone’s Honda, and, apparently, vintage toasters.
But Bossy didn’t know her friend Jim was attempting to fix her beloved toaster, so while Bossy placed a personal ad for a new one, and incessantly bugged her readers to help decide which brand, Jim was busy toiling over the mechanics of the automatic carriage.
And when he was done, Jim cleaned the heating elements and polished the chrome and stuck it in a box on Bossy’s front porch, along with information about this website which proves Bossy’s vintage toaster obsession isn’t solitary.
Wait — this Favorite Thing isn’t about the Sunbeam Radiant Control Toaster!
No, today Bossy’s Favorite Thing is Jim.
All Bossy can say is thank gah she hasn’t been able to make even the smallest decision in a decade, and therefore hadn’t yet purchased a new toaster and was instead toasting things using her oven’s broiler.
Bossy is blessed with good friends.
I’m so happy you have your toaster back!
That is a beautiful thing. And I mean Jim too.
I feel like I’m becoming an old person when it comes to appliances. I don’t want anything new; I just want what I have to work. Good for Bossy’s friend for fixing her toaster.
A Toast! To Jim!
[sorry–couldn’t resist]
If you ever want a new toaster, check out the one halfway through this page:
LOVE your blog, btw! A great blend of photos, fun and snark.
vuboq *hearts* clever people who can fix things! bossy is super lucky to have such a great friend!
I’ve got a vintage coffee percolator that needs a bit of work. Can I borrow your Jim?
Can Jim fix my thinning hair or my lovely eye bags? If so, then he really IS my favorite thing!
Congrats on having a family member back, Bossy!
Oprah says the inability to make a decision is a sign of menopause.
Further evidence that there IS a website for everything. Thanks for the link. And, um, well, given what I’m seeing over there, you’d best get out your polishing cloth and treat yours a little nicer. More good karma in your toaster account might prevent further meltdowns.
It just shows true love does not waiver… Bossy loves HER toaster!
Thank You to Jim for his generosity of spirit & skill for Bossy!
I have fallen in love…with Jim.
Kate and I just married Jim.
I once caught sight of myself in the toaster as i was sneaking a swig of wine while my mother in law was visiting. I so wished I had a camera.
Bossy is so lucky to have a Jim.
I need a Jim. My beloved iron is on the fritz. I bought a new “Poverty Party” iron and it’s just not the same. I say bad words when I iron.
My folks have the exact Sunbeam toaster pictured in the link. They got it as a wedding gift over 50 years ago. My dad has kept that thing going. He said “When he has to get a new toaster, he gets to get a new wife.” I had to buy him a clunker on ebay so he could take it apart for parts. Bossy, has good taste!
What? No photo of Jim?
Jim Rocks. Last year I took a tour of Jims new amazing Toaster repair garage. Beautiful facility
My Sunbeam that is 55 years old died last year. My parents got it when they were first married. It was the best toaster. Toasted everything just right and the slots were big enough for bagels. I think I just needs a new cord, but that is what my Dad always took care of. It is hard to send a toaster to the big repair place in heaven. Oh Bossy thanks introducing us to Jim.
Everyone needs a Jim in their life.
Bossy has a way of accessorizing her living quarters year round with Christmas lights.
Love that you didn’t have to decide.
I have that problem also.
But what are you wearing?
The photo on the toaster link brought back a warm fuzzy — must have had one like that in my childhood.
Annnddd, look quickly, fellow Bossyphiles. There, just to the right of the plaid flannel and the camera lens: it’s perhaps our only viewing of the new Bossy Locks, that she went to someplace far away for and did a photodocumentary about the process but not the final product. Ta da!
OMG! I totally feel your toaster pain! I have a very similar model (from the website I learned that it is a T-35, a bit sleeker than your T-40) that my parents received as a wedding present 44(?!?) years ago. I have been told by college roommates, friends, guests, partners, etc that it only works for me — I believe it is all in the wrist. They cannot seem to make the toast disappear down in to the magic slot and rise again in to toasty tasty-ness. I hope that when my sturdy companion needs aid I can find a Jim to pump new life into culinary comrade!
And when the toaster naysayers have lured me down the appliance aisle at Target/William&Sonoma/etc I admit that I have glanced at other, new models but I have trouble believing that even the fanciest of them will make it 40+ years like the little Sunbeam. So I snort and go back to ignoring those who bad mouth my toaster. I hope that you will do the same!
Yours in Radient Controlled Bliss!
I *SO* admire anyone who can fix stuff. Big bear hugs to Jim!
Wait…you guys don’t know Jim? Jim, yeah he does these amazing repairs…but he also plays guitar to die for, can go inside a corporate boardroom and bring it to it’s knees with smartness, cooks….on and on.
Have a problem? pick Jim’s brain.
I had a vintage 1952 baby blue comet typewriter in college. My professors were not fans and I was begrudgingly dragged into the world of computers by a particularly finicky English professor.
Stay true to your toasters.
That website on toasters! WOW!! I had no idea. There is a link there for people who REALLY love their toasters. It says “Dating Your Toaster”….bossy might want to look into that. Toaster as new husband?
I love Jim…. and his car….. and his cigars…. and his fix everything like my Grandpa could!
i think i’m in love with jim.
here in Michigan, near Detroit, we have a restaurant called “Toast” and not only do they make the best Grand-Marnier flavored French Toast in the world?
The entire place is decorated with vintage toasters.
Forget the dang toaster people – don’t you LOVE Bossy’s HAIR???
Looks great!!