See her? It’s Rachel Zoe, and Bossy had this fabulous post all written today about Rachel Zoe and her ridiculous newsletters. And it was the funniest thing Bossy has ever written. And Bossy can tell you that now, with confidence, because you will never be able to read it.
Not only was the post funny, it was perfectly on time, which means the East Coasters who rise at six in the morning would’ve had a fresh post awaiting them — and the West Coasters who arise at three, and even those people who awake at midnight and other hours like ten and four and seven, all of that, you would have been able to read this amazing Bossy post which featured items like this:
And it had other things like this, and sister mercy the joke Bossy made about fossils? Hilarious!
And you wouldn’t believe the way Bossy tied it all together with this:
But now Bossy is too heartsick to rewrite the post which was the best ever. And speaking of heartsick, you may wonder why this best ever post was eaten by WordPress — and you may wonder what WordPress even is.
WordPress is this place that houses blog material, even though it’s not a place and it doesn’t really house anything. WordPress is Bossy’s blog host, even though it’s not actually a host. So every day, or is that everyday, Bossy goes to this (not) place to write a post, even if when Bossy says every day she actually means the very late night following a Flyers game.
Do you understand?
And last night Bossy did exactly this, except when she woke up this morning, poised to hit publish, where hit isn’t really hitting but rather pressing a link, suddenly her blog post reverted to a very unfinished version from last night.
Also, Bossy’s frustration has nothing to do with the fact that last night Bossy never once bothered to hit save draft, and it has nothing to do with the fact that Bossy no longer backs up her work. Because backing up your work and saving it as draft are so first child, and Bossy has been at this long enough to treat her blog like a second or even a fourth or ninth child.
Oh, and it may interest you to know Bossy did try to rewrite this amazing post word for word. Yes. Following the events of this morning, she packed up her computer and her power cord and her headphones and her camera card and her lost mind and she went to the sweet little coffeehouse in Bossy’s neighborhood, and there she rewrote her post.
No she didn’t, because they had no internet this morning.
So please excuse Bossy for this late, empty post. It would have been terrific. Also, there’s a possibility it wasn’t WordPress’ fault. The end.
Wait. WordPress automatically saves drafts periodically, Bossy. You’re saved! Go check your drafts!
Of course, whatever is in your drafts had better damn well live up to this hype!
So first child…perfect analogy.
See I only have two children, and won’t have more which means I will always be an uptight blog mom.
People have been telling me for five years that I’m crazy to compose my posts in my WP dashboard instead of writing them in Notepad or whatever and saving them. A couple of times I have accidentally clicked new PAGE instead of new post, could that have been it? Did you check for an auto-save? I feel your pain, truly.
Miss Britt and Elizabeth are right, WordPress saves a draft copy of your post like every 10 minutes or so while you’re working… MAYBE it’s still safe?
If not, I feel your pain and send you gentle hugs and a can of whoopass for WordPress.
I hate it when that happens! Though, I usually lose my awesome posts before they ever leave my brain. I swear there is genius in there. Somewhere.
–>I claim this every time I post so the expectations are lower for my 2 regular readers.

Only Bossy could conjure up such a fun & funny post about … how she was going to post something else!
P.S. I am blessed with three little treasures, and the third child is so not the first!
Huh???? Backup? What’s backup??
Important thing is—-Flyers—it ‘aint over till it’s over!!!!!!!
Even if you never rewrite or recover the Perfect Post, could you at least explain the fossilized Barbie pants? They look like they were molded onto a very constipated Barbie doll.
You are allowed to use Word and create posts locally on your machine (with no internet access), then cut and paste to post.
Odd, I tried to post a comment on a blogspot blog earlier, and got a message that “Blogger is not available at this time”? Maybe WordPress and Blogger ran off together?
Oh, la, I feel your pain. I wrote something that was basically my beating heart on the screen, but I accidently selected the whole post instead of the one word I wanted to change at the end, and somehow disappeared the entire thing.
After my tears dried and I had stopped all the profane mutterings, I upgraded to a more recent version of wordpress that autosaves everything, where you can revert back to multiple versions. Problem solved.
Good luck, sistergirl. And I’m sorry I don’t get to read BOSSY on ZOE.
Those darn Flyers.
I am bummed that we can’t see the very funny post, because the “Zoe Report” is the funniest newsletter ever in the history of newsletters, because sometimes it features the $6400 designer leather cargo pants you pictured up there. I read that newsletter every day and just LAUGH AND LAUGH. Seriously, I DIE. It is B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
Are those Zombie pants, or what?
Do you date? You have to meet my parakeet, Spike, who right now is taking a dip in the fishbowl. Hold on… what’s that?…he says he’s available Friday night.
Will Johnson, Editor
News You Can Ruse
At least the very Bossy photoshop portrait was not destroyed–’cause those are my faves.
Saddest story EVER
I reckon it’s the goodlordbabyjesus’ way of telling you that too much Rachel Zoe is not good for the soul.
the end.
If only the local coffee house had internet I’d be reading that lost post now.
How sad and me curious.
To keep me from sadness like that, I use the Lazarus add-on for Firefox that can retrieve anything you write into the internet.
Blogger blocked me all day yesterday. I hate when that happens, because like you, it was the best day ever!
I haven’t heard anything about Rachael “I litralee die” Zoe in so long I thought she had just faded away like a froth on a Starbucks latte.
Then I hear that Bossy had issues so no Zoe report. Damn Bossy’s Issues!! Hope everything works out.
Even if wordpress would give Bossy back the entire post and reiumburse her $800 and a cup of coffee, I imagine that for Bossy this topic is SO Earlier-This-Week that she wouldn’t choose to go there. Unless she’s needing caffeine.
This brings to mind, dear Bossy, being in a country that would lose power without warning. Even though I knew about that whole power thing, I failed to regularly back up my fixin-to-be-email files on Word, until the time that a long, extremely marvelous one was suddenly eaten up by the country of ____’s faulty infrastructure and it was lost, woe was me, lost.
reumburse = reimburse.
You knew I meant to type that.
WordPress Ate Bossy’s Post and Bossy Is Despondent |